Chapter 750- [Dark Infernal Blaze]

However, as the Main Menu transmigrated with Simon to a new world, the [Shortcuts] option went a transformation of its own. Although its essence remained the same, its operation became more enigmatic.

The option became the bridge that gapped the possible with the impossible, a gateway to harnessing the extraordinary at a moment's notice.

The [Shortcut] option much like all the other options of the Main Menu, was no longer bound by the game's mechanics, and its interface had evolved into a canvas of infinite potential. It was as though it had adapted to the new world's rules, blending seamlessly with the fabric of reality.

It now harboured an extraordinary space within it, a mystical vault where Simon could store all of his skills, abilities, and magic. However, this wasn't just any storage; it was a place beyond the boundaries of conventional reality.