Chapter 882- Breaking The Allied Clans (2)

Due to his helmet, it was impossible to see his face. However, one thing was clear from the slight trembling of his body, he was furious.

A loss of level 600+ wasn't something that one could get over with in a day or two.

"Ah, I knew I would find you here" At this moment, a rustling noise sounded out followed by the appearance of Shasurna.

"Why are you here? I think I made myself clear when Gil-Garna came here. I said that I need some time alone… so get lost" Yverza was not in the mood to mind his language nor up for some small talks with his fellow king.

"Don't be like that, I know exactly how you feel. If you remember, I too lost my direct subordinate to this dungeon a couple of floors ago"

Shasurna did not mind Yverza's unfriendly behaviour and continued to move forward with his slithery tail. As he said, he knew exactly how Yverza felt since he too had lost a direct subordinate not too long ago.