

"Thank you. Come again!" Corinne says to the customer after he paid for the goods he brought from Congee Mini Mart, the convenience store she is working at.

Sighing, she taps on the cashier counter table as she is left alone again, only the soft melody music was being sounded all over the store. Corinne Fallen is working as a part-time sales clerk on the graveyard shift. It is a tough job but she needs this since she has to pay her rent for this month.

Her landlady keeps on bombarding her to pay the rent of her flat as soon as possible. If she doesn't make it to pay by the end of the month, she will be forced out to live in the streets. She hisses on that thought. She attends two part-time jobs while the other job she is attending the later afternoon is being a waitress in a restaurant.

Payday is so close, Corinne. Endure this hellish job... She sighs, uttering to calm herself. She can't possibly panic right now. Although it is scary to be a sales clerk on the graveyard shift, she has to endure it even though it is located in an almost isolated place. Rumors she heard that some swindlers are lurking around the area. Additionally, she needs to stay in this store until 5 AM.

So far, she hasn't experienced being burglarized in the store she is working at. She is thankful for that. She stretches her arms and gets out from the counter to check the goods displayed on their shelves. She has to keep her sanity at bay because she is the only one right here in the store. She has no one to talk to and only a few people visit the store at this hour.

She checks the shelves to see if there is needed to refill in some sections. After checking, she returns to the counter and waits there. She inspects her wristwatch and smiles upon seeing that thirty minutes are left before she can skedaddle from her work. She just needs to wait for Mia and Noah to come here to log in.

Yawning, she fixed her posture when a new customer came in. "Good morning!" She greets the male customer on his hooded jacket. He goes to the liquor section and Corinne just waits there, looking at the CCTV monitor. She is a bit anxious but she keeps it cool as she patiently waits for the customer to come forward to the cash counter where she is settling.

Corinne watches the man pacing back and forth in front of the liquor shelves. She sees how his hands keep on caressing by pressing them together. Sighing calmly, she grabs the telephone and carefully watches him so that if anything goes wrong, she will call 911 immediately.

With a heavy breath, when the man takes a case of canned beer from the fridge, she can't help but get the pocket knife she hid on her side. She knows about the saying don't judge the book by its cover but she can't help but get nervous.

One wrong move from him and I will slice him out... I think. She says, unsure. She knows the fundamentals of martial arts but only she remembers it when she was in her first year on their Physical Education subject.

"Good morning!"

Her eyes darted to the glass door automatically opened. Her heart is at ease when Noah arrives, waving at her. She hides her knife in her pocket and smiles at him.

Corinne looks at the time. It is already 4:39 AM. "Good morning, Noah. You arrive... so late?" She grins as Noah checks into the biometric time clock.

Noah chuckles. "You consider that late? Hilarious!" He shakes his head and goes to the locker room.

She sighs in relief and sees the man placed the case of can beer on the countertop. Corinne greets and smiles at the man before she punches the serial of the item.

"That would be 35.99 dollars, sir," Corinne says.

The man with a stony expression stares at her then he places his payment on the table. Corinne wants to smile wryly at him but she stops herself.

"Thank you! Come again!" The moment the man is out of her sight, she leans on the table and wipes the cold sweat on her forehead. She sighs again in relief.

"Something happened?"

Corinne turns at Noah and shakes her head. "Nothing," she lies. "I need to get going. I want to go home now and I want to sleep." She goes to the locker room, preparing to log out in the biometric clock. "Oh, by the way, Noah."


"Tell the boss that I have already rechecked the checklist she wanted me to do."

"Alrighty. Will inform her later."

She feels relief from that after logging out. She bids goodbye to him. She knows that Mia will arrive no later than the arrival time. Corinne looks up in the sky and sees the strong blue tone in the sky.

She smiles. "Blue hour, huh." The sun is about to rise in the east. She can't wait to go home now.

She takes the shortcut to her flat through the alley of big buildings after minutes of walking. This is her usual route every morning after her graveyard shift. As she is taking strides, she suddenly feels uneasy. She looks behind her when she feels like someone is behind her.

Her eyes widened upon seeing the man, her last customer, from the convenience store. "What—"

Her words are cut off as soon as the man covers her mouth and nose with a handkerchief that contains chloroform. Then, she feels something prick on her stomach. Turning her head at him, she pushes him away and touches her stomach when she feels pain in it.

Shit... I should have called 911 if this is going to happen to me... She steps back, blinking. Her vision is getting blurry but she manages to see the blood in her hand.

"Say goodbye to this world," the man says wickedly before he holds her hair and stabs her heart so many times.


In a place full of flowers and trees planted in an enormous garden called the Empress's Garden, an auburn-haired, purple-eyed gentlewoman is in the gazebo settling at the bistro set with a cup of green tea jasmine in her hand while watching the gardeners carefully trimming the bushes. She smells the fragrance of the tea before she gently takes a sip on it.

"Thank you for t-today's t-tea, Gertrude," the gentlewoman named Urduja Croimont says in a soft tone.

Gertrude, Urduja's lady-in-waiting, bows her head politely. "I'm glad Her Imperial Majesty likes it." Gertrude feels a soft caress from their Empress's words.

Urduja places the teacup in the saucer and contemplates from afar. "Has Alistair arrived yet?" she asks after a while.

Gertrude glances at her fellow three ladies-in-waiting of the Empress named Camila, Ingrid, and Polly, questioning them if they hear about the news of their Emperor's arrival. They shake their heads to some degree. Gertrude gulps before she speaks.

"My apologies, Your Imperial Majesty but until now, we haven't heard of the arrival of His Imperial Majesty in the palace." She chews her inner cheek, feeling agitated.

"I see..."

They panic as soon as they hear the dejected tone from Her Imperial Majesty. Urduja sighs and leans on her seat.

"W-We will inform you immediately as soon as His Imperial Majesty arrives, Your—"

"I'm good," Urduja cuts her off and smiles apologetically at Camila for cutting her off so suddenly.

Camila nods her head, sighing. The ladies-in-waiting tacitly look at each other. They want to make Empress Urduja happy even though the Empress has lost her favor from their Emperor Alistair.

Even if nobody from the empire will take her seriously, the ladies-in-waiting are there to be with her through ups and downs. They want to protect her from any harm and most especially, the concubines of the Emperor.

With the cold breeze with a hint of the sky that is going to shed tears, Urduja remains silent and feels sullen. Why does she still look for the Emperor if the Emperor never lays her eyes on her again? She smiles bitterly as she looks at her hands.

If only I could even unleash my magic armament, I wouldn't be looked down on by the court... Sighing, she feels useless.

Having low mana is not making her blessed. She is born with faint magic on her. She even lost her favor from the Emperor upon learning her health condition and being in a lower level of magic-user.

She is considered an incompetent Empress of Lucelence Empire not having her magic armament using her mana. She even has a tongue-tied condition that restricts her tongue's range of motion. She starts massaging her neck and shoulders, feeling sore.

Gertrude approaches her again. "Are you feeling sore again, Your Imperial Majesty?" she asks.

Urduja nods her head. Her tongue-tied condition is behind all of this sore she is feeling. Plus, as much as she wants to speak with these four ladies, she can't because the more she speaks, the more she experiences her tongue-tied condition. Polly approaches her and helps her to stand up.

"Shall we call the Imperial Physician, Your Imperial Majesty?" Polly asks, worried.

She looks at her and shakes her head. "I want t-to t-take a rest," she answers shortly. She doesn't want to stay in the gazebo since the clear sky is being besmeared by the dark clouds.

Hesitant, Polly nods her head. Then she looks at her fellow ladies-in-waiting. Ingrid is already holding the tray and gives it to the maidservant. They silently follow the Empress with concern on their faces.

She looks up, sighing. Looks like it's about to rain, she says. Lighting caused by the lighting dragon in the clouds is starting to appear from afar. They need to get inside the palace. The lightning dragon is playing and amusing itself in the sky.

Urduja passes through the moon bridge over a pond, smiling as she sees the water lilies floating in the pond. But she halts as soon as she spots Noble Consort Tatiana, the eldest daughter of Duke Tobias and Duchess Elsie of Harwell Household, along with Consort Odette, the third eldest daughter of Viscount Alden and Viscountess Ruth of Averil Household, and Consort Eleanore, the only daughter of former Knight Kenneth and Lady Hellen Lamonica.

Noble Consort Tatiana, Consort Odette, and Consort Eleanore are the concubines of the Emperor.

Tatiana halts as soon as she sees Her Imperial Majesty. She displays a condescending smile at Empress Urduja then looks at her fellow concubines with their scornful smile seeing the Empress.

"Greetings, Your Imperial Majesty," they said in unison.

Urduja nods and sighs. Not this time that I will have to meet them. She doesn't want to meet any of them because things will be a bit chaotic every time she meets the concubines of the Emperor.

The four ladies-in-waiting of Urduja shield her the moment they see the concubines. All of them release their magic armament to protect her.

Tatiana snickers. "Your Imperial Majesty, your ladies-in-waiting seem a little disrespectful toward us." She flaps her magic armament, sword fan and covers half of her face.

"If His Imperial Majesty knows this, I wonder what they will do to your ladies-in-waiting, Your Imperial Majesty," says Odette with a sardonic smile.

"It seems Empress Urduja can't even protect herself. It is a shame that the ladies-in-waiting of Her Imperial Majesty have additional work other than as personal helpers," Eleanore utters with an amused smile. She magically appears with her magic armament, a glaive-like weapon, and points the sharp glaive in their direction. "Your ladies-in-waiting start this fight so I hope Her Imperial Majesty is ready for the consequences." She giggles.

The four ladies hiss silently and hold their armament. Polly has her dagger as her magic armament, Camila has a mace, Ingrid has darts on her hands, and lastly, Gertrude has a shield.

Dignified, Urduja raises her hand. "Hold your horses, l-ladies," she calmly says. She wants to stay away from them as soon as possible. Having a conflict with the concubines will cause her trouble with the Emperor once he returns from his expedition.

"But Your Imperial Majesty..." Ingrid disapproves and looks at her, shaking her head. "They will try to hurt you again."

She smiles at Ingrid's thoughtfulness. Seeing how her ladies-in-waiting concern for her is making her heart warm. As much as I want to thank them for being there for me but I can't make a commotion with the Emperor's concubines. She already lost the Emperor's favor and doesn't want to have a feud with him.

She steps forward and nods her head, telling them to drop their weapon. Hesitant, they drop their armament and bow their heads. Urduja raises her chin before she speaks. "I hope L-Lady Eleanore will d-dr-drop..." drop her weapon. she paused, getting tongue-tied from her words.

The concubines snicker from what happened. They laugh at the stammering condition that the Empress has.

"What is it, Your Imperial Majesty? W-W-What? I-I beg y-your p-pardon," Odette remarks as she copies her tone through chuckles.

Urduja draws a meek smile and doesn't answer. She accepts all the insults the concubines stated. Her ladies-in-waiting can't even utter a fight as much as they want because they cease their movement due to the Empress's order.

Tatiana steps forward and halts in front of her. "Your Imperial Majesty, will you grant me sparring with you? I heard that you were trying to unleash your magic armament but failed to do so."

Urduja smiles. Not a scornful smile or reluctant smile. But it is just a nice, subtle smile. "L-Lady T-Tatiana, you know t-t-t-t-that I cannot have sparred with you." She wants to be as polite as possible. She wants to avoid casualties with them even though they are the ones who start it.

"Because the Empress is weak," Tatiana taunts. "You don't even deserve to have the Empress title with how incompetent and unqualified you are. I can't even feel you have mana." She closes her sword fan from spreading and points the sharp tip of it to Urduja's chest. "I suggest you must step down as the Empress. What do you think, Your Imperial Majesty?" There was a sardonic tone and expression Tatiana has.

"Lady Tatiana! You are being disrespectful to Empress Urduja!" Camila barks and materializes her mace but halts when Urduja summons her hand and shakes her head at her. Camila shows an annoying stare at Lady Tatiana who is smiling triumphantly at her.

The lightning and thunder start dancing in the cloud as rain is threatening to fall. Urduja needs to finish the discussion with Tatiana before the lightning dragon dares to play with them and strikes lightning at their position. The clouds outbreak rain and drizzle.

Urduja grips Tatiana's sword fan that is pointing to her chest. "I believe we should settle t-to a shelter now, L-Lady T-Tatiana. There is no point in suggesting t-to make me step down as t-the Empress of L-Lucelence Empire. Emperor Alistair made t-this d-decision t-to make me his Empress and even you can't undo his d-decree t-two years ago. If His Imperial Majesty's decision is questionable, shouldn't you suggest it t-to him once he comes back?" She smiles and holds Tatiana's sword fan tightly to the point where her hand is already bleeding from the sharp edge of the armament.

But Urduja endures the pain and wants to show Tatiana that even though she is weak and has low mana, she can't just let people oppress her at this point. She already bears their insults and this is the first time she stands up for herself.

Tatiana snorts and tries to take back her sword fan. "Let it go, you wench!" she says through gritted teeth. But the empress won't budge. That boils her. "Just because you are the Empress, it doesn't mean you are a respected royalty. With the Emperor losing his favor to you, you are just nothing but an Empress title who can't even execute her authority. Let go of my weapon or else—"

"Else what?" she challenged but didn't release it.

This hussy is making my blood boil. Tatiana remarks mentally. I am going to erase that proud expression of hers.

After attempting, Tatiana finally has her armament. She sends the Empress a glare. "Or you will taste my wrath, you incompetent Empress!"

Tatiana unfolds her sword fan and swings it to Urduja.

Urduja does her best to raise her hands to block the fan's hit, but since she is weak and has low in mana, she fails to do it, and instead, she is thrown back to the pond.


"Empress Urduja!"

"Your Imperial Majesty!"

"Her Imperial Majesty fell in the pond!"

All of them gasp from Tatiana's attack. But Tatiana remained calm from what she did. She even has a small smile of triumph plastered on her lips.

The ladies-in-waiting are about to jump from the moon bridge to save her when the lightning dragon strikes directly to the pond—to where Urduja is.

That caused her death.

Corinne's death and Urduja's death happened at the same time.

A soul and body binding ritual start to activate from Urduja the moment the two different souls meet halfway.

Little did Corinne know, her soul is now bound to Urduja.

And Urduja's soul... has perished from the mundane world.