Chapter 614- Demon Earl (2)

The man who didn't even move an inch or shown any emotions all these months, was suddenly twitching and squirming like that. Although the valkyries didn't know what happened, looking at his facial expression, they could tell that he was in extreme pain.

Seeing Simon like that, the Valkyries felt as if their heart was being pierced by thousands of blades, making them unable to contain themselves.

If it wasn't for Irene stopping them, they wouldn't know what to do anymore. 

Looking at them like that, Irene released a deep breath of sigh and explained Simon's current situation. Although others might not be able to understand, but Irene had accurately seen what sort of state Simon was in and what these changes meant.

As expected, after she explained the reason behind their master's current behaviour, the significance it held and what it meant to be disturbed, they instantly calmed down.  That being said, it was not like all their worries had disappeared.