chapter 4

Finally it was friday meaning tomorrow was Saturday. No school. And I get to hang out with my baby brother all weekend long. Also I had somehow managed to convince myself that the incident with Hunter had not happened just to save myself from the unreasonable sleepless nights, so I guess we can say I was feeling  good. 

Suddenly someone grabbed my eyes from behind and I almost thought i was being kidnapped but the person had really soft hands and the only female i talked to here was sierra so I took my lucky guess. 

"Sierra, take your paws off me oh I'll cut them off," I said with a smirk and she giggled. 

"Where have you been?" I asked because I hadn't seen her around since monday. 

"Paris with my aunt, how have you been ? I brought you goodies," she said. 

"Ohh sierra I really like you but if it's anything pink am gonna punch you i swear." I joked and she laughed. 

"Ohh silly, I had this feeling you are not big on clothes so I bought you a cake. The best chocolate cake in the whole of france." She said looking so happy. I swear this girl was like a puppy. You can't even be mad at her. It's like God took his time sprinkling sweetness all over her. 

"You don't like it?'' I heard her ask and then I realised I hadn't taken it. 

"Are you fucking with me, am all about food, gimme that," but before I could take it someone bumped into Sierra hard and the cake fell all over her dress. And my shirt. My favourite shirt

I looked up at the asshole that had done it and he was smirking at me. 

"Watch where you're going clown." He spat in Sierra's direction and turned to walk away but I grabbed his wrist before he could. I was so angry at this point I think there was smoke coming out of my nose and ears. 

"Apologise right now," I hissed and he laughed. 

"For the both of you thinking you own the whole goddamn hallway, nope I'll pass." 

"No, I would say for being a stupid, insensitive pig, but your apologies wont even make that go away, apologise for being rude to my friend and dropping my cake," i said, people were watching us and the guy was clearly enjoying the drama because he kept smirking. 

"And why would I feel bad about disrespecting a whores daughter. You don't even know your friend." He laughed and I saw Sierra's eyes tear up. What the actual fuck is up with the people in this school, who says that about someone?

"You have no right talking to her like that. In Fact you have no right talking to anyone like that."he looked shocked that i was still defending her and tried to pull his hand away but i held it tight.

 Ohh God lemme hope this doesn't end up in a fight. I'd hate to be suspended in my first week.

"Get your hands off me bitch," he yelled but I didn't even flinch. 

"Ohh what you're gonna hit me, bitch please, we both know you're too much of a coward to even dare, people like you get off insulting and demeaning others just to make your shitty soul feel better about yourself, you walk around flashing your 300 dollar shoes and polo shirts hoping it would make up for the fact that you're a shitty person with no actual class or manners for that matter, in reality it does not, it's sad that you think any of these people will give a fuck about you in the next five years, no one will, because you were too much of an asshole, whatever reasons you think you have to justify your actions, they're  not it, this is simply your inner ugliness manifesting itself through your behaviour and ill treatment of others, it's not them it's you, you're the asshole that wishes everyone was sadistic and disgusting as you but fortunately they're not so your ego bruised  leads your stupid ass to say and do such remorseful thing to decent people, honestly it's sad to watch." 

I turned around and  walked away with Sierra following closely behind me

Sierra pulled me in for a tight hug the minute we were in the washrooms and I realized she was crying, hysterically at that. 

"Sierra are you okay?" I was very confused at her reaction. 

"Yeah, it's just, no one has ever stood up for me honestly, thank you, you're a great person Lia," 

I beamed at her. "Now that my cake is all over my clothes, not inside my stomach, you owe me sierra." 

She giggled "ohh i know. You and your food," she said, shaking her head and following me out of the bathrooms. 

"Where are you going? We have economics last period." 

"I dunno about you, but chocolate is not a nice look for class," i said and she stopped in her tracks

"You mean we're skipping." 

I nodded and she literally squealed while hugging me so tight I couldn't breathe. 

"Paws off sierra you're choking me," i said 

"Omg omg lia it's just i've never skipped, omg omg what are we gonna do. Am so excited my face hurts." She cradled her face in her palms.

"No sierra your face hurts cause you smile too much," i said and she giggled but followed me out of the school talking about everything and i mean everything. 

I decided since I knew nothing about L.A, Sierra was going to show me all the eating places within this  hour before I had to pick up my little brother but she made us stop at the mall first because we didn't look decent.  We were "moving chocolate bars," her words not mine. I respect chocolate too much to complain. 

"Sierra dear... what happened to your dress and who's this gorgeous lady with you," a lady at the counter of the store we walked into cooed and smiled at both of us. 

"Aunt Perry, this is my best friend lia , ohh and some jock thought it would be funny to embarrass me by throwing my cake all over us. Lia put him in his place though." She said and I blushed,  among so many things I hated. I hate being praised I always felt like it put me under the spotlight And am no fan of the spotlight