Chapter 493- Berigard Vs Giz-Mogo (4)

In any case, the attack if connects was sure to do its job. The skill used by Giz-Mogo was called [Force bomb] for a reason and that reason was none other than the explosion the skill created in the aftermath similar to a bomb. 

The radius of the explosion might not be much when compared to AOE magics. However, it was equivalent in might to a powerful AOE advanced magic.

The [Force Bomb] approached Berigard and when it made contact with the [Mana Aura] around him, it detonated expelling every bit of aura condensed inside it around Berigard.

BOOOOMMM…  there was a bright crimson flash and then moments later came the sound that was so thundering that it could be heard from hundreds of miles away.

The earth cried and a terrifying shockwave that travelled through the ground, hit all of the participants present in the war even blowing many of them away.