Chapter 988- Caged

He needed to find a way to prevent these two forces from taking each other's lives.

Simon shifted his gaze to the silver-haired man. If Itherion's name struck a chord, Vincent's rang a bell of its own. Although the man didn't have a surname like the other guy, his name was no small deal either.

His thoughts drifted back to a couple of years ago when he was still naive enough to believe in befriending humans. Back then, he had been relentlessly hunted by the Kingdom of Ellesmere—so much so that Adalinda herself had to intervene.

Realising her immense might, one of the rankers had tried to use the reputation of the Adventurers' Association to intimidate her. But to his disappointment, far from being intimidated, she was not even fazed. She was the same haughty, insufferable being that she was.