Chapter 2

[Place - Dimensional Gap]

(Infinity Pov)


'Hmm... Sleeping on the couch is rough, Well the plus side is ophis hugging me on the left while great red is hugging on the right. The softness I feel right now is amazing, I don't know if their b*obs are small or not but they feel very soft.'

I then said in a soft voice

"Wake up girls..."

Great Red slowly wake up while Ophis is hugging me harder while still sleeping.

Holding Ophis I told Great Red in a soft tone,

"great red, brush your teeth while I'll go make breakfast and no buts..."

"'Kay..." Said Great Red in a tired tone.

I walked to the kitchen while Ophis is still hugging me at my back,

I began cooking some eggs and bacon while thinking,

'What to do after breakfast? Maybe I should Heaven or maybe the underworld... I ain't gonna visit the gods that is for sure....'

After I finished cooking breakfast, I set up the table and put the bacon and eggs there.

'You may be wondering why I'm doing this boring task when I'm Omnipotent,

The answer to that is because I'm bored, doing these things will keep me from being bored.'

I then began waking ophis up,

"Wake up Ophis, breakfast is ready..."

"Hmm..." Answered Ophis, she then sat on my lap.

"Great Red, Breakfast is ready!!!" I shouted at her.

"Coming." Said Great Red while she ran to the kitchen.

After finishing Breakfast, I begin to ask my wives,

"Dear, what do you think we should go to? The dimension gap is very boring...

Heaven or the underworld?"

(Great Red Pov)

'Lets see heaven is all sunshine and flowers while hell is like earth but with devils...'

I then said

"Heaven is a nice place for our date..."

(Ophis Pov)

'Date....? ehehehehe, Date with Infinity-chan...'

I said in a standard monotonous tone with a slightly excited voice,

"Lets go to heaven... hehehe"

(Infinity Pov)

'Ophis maybe a little perverted but that just makes my ophis unique. hehe...'

"Then Lets go to heaven on a date." I said in an exaggerrated voice.

Opening a spatial tunnel, I brought Great Red and Ophis to it.

[Place - Sixth Heaven]

(Michael Pov)

It is another day at guarding heaven when I felt a fluctuations of the space in front of me.

I called the other 3 Seraphs to come here, When they arrived, The 4 of us saw 3 child-like figures coming out from what seems to be like a spatial tunnel.

The 3 of us sensed the first 2 child-like figures to have immense amount of power while we don't sense anything from the third one.

We ready our guard in case of any attacks.

(Infinity Pov)

'I see that all the seraphs have gathered here. Welp, time to talk to them'

"Hello, Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, and Raphael. I'm just here to talk to you." I said in a soft voice.

"Why are you here!?!" Said Uriel Angrily,

"Calm down, I'm here to talk to you guys about peaceful things." I said in a calm and soft voice.

(Michael Pov)

'My head hurts so much, First there is the unidentified angel rampaging around the underworld, causing tension between the 2 factions,

Then 3 child-like beings with unimaginable power comes here to talk to me... I'm going to need a successor because I can't handle all the stress.'

"Stand down, Uriel. And Mrs. what do you want to talk about?" I said in a calm voice.

(Infinity Pov)

'Michael is really calm is he... He is a really great leader...'

"I'll first indroduce myself, I am Infinity Reality but you can call me Inifinity." I said in a majestic voice that a loli can make.

(Great Red Pov)

'So.. We'll talk to the angels about permission to have a date here? Sasuga! Infinity-chan.'

"I am Great Red, Hmph..." Snorted Great Red in a proud tone that a loli can make.

(Ophis Pov)

'Hmmm... Infinity-chan have to give me a cookie later for this.'

"I am Ophis Orboros..." Said Ophis in a monotonous tone.

(Michael Pov)

'Why did Father give me this job?!? Now 2 dragon god and God, Er... I mean father who knows what kind of being the third one is.'

"So, what brings you three here...?" I said in nervous voice.

(Infinity Pov)

"No need to be nervous Michael, You have to thank the great me for not destroying this B*ob forsaken reality, I'm just here to pick up some girls and have a date with these 2 girls." I said in a very proud tone.

' up girls?!? And destroy this reality? the most absurd thing she said is b*ob forsaken place? Is that why there are lots of girls with huge b*obs? Why father, Why did you give me such a sh*tty job? I need to really go on a vacation for this.' Thought Michael and said

"Wh..o are you gonna up?"

"Well, maybe gabriel and Grayfia... This universe is very messed up so I have to think of who to pick up." I said in a unsure voice.

(Gabriel Pov)

'M...e? (///Blush\\\)'

"Okay...." I said blushingly

(A/N: I'll make it so that MC will have natural attraction to girls he like so it will be easier. Romance ain't my thing.)

(Infinity Pov)

'That was fast...'

"Wait, you can't sister!" Shouted Raphael and Uriel,

"It's okay, Brother..." said Gabriel shyly.

"Ok, now back to why I'm here, I am going on a date with my girls and heaven is the first place we are dating. Do you have a problem?" I said in a serious tone,

"Yes you can date around in the fourth floor of heaven, there is the garden of eden." said Michael,

"Well, Gabriel, Do you want to join my date with these girls?" I asked,

", I want to join your date with your girls..." Answered Gabriel Shyly with a blush,

"Then Lets go..." I said then Opening a spatial tunnel to the fourth floor of heaven,

I brought the 3 girls to the fourth floor of heaven.


(A/N: I'll try to finish this fanfic, And tell me what you think of this chapter. And the first world is from a fanfic I read, Reincarnated In DxD with Denial of Nothingness.)