The Anthology Of Ephode

A collection of short stories; an anthology.

Alrighty, hello horny readers!

So, this is how it will go. Depending on a subject that I may find interesting, I'll be writing short stories from here to there, so stay tuned.

Of course, when I can't find something to write about, I'll be accepting commissions from my readers (yes, you, the horny person who's reading) to write a short story; but of course, I won't be charging you money, as that will most likely somehow violate Webnovel's Terms Of Service (who even reads that shit?).

To commission a short story, you must leave a review on the novel (the number of stars is irrelevant, though I really like the number 5 for some reason. Just saying). You must leave a general summarization in your review. I can accept and write short prompts on fanfictions if you want to, so for that you'll have to include the fandom.

The maximum length of chapters for any commissioned short story is three chapters (may change depending on what I may want), so keep the plot short, fun, and concise for other people who also want to read.

(I can accept smut, but that is always optional to me.)

Here is the format (to copy & paste into your review):



Summary/Plot: (Eg: In a world where everyone has their own God who they worship, and the God would acts as their own patreon and deity, there is a person who is Godless. He finds an abandoned altar in the middle of the forest while wandering. He's learned about them in class. Abandoned altars would mean someone - or a group - had abandoned their deity. Saddened by the betrayal of the worshipper to his worshipped, he clean the altar. Somehow, in the process of doing so, the god of the ancient altar comes back alive.)

Genre(s): (Eg: Horror, Action, Sci-fi, Fantasy, etc.)

Fandom: (N/A if none)

Smut: (Y/N)

Freeform: (Any specific details you may want to add.) (Eg: I want the main character to lose his right arm in the fight in chapter 2)


If I accept a commission, I'll reply to your review with "Accepted.")

(Please try not to pester me about when your commission will come out. I will write as leisurely as possible as to guarantee the best quality for my horny readers.