Chapter 474- Proof

Berirock was unable to respond, he glanced at the orc king and getting the cue, he pressed the other party with more arguments.

"Seems like we are getting nowhere. I'm glad to know that my fellow generals are concerned about this matter. However, why not drop this issue for now and discuss the other topics at hand? Maybe we will arrive at a decision about this matter later" Berimond offered.

The orc king accepted the proposal, and nodded towards his general who moved onto the next topic. A couple of minutes passed by like that with various topics being raised. Just when it seemed like the meeting will come back to the issue of deployment of the army, Berigard tapped on the desk to gather the attention of everyone around.

"What is it? It's not your turn to raise an argument now" Berirock stated displeased by how Berigard acted.