Dramas and Tears

48 days remaining


The morning light that poured in from the crack between the curtains fell on Aito's face. It gave off an ethereal glow making him look like an angel. Shun couldn't tear his gaze off him. The sleeping boy had him mesmerized. Shun found himself thinking if everything was a dream. Everything felt so surreal, one touch and the present moment would fade away as if it never existed to begin with.

Shun ran his fingers through Aito's hair as he slept peacefully. The action caused Aito to lean into the touch and moments later he stirred from his slumber. His gaze met with the other's and a warm smile spread on his face. Shun smiled back. Aito reached out his hand and stroked Shun's cheek but was stopped when he was lightly grabbed by his wrist. Aito raised a questioning brow which turned to surprise when Shun placed a light kiss on his palm.

"I love you."

The words filled Aito's heart. No matter how much ever times he was told this his stomach would erupt into butterflies. There was a rush of emotions in his mind and it was overwhelming. His eyes started to water. Aito intertwined their fingers together.

Shun gently wiped off the falling tears and placed his forehead on his lover's repeating his words. Aito let out a small laugh, "I love you too." Shun's smile widened making him laugh even more. Aito pulled Shun down and kissed him long and slow. Shun reciprocated by deepening the kiss. They broke away, contented and continued to lay in each other's warmth a little more longer.

At least until they knew that they had no choice but to drag themselves out of bed to get ready for school.


"My sole wish?" Himiko repeated.

Aito nodded.

"Hmm...well I did have one--to get married and live a happy married life. But I guess I can't ask that...Unless anybody is willing." She said smirking at both the boys. They visibly shuddered.

"Just kidding! I actually have one."

"And that is?" Shun asked.

"It's about this drama or something. I guess it's name isssss.....'Words that were never spoken'! I overheard some girls talking about it. The ML is a total hottie!" She gushed. "I want to watch that!" She exclaimed.


Aito wanted to rip his eyes out. He couldn't watch such atrocity anymore. It was pure torture. How can two people have eight seasons with twenty-six episodes each worth misunderstandings between them?!!! He absolutely couldn't understand how people even like this shit!

On the other hand, Himiko and Shun were totally absorbed in the absurd show, crying their hearts out!!


He never understood them...


"Oh man! I wished it had one more season." Shun sighed. If looks could kills Shun would have been dead from Aito's death glares.

"It was beautiful!" Himiko sniffed.

Aito had been undeniably quiet throughout it all.

"Aito-kun? What's wrong?" Himiko asked, worried.

"I--" He hesitated. He thought that he'd be able to go through with it but he couldn't stop the tears from spilling. "I'll miss you!"

"Aww Aito-kun don't cry. I'll miss you too." She said giving him a soft smile.

"Let me tell you a secret." She whispered quietly. Aito moved in closer to hear better. "The pathway to cross over was always open for me but I never chose to go there."

"Why?" Aito asked.

"Because there was somebody that needed babysitting." She said pinching his cheeks.

"Haha. I'm offended." Aito breathed.

"I'm just kidding! Not!"

Both laughed.

She then moved closer to him so that Shun couldn't hear, "Did you tell him?"

Aito sighed, he turned to look at Shun who smiled encouragingly. He smiled back, "No."

"Will you?"


"I suppose that's for the best." She smiled a warm smile, comforting him.

"I don't really want to go..." She said, clutching onto his hands. She started to tear up. Aito squeezed her cold hands, "You can't really stay away from there forever." She breathed out a shaky laugh as she slowly started fading away.

"I guess I'll see you soon." She said. Aito laughed again. "Yea." Despite the tears falling, she flashed him a broad smile before she completely faded away.

He tried to keep himself composed but once he felt a familiar warmth encompass him, he burst out crying.