Chapter 812- Night Of The Raid (4)

"Should we ask the mages to construct a magic shield around all of us?".

Blake's expression was equally ugly. To use the citizens of their city that they meant to protect as bait, the very idea was revolting. However, that said, since the moment they planned to raid the city, they expected for anything to happen.

The plan did not change, Her Highness ordered them to mow through everything be it soldier or civilian, they had the orders to cull down anyone. Perhaps, she had already foreseen such a development which is why she gave such a cold command.

No wonder, her figure looked so forlorn and sad. Since Her Highness had made her mind, there was no place for him to hesitate. He thought for a while before giving out his orders.

"No need, if we do that it will only slow us down. Plus it would deplete the mana of the mages much faster. We will plough through everything in our path… let's use that".

Saying that, he pointed up.