The Hero Who Kills To Protect (II)

Noticing the silence coming from down the street, Juggernaut paused his hand above the young girl's face, quietly grumbling at the lack of potential victims around him except for the girl.

How did all of his victims evacuate so quickly!? He didn't even get to torture his last one properly before he died of blood loss!

Well, no matter, he says to himself internally, he can always have some fun later on his own when he eventually goes into hiding after this fiasco dies down.

Looking at the girl's shivering form beneath his hand, a plan forms in his mind and Juggernaut deliberately contemplates aloud with a smile that stretched from ear-to-ear.

"I wonder what the heroes will do, knowing that a villain of my caliber has another person hostage, especially a child, of all things."

Somehow, Juggernaut's grin widens impossibly as the girl's shivering turns into a full blown mental breakdown, beginning to sob hysterically under his hand, though he pays that last part no mind.

Holding the eleven-year-old by the hair as she continues to cry, Juggernaut strolls down the now-empty street leisurely.

"Towards what," you may ask?

"Towards the scent of blood," I may reply.