chapter 20

My body was relaxed in the water, I knew exactly where I was but in my head,i saw an ocean, an cerulean ocean, with wonderful palm trees besides it dancing to the mellow tunes of the wind, my right hand lifted over my face shading my eyes from the rays of the overzealous sun. 

I smiled at the view, it was calm, the type of calm that held a secret, the type that harboured  lovers' secret rendezvous, a beauty like poetry. 

I sighed a deep sigh, then the waters stirred, ever so gently but I felt them, the sound of the ripples around me enough to wake me from this breathtaking fantasy place. 

My eyelids began to flatter, eyes opening slowly just to meet with awake forest green ones, I didn't have time to admire the green of them for I saw the angst they carried. My expression turned to a confused one as to why Hunter's face was so close to mine.

In the distance I could hear footsteps and he mouthed "do you trust me" to which I nodded back assuring him of something I am not sure of. 

"Hold your breath" he mouthed again and snaked his hand around my waist making me gasp. 

His eyes held mine in a rather intimate style, the water around us slowly rising until we were both fully unwrapped in the warmth of it. 

"There's no one here" a woman's voice spoke from the surface, clearly missing Hunter and I. And then her light footsteps were heard walking away which was our cue to come back to the surface. 

I don't know why, but I found myself muffling a laugh when we could finally breathe normally to which he joined. 

"That was close," he spoke and I nodded

"We should go…" he lengthened his sentence asif remembering something not so pleasant

Worry was etched  on my face,"what's  wrong?" I asked. 

"I didn't get us towels. '' My eyes widened at that revelation. How could he forget the towels, I didn't want to walk around with wet clothes, the weather wasn't as lovely today we could get sick 

"We could just sneak into my room, it's across the hall, we can get there without being caught" he rushed his statement noticing the murderous look on my face. 

"How could you forget the towels?" I palmed my face.  "And how the hell are we going to get across the hall in our underwear, what if that lady that came in earlier sees us, this is embarrassing," I whisper yelled and he smirked 

"This is not funny Hunter" I hit the back of his head. 

"You're cute when you're flustered," he smiled and I froze my whole face, turning a deep shade of red.

Hold up, is Hunter Daniels flirting  with me, I shook my head to get rid that thought, I should not think that when we are tying to become friends so I did what any sane person would do in my situation, I hit the back of his head, a little too hard  that he had to rub the sore spot and make a face at me. 

"Get out first, there's no way I am letting you see me in my underwear," he rolled his eyes at my statement but complying with my request nonetheless. 

A little too instantaneously if I may add because I had not prepared myself to see Hunter's underwear clad butt, I didn't even have it in me to react, my eyes stayed shamelessly glued to the man's beautiful posterior. 

I shook my head violently forcing my darn hormone driven body to snap out of it. I stood up moments after him and moved to stand behind his lean frame  as he scouted through the crack of the door for any signs of human life. 

"We can go now" he whispered but didn't turn around, which I was grateful for. 

He opened the door wider and with our clothes in his arms, we began tiptoeing across the hall. 

My heartbeat sounded like it was out to get me at the rate it was thumping and how loud at that. I closed my eyes for a moment and tried to relax but all that was forgotten when I heard footsteps coming our way. 

My eyes snapped open and Hunter must have heard them too because he stopped abruptly, ears perked and attentive for any sound. 

Then, like lightning, Hunter's hands were around me dragging me into this little closet that could barely fit Hunter in, just imagine the both of us. My eyes were wide, my heart thundering and every part of my skin connected to his. There was no space. We were basically one in this moment, like sausages frozen and squashed against each other  in a pack.

"Your heart is beating crazy fast," he whispered looking down at me, his hands still wrapped around me. 

And asif on cue a  hiccup escaped from my mouth. He smirked at that.I couldn't even look away, this was majorly  fucked up. 

He leaned his head a little lower so that his nose was almost touching mine. 

"I make you nervous," It wasn't a question and I swallowed at the sound of his voice. 

His hands began tracing up my back and breathing became hard, and this is going to sound odd, but I wanted to cry. 

I wanted to cry because if he kept doing this he was going to unveil an emotion I didn't want him to see. I didn't know how he would react if he saw it, I don't know how he would react if he pushed just enough and made me feel more than I already do. I wasn't ready for all that, I could never cope with his rejection, I dont have  the strength in me. 

This might all be playful flirting for him and a fun time, but I knew myself, I knew Lia Jenkins and she doesn't play games, Lia falls helplessly  and stupidly heads over heels in love. He wasn't  ready for that and neither was I, so I pushed the closet ajar  not caring that the person we were hiding from in the first place would see us and stepped out into the empty hallway.

"She's gone, come on" I spoke failing to meet his eyes and leading him to his bedroom, I mentally hit my head when I realised he had a good view of my body and on the day I ways wearing my winnie the pooh underwear, he coughed a bit to cover his laugh and my cheeks burnt some more, I would never out live this. 

I dried myself up as fast as I could, when we reached his room. I used his bathroom to change  and he used the  bedroom. I took off my wet underwear and placed them in the back of my Jean's and my bra in the waistband. I simply could not wear wet underwear, no shade to whoever can, I just can't. 

I put my oversized Shirt back on, making a face in the mirror when I realised my nipples were hard and very visible against my shirt.

I opened the door and poked my head out "can I borrow a hoodie?" 

He was in the middle of putting a couple of clothes away but he turned to look at me. 

"Sure" he threw a grey one at me, it was clearly not fresh, but it wasn't stinky dirty either as well, it just smelled like him, but I still wanted to make fun of him. 

"You gave me a dirty one, you stink Hunter" I said with a smile.

His eyes shifted to me and he gave me his meanest playful glare as he walked closer to where I was, something he really should stop doing because he might kill me one day.

Then out of the blue he had his armpit over my head and I started whisper yelling  for him to let go. 

"Breathe it in Lia, the fabulous stench of manhood," he said and I finally pushed him off after a long ass struggle.  Men are savages, I rolled my eyes. 

"Am not going to even start on your caveman behaviour, let's just go." He laughed but followed me out and together we began our sneak out. 

We had gotten as far as the staircase, we were so close to the safe zone, I could see the door that stood between us and a good day without being caught for skipping school.

Lost in a moment of over excitement we both rushed to get to the door completely forgetting to look if there was someone in the living room and just as Hunter's hand connected with the pretty crystalline doorknob, we heard a voice. 

"Hunter, leaving so fast, wont you and your guest join us for lunch," a man spoke  and my whole body shut down.  We are so screwed.