chapter 18

The rest of the night went smoothly after Hunter dropped his question. JJ had joined us for dinner and somehow we ended up having a great time.

It was 10 now and the rain didn't look like it was anywhere close to done, if anything it looked more aggravated than earlier. JJ had started dozing off and Hunter asked if he could put him to bed to which I said yes. Making it a point to eavesdrop just in case JJ decides to spill my embarrassing little secrets, he has a tendency of doing that. 

Hunter and JJ were talking in hushed murmurs so I couldn't make out what they were talking about but whatever it was it seemed to be really captivating. Fuck it am going in. 

"What are you two murmuring about? JJ you're supposed to be sleeping,'' I said as I walked in and they averted their eyes to me. 

JJ rolled his eyes. "Whatever mum," 

"Don't sass me kiddo go to sleep before i pull out your baby album," I smirked and he slumped in his bed. Works every time.

"So I'll see you tomorrow," JJ asked Hunter and he laughed. 

"Definitely," Hunter replied and JJ looked at me.

"You won't be my best friend much longer," he joked and I threw one of the pillows on the ground at his head before attacking his belly and tickling him like crazy.

"take it back," I demanded 

"I take it back, I take it back" he pleaded and I stopped, still smirking at him 

"Goodnight JJ," I leaned down, giving him a kiss on the cheek as he said it back. 

I tucked him in and walked out of his room with Hunter trailing behind me. 

I showed him to his room, making sure to show him where the towels and extra blankets were. 

"That's your bathroom if you need to take a shower, I guess that's it my room is the last one down this hall in case you need something," I concluded looking around for anything I haven't given instructions on, he nodded while taking in the room. 

"Thanks," he looked at me. 

I looked at him

Our eyes met and I stopped breathing for a while. 

"Well, I'll leave you to it then," I say, breaking our trance, he's eyes dropped to the ground like he was fighting his own thoughts and I took that as my cue to move out. 

I walked to my room trying to steady my breath, everything with him is always so intense.

I leaned back against the door and blushed in my hands, it was crazy that I was feeling like this, this feeling is just too consuming I can barely explain it. 

He might need something to wear after he showers. I thought and I walked over to my closet where I keep most of my Father's things. 

I picked out a pair of worn  grey sweatpants and a black Beatles tshirt. My heart clenched a bit, I had never shared these clothes with anyone except dad. I shook my head nonetheless and walked back to his room to hand him the clothes. 

After knocking three times and getting no response, I concluded that he was in the bathroom and I could just leave the clothes on the bed. 

I opened the door and walked to the large rustic designed bed with white covers and I put the clothes I was Carrying on it.

I turned to walk out before Hunter made a reappearance but unfortunately the door to the bathroom which was directly in front of me was unlocked at that exact moment, revealing a pretty much naked Hunter with only a towel hanging dangerously loose around his torso. 

I let out a low squeak and turned around immediately. 

"Sorry, I am so sorry, I was just dropping off some clothes for you." 

"It's okay," he was standing directly behind me now, his breath fanning my ears leaving my skin filled with goosebumps.

His right hand came around me, picking up the sweats and tshirt and standing a little further so that he could put them on without making me uncomfortable. 

"You can turn around now," he announced and I did. My dad's clothes fit him perfectly, Hunter wasn't just a boy anymore, he was a man. His big  and tall frame stood beautifully next to the bathroom door. He looked fresh  from his shower, his hair still a dump and falling in his face in a very sexy way. 

"Take a picture lia. It lasts longer." He said while smirking  at me. I scoffed 

"Contrary to what you might think, I've seen better Hunter Daniels," I rolled my eyes to make my lie more believable, of course I haven't seen better. 

"Well I am going to leave you to sleep then, goodnight." I trail and start walking out but he grabs my hand stopping me in my tracks.

I looked at him, my face a mixture of confused, nervous and excited, what was he doing. 

His eyes were watching me but he didn't say anything for a while. 

"This is irresponsible because we have school tomorrow but I sort of don't want to sleep, do you want to watch a movie?" He asked and my heart started to race, Hunter Daniels will be the fucking death of me.

"Uhmm sure, yeahh, can I wash up first though?"

"Yeah, sure, definitely," he smiled like he didn't expect me to actually agree, I smiled back. 

"Give me ten minutes and I'll be back with my laptop,'' I said, rushing to my  room for a quick shower. 

I made my way to the bathroom. As soon as I entered my room, Washed my face and  started brushing my teeth and somehow while doing that my brain sort of wandered to my dad. 


"Are you alright mi'ja," daddy asked 11year old me. 

"Yeahh, just missed mummy, when do you think she's coming back," I asked and daddy frowned a bit. 

"I donno mi'ja... but she will. You're her daughter and she loves you. She loves your brother too." I nodded when I thought of my 10months old brother. Mom had left 5months after she gave birth to him and she hadn't told us. I had a feeling dad knew but he wouldn't tell me. He looked sad almost all the time these days and it broke my heart. 

"Listen mi'ja take this .. it belonged to your grandma rose.. everytime you feel lonely or you need someone to talk to and am not around you talk to her okay," he said while handing me the necklace and I nodded. 

He hugged me tightly and I had a feeling he was holding back more than he let on but I was only ten  there's not much I could do. 

"Te amor bambino," he whispered.


I felt my eyes water a bit and my heart ached. I knew what was happening and I didn't want it to happen now, I closed my eyes and counted to 10 trying to stop the memories from resurfacing. But it wasn't helping, am not sure what had triggered them but they were coming down strong. 

An image of my bonny father lying in a hospital bed, singing sweet September to me appeared and I fell on the floor. I couldn't breathe, and the tears were streaming down my face uncontrollably. 

I wanted to reach for my tablets but I didn't have it in me. I felt everything from a year ago, all that pain and depression and anger came creeping up in me like it never left. I just stayed on the floor crying my eyes out and thinking of how I'd give anything to have him back .

I don't know how long I was on my bathroom floor crying my eyes out that was until I heard Hunter knocking, I must have been  down a long time if he had come to get me, I momentarily debated going on and watching the movie with him but I wouldn't be able to hide my puffy eyes and red nose. He'd notice I had been crying. 

"Hey Lia, did you sleep off, can I come in," he asked.

"Uhmm, no, Hunter I don't feel so good. Can we call it a night? I have a migraine," I said weakly hoping I might convince him to just leave me alone. 

"Are you sure you don't need me to help you with anything, you don't sound so good," he said from outside my door. 

I could picture him leaning against my door with a worried expression on his face, the thought made me smile but I also wanted to cry. 

"Yeah.. yeah I'll be okay Hunter, I just need some sleep, I'll see you in the morning," I said, struggling to keep my voice strong, deep down I just wanted to burst out and cry and I didn't even know why. 

He was quiet for a while, probably debating whether to insist on seeing me to make sure I am okay or to let me be. He chose the latter.

"Okay, sleep well Lia." And then I heard his heavy footsteps walk away. My tears streamed out and my low whimpers were making it hard for me to breathe. 

I Was the one who wanted him to leave. I asked him to leave, so why am I crying, why do I wish he just broke down the door and just picked me up. This is frustrating.

I want my dad back.