Fragmented Adoration (Quote)

I make this promise to thine and thee; fate and love will bind thine to thy soul; May the Stars and the Trees and the Children of the universe beest witness to this contract; a declaration of duty and blood, of love and hate, is what it is. I bind thine soul to thy; for eternity I will be yours, and for eternity I shall serve. I will be the carriage upon which you ride to the edge of the world, the shoulder upon which you cry and grieve, the person who will listen to your darkest shades. I am your sword, your shield; your spear, your bow. I am your servant, your friend; your confidant, your companion. May the dead and the living and the inbetween be witness to this contract; a declaration of servitude and loyalty, of eternity and infinity, is what it is. I am yours, and I am yours.