chapter 16

I hate school. I hate school so much that's why when me and my brother had the house all to ourselves we went full out irresponsible. 

Swang by rae sremmurd blasted out of our speakers as we danced around the kitchen throwing popcorn at each other and eating a good old homemade pizza. 

"You promised you'd teach me how to make pizza." JJ said with a mouth full of pizza.

"And I will. Se paciente." (Be patient) I said and he growled. 

"And you also said you'd teach me more spanish," he complained and I smirked. He could understand a little spanish but he couldn't really speak it. He had trouble pronouncing certain words but for an 8 year old he was really good. 

"todo a su debido tiempo mi amor" (all in due time my love)

"Show off ," he said and threw popcorn at  his head, making him laugh loudly.

"Do you think Hunter is excited for Wednesday, it's our first day of practice? '' I almost choked on my food when he said that. 

I hadn't really told him that Hunter was an egocentric asshole that only cares about his dick and I didn't want JJ anywhere near him simply because the boy was too excited.

Everytime he would talk about practice on Wednesday he'd get all bright eyed and bushy tailed. And I simply didn't want to be the one to tell him.

Anyway I had decided that I would simply call Dylan and Sierra over so it could be the four of us instead, the more the merrier right.

I finally put him to bed after we had cleaned the kitchen and eaten our dinner. 

"I miss dad," he whispered as I kissed him goodnight. 

"Me too," i said sincerely 

"Can we go visit him this year," we were five hours away from where he was buried and his anniversary was getting closer. 

I simply nodded, afraid I would cry if I tried to speak and he hugged me. 

"I love you LJ," he said and I smiled. 

"Te amor JJ," I whispered and he rolled his eyes.

"Stop showing off," he said, making me laugh before I left his room. 

I was in bed trying to make myself comfortable for sleep and as it began creeping up on me, my phone rang. And I growled in frustration.

"Dylan, it's 11 on a school night, what could you possibly want from me," I asked. 

"He didn't know," he said 

"What do you mean he didn't know? Who are we talking about?" I asked confused 

"Hunter didn't know about the whores gay shaming me with their other devils," my eyes widened at his statement. 

"What do you mean he didn't know? The whole school knew." 

"It's not really a shocker you know. He skipped last period that day and he's  Hunter, lia, the guy talks to no one from school literally. I can't believe we went full ape on him when he didn't know, i feel bad" 

"How do you know he didn't know? He could be lying." I said praying to God that i was right, guilt was a feeling I couldn't leave with that's why I couldn't lie or pretend for too long. 

"He came and asked me what happened, and he even asked me why i didn't tell him, he then apologised for not having my back," 

"Omg Dylan I feel awful, what do I do?" 

"You apologise, dahh, you're  only human, you get pissed and say things too you don't mean, just be sincere," he said. 

After talking to him I went back to bed and closed my eyes but I couldn't sleep. My brain was consumed by Hunter Daniels. Omg i messed up badly.

The next day I was a girl on a mission. I was going to apologise to Hunter and hope to the heavens he doesn't hate me. I said a lot of mean things yesterday. I wouldn't be shocked if he did. 

If i were him I'd probably hate me too. 

Hunter avoided me like a plague all day so I decided I'd pull him into the janitors closet after classes because he always passed there to go to his locker. 

And just according to plan he began walking past the closet but I pulled him in and shut the door.

"What the fuck Lia? I was going to fuck you up" He exclaimed looking horrified his fist raised. 

"You're avoiding me so you left me with no other choice ," 

"Did it occur to you that i probably don't want to talk to you thats why am avoiding you?" 

"I know you don't want to talk to me but listen. Am so sorry for the shit i said, i honestly thought you knew and..,"

"And chose Marisa over Dylan." He completed for me 

"If you go for the blunt way then yeah that's what i thought." 

"You actually think if i had known about the stunt they had pulled i'd actually defend them, i thought they were apologising for painting you blue. Is that the kind of person you think I am Lia." 

" no Hunter. I was just standing up for my best friend. They really hurt him and seeing you non reactive that way it hurt that you weren't standing up for your brother and were believing that skank who by the way only apologized so she could get her way with you," i said not really caring if i was crossing a line. I was being as sincere as possible. 

He looked at me with scrutinising eyes and I shivered. Maybe because he was quiet for too long.

"Hunter I don't know you at all, and it was wrong of me to judge you like that. I am really sorry. And I'll understand if you don't want to do the dance with me and JJ or ever talk to me,  I completely get it. I messed up am sorry. I just wanted you to know that" I said in one breath avoiding his eyes

"  Am mad at you but it's not even about what you said yesterday."he looked flustered and I realized he was standing really close to me, my heartbeat started to go faster. Why does everything with him have to be so intense? 

"Why..?" I asked breathlessly. 

"I dont know, I don't fucking know," he was staring right into my eyes, he's right hand stroking my cheek. I could see the conflict in his eyes but I saw desire as well, he wanted me, but why was he fighting it.

My hands went around his neck faster than I could think of what I was doing embracing him in a tight hug. 

My body warmed up the moment his hands came around my waist. I felt all giddy inside. The butterflies in my stomach were having a fucking parade. But I didn't want to let go. I knew this wasn't helping me get over him, hell I wasn't sure if I wanted to get over him and  my body selfishly didn't want to let go. His hands traveled up and down my back and I whispered his name. But with the breathiness in my throat it sounded like a moan.

My eyes snapped the moment it happened and I pushed back frantically. He was blushing and he looked away from me.

"I have to go pick up. JJ. Uhmm see you tomorrow. Uhmm wear something you'd work out in and be on time  he takes these things really seriously. Okay bye ``I blurted out  and ran out of there as fast as I could.