Be There At My Funeral

109 days remaining


Shun noticed that something was bothering Aito. He was his usual self but there was something off about it. They were currently in P.E., running laps. Aito looked like he could topple any moment and Shun was unbothered by the exertion. "Hey, is something bothering you?" Aito by then had decided to walk the rest of the laps and because of that Shun also started walking.

"Nothing." He said breathless. "Why? Does it look like something is?"

"Why would I ask then?" Shun replied with the 'oBvIoUsLy' tone.

Aito smiled at Shun. In the past few months Shun had become a pro at noticing even his slightest mood changes. It was honestly annoying but at the same time Aito kinda liked it.

"It's a dumb thing. You'll laugh." Aito told him.

"First you tell me and then I'll decide whether or not to laugh."

Aito shoved Shun which had no effect on the other whatsoever. "Well now I don't want to tell anymore."

"Oh come on, I promise I won't laugh."

Aito gave Shun a sideways glance, "And if you did?..."

"I'll do your homework for a week."

"You got me there." Aito mumbled.


"I was thinking about the future."

"What about it?"

"Like all the developments that's going to happen. The new animes and games that are going to be released..."

"And hentai." Shun sniggered.

"And hentai." Aito added, giggling.

"Clearly that's not what's troubling you though. So what is it?" Shun asked again.

"What if I don't live until then. The future is uncertain after all." He said.

"You'll live long....enough." Shun joked.

"Wow! Thank you! I have got the shittiest best friend."

Both the boys stopped and started laughing causing the teacher to yell at them. They quickly started running again.

"Hey, don't ever leave me 'kay...." Aito said suddenly. Shun blushed heavily, "Whaa--" He couldn't see Aito's face because the boy started running ahead but he did the the pink hue that coated his ears. He thought his heart would explode. " 'Kay!" He replied back catching up to the boy.

"Also," Aito said flashing him a smile brighter than the sun, "when I die you better be there at my funeral." That said he fastened his pace. Shun was caught off guard with that statement but he couldn't dwell on it anymore when Aito turned around and mouthed 'slow-poke' at him. In the end, the normal lap routine turned into a race for the both of them.