Chapter 773- Dungeon Overflow (2)

Blamenco explained with a heavy heart. One could see from his expression and his tone how desperate of a situation the Serene Palace Merchant Guild was after Cynthia's disappearance.

It could be said that the situation of the merchant guild was no different than the sinking ship. With the captain missing and several crewmates either switching ships or escape through lifeboats, he was amongst the few people loyal enough to still try and save the ship from sinking.

Cynthia looked at his old retainer, she could imagine what kind of hardship he had to go through. Meeting her today had rekindled the hope in him.

Nevertheless, it was a pity that she was unable to respond to his wishes. Things have changed drastically since then, it was not like before when she could give her all into managing the guild.

Right now, she was bound by a contract and no longer had as much free will as before.