Chapter 718- Weapons from the Kingdom of Blackthorn

That said, even though this was a prison, he had remodelled it with simple yet comfortable living quarters. Equipped with beds, basic furnishings, and even a few amenities that could be deemed luxurious in a dungeon. A juxtapose with its purpose.

Beyond the level 1, the prison grew more severe and ominous. Deeper levels delved into subterranean recesses, revealing narrow corridors lined with thick cell doors. The air in these corridors was heavy with the weight of desperation and despair.

Prisoners, criminals, and intruders who had committed grave offences and were not deemed deserving of swift death, were incarcerated here. The place had numerous scary tools designed and aimed to break the spirit of those trapped within, subjecting them to isolation, darkness and torture forever.

This undercover prison was not Simon's personal creation, but rather the work of his Valkyries and other subordinates of his.