Awkward Gentleman

"I wish, I wish, please!" She said. "Please God, just this once, help me, help him!" 


"What's the plan for today?" A voice asked. "Dunno, what about you?" another replied. "Let's go to the beach, it's been a while…" A lobby, where two employees sat next to each other, making plans for summer, basically they were slacking off, and not just them, most of the people were doing the same, making plans for summer vacation, despite it literally being six months away (Yes, this office gives 7 days summer vacation). There are tons of reasons for them to slack off, but the biggest reason was…

Suddenly a person walks into the office and everyone who saw that person, immediately got to work, but sad to say, one missed THAT person's presence because he wore an eye mask and continued to listen to his favourite song (Bitch Lasagna) and soon later, caught by him. That person comes closer and stands right behind (Bitch lasagna employee) His face was filled with overflowing anger as he stretches hand of his and patted it on (Bitch Lasagna employee's) shoulder and that was the moment everyone knew… 

"He's, F*ck*d Up."

Feeling the warmth of the hand on his shoulder, the employee says with a lovely voice. "Oh, baby you couldn't live without me for a second, can you?" 

"Yes, very true…"

A bold heavy voice replied with composure. The employee who didn't even hear the reply because of the volume (Bitch Lasagna) overlapped the hand with his own but then felt little uncertainty as he removed the eye mask and said. "Babe, when did your hair start growing in other places. I thought you said; the only place where your hair grows is…" Before the employee spoke another word, he saw other employees next to him with a tense on their face and realised immediately.

"He's, actually F*ck*d up."

He took off the headphones unhurriedly and turned around slowly as he made a poker face and said. "Boss! Nice timing, I completed all the work!" His boss, who was handsome as f*ck, having black hairs with a business style cut and jet-black eyes, same coloured eyebrows, said with that same poker face. "Very good, send me details about (Hairs) this evening, okay?" This time even his descendants knew that.


As he says, the boss walks into his soundproof, view proof, bulletproof cabin and after his disappearance, every employee lets out a big sigh of relief, but stubborn employees start their gossip yet again, but, oh, well, then who gonna introduce? "See that our boss, Raj A. Jivani…" One feminist asked another feminist. "He's sooo handsome, I wish he was my boyfriend!" And the other one replied in a feminine tone

"Yes, he is a true gentleman." A far sitting employee replied like a proud father. Though, the feminists' sneered their eyes at him. You know, like, Feminine thing?

Meanwhile, Raj or RJ, they called, walked to that seat, sat on his black comfortable seat, closed his eyes, kept those feet worn by Bata formal black shoes onto the glass oval table. The moment passed, and he didn't flinch from that comfortable posture, but after some minutes, RJ came to realise something, something very important. 'Was he…' He falls deeper into thoughts. 'talking about p*ssy?' 


Humanity was born over 108 billion years ago and began to walk in time, hunted, raised crops, wared, evolved, and made themselves above all of the food chains. However, humans, also, create things called 'innovations' that help them from time to time, as many in a brutal way but many that lead humanity to even greater heights. But, above all, humans establish something far greater which becomes vital to all. 'Feelings'. Romeo and Juliet died in the depths of 'love'. Hitler convinced to kill millions with simple 'hatred'. Novels, movies, anime, the whole entertainment genre. Every single fundamental inch revolves around Feelings. Nowadays, life is all about Feelings, now people get 'offended' even in the slightest topics. Politics is being regarded as 'comedy' worldwide, just so some people can fill their boring life with Feelings, despite whose they made fun of; are someones they could never be able to reach because their Feelings are not enough. Regardless, in all this chaos, there was one feeling humans feared vastly and wanted to avoid it no matter what. Awkwardness. Humans try every way to avoid even listening or even reading awkward situations, so let's forget about seeing. Yet, in these elements circulating the world, one man stood different, he was a pure gentleman after handling an over billion-dollar company by his own hands at the age of just 19 and stunned the whole world as he becomes an inspiration for daddies, and scolding for mommies to their kids, (so yeah he's hated by internet and mostly young youth of nowadays, and often get called alien.) BUT! That's not all there is, he, the one who became a subject in the schools, the legendary boy among men, the multi-billionaire, has a very, very different side that was hidden from this world and known to no one, a side where lays something the humans want to avoid as much as they can, he was… an Awkward man with some awkward conclusions… 

—Back to the moment.-

'Hmm…' He thought. 'P*ssy, huh?' Deeper in thought, like more than before and an unknown flashlight, shone upon him (hey, where the f*ck it's coming from?!) But it was awakening. 'Wait, wait, wait!' And somehow as suddenly the moment halted. It was a second or two, but surely everything as if stopped. A crow in the night sky, floating. Cars' headlights which were shining in the night, but from this above, looked nothing more than like some twinkling red and yellow tiny glitters, stopped as if all had hit the break, the moment completely stopped, after all, He has awoken, one of the four greatest enemies of RJ, standing there in that same cabin. It was as if there were two RJs in the same cabin as one stared at those glued cars down there while another lay on his comfy black seat. "We are adults, society will overlook this." He rubbed his hand onto that glass wall. "But why do I feel troubled? I'm not gay and I know that. Am I feeling envious? But why?" He asked and answered his own questions, like a nincompoop, (well yeah, this is what happens when your IQ is great but you spend most of the time overthinking) and then, all of the sudden, a tremendous shock he understood after thinking with all his brain cells working together. "Ah… Virginity?!" He spoke the harsh truth with a moan as despair filled his stares. 

Suddenly, all that somehow was halted, begins again. That crow flew out, those cars picked a speed, the awkward RJ vanished while another opened his eyes gently while still sitting on that black comfy seat. It was all because someone came into his ultra pro max senses radar as RJ took off his feet from the table gently "You may come in." RJ said and hence the person came into his soundproof, bulletproof, view proof cabin. She wore a pink skirt and half sleeve shirt, her hairs were honey-brown as were her glowy eyes, though her skin was quite ivory. "Miss, Sania Sonari?" RJ let out her name. "Boss!" And she let out his. They stared at each other for like 5 minutes and spoke no words, the air became heavy and bulky and so once again the moment became slow. " you are finally here… Miss Sania, my greatest enemy!" Awkward RJ walked, encircled her around and gawked in her honey eyes. "Our battle will be legendary!" He said again… err… but let's just stop here for a little while so that I could make up for all the drama behind. 

-Introduction/Long story short.—

Born in a wealthy family, Sania Sonari has the habit of eating, blushing and learning. She was excellent with grades as she adopted her unique father's line of work, accounts, Sasslichuseta Sonari, (yes, this her father's name) he was an elegant man who once served RJ's mother expertly and marked his name across the world (like yeah, for real). But his moustache, that thing was out of this world itself, it was like 2 Black lizards are battling each other (above his mouth)… And so, after her graduation, the ticker turns to her, however, in this world, a job for a woman seems very controversial, and even after getting one, the eyes of judgement never abandon their tails. "Sania, make your boss reach higher by simply being by their side." Some heavy words with large meanings were told to her once after graduation, and somehow it left a remark in her mind. She walked and walked and found a job to where once her father served. To RJ, he was sharp, handsome, elegant but most of all, a gentleman. He was not in the least awkward like herself but an imitation of a pure gentleman and as after she walked alongside him, she saw his sweats of hard work, and so, in some quite a time spent beside him, she fell in love with a boy younger and more responsible than her. At first, She came to be a little unknown but after some thoughts. "If I am older than him…" She once said. "Then, I will look after him for the rest of my life!" The pure-hearted girl declared her demands. "That's how I will make him reach even higher!" And so, Sania Sonari began her mission to make a perfect man even more perfect. But, but, but! Everything didn't turn out quite as she thought it would. Yes, she looks out for the guy as much as she can and lets loose all her strength in the progress of her duty to make RJ more successful, but as for 'look after' she just simply forgot the thin line between keeping an eye and stalking… She then began to stalk him that eventually came to RJ's ultra pro max senses radar notice and since most of you have seen the trauma this guy has… Things became a little complicated… 

-Back to the moment.—

"Boss!" She again called out. "I have prepared all the paperwork for this upcoming meeting, along with all the details about investments!"

"I Appreciate, Miss Sania Sonari…" She passed the file to him as he glanced before taking it. 'Let's see what trick you have to expose me this time, Miss Sania Sonari.' Said the Awkward RJ, thinking as hard as he can to find out what this lady is up to, meanwhile, Sania was thinking something… different. 'Ok, I have given the file, but oh god, why is my heart pounding so hard? Yet, today I will do it!' She thought as determination came into her honey eyes. 'Bring it on!' Yelled Awkward RJ after seeing determination within his enemy's eyes. "Boss!" She asked, a little loud. "Yes!" RJ replied with the same loud voice. (don't worry the cabin is soundproof) Sania is not withering even after what she is about to do. 'Today I will ask for a date even if it costs me my job!' She thought the moment before entering the cabin. The tension was immense, will Sania say the thing she has been hiding for 3 years? 'Will this time she has proof of my browsing history? But how? I use incognito?!" Umm… Out of sheer fear, Awkward RJ thought. However, Sania closed her eyes with a calm temper. 'Yesterday, I saw you before a cake shop, I remember the look on your face, you were sad, and that's why I will go out with you to that same shop, I want you to know that I'm here. I have—no, I want to eat cakes with you!' The pure-hearted girl remembered a memory when stalking him and wanted to cheer the guy up. 'I want to eat cake with you, I want to eat cakes with you, I want to eat cakes with you, I want to eat cakes with you!' She thought and filled herself with courage, meanwhile, RJ simply stayed like that as then he stretched his hand to her. "Umm... Miss Sania Sonari?" But she didn't respond. "H-Hello? M-Miss Sania Sonari~?" While she was at it. 'I want to eat cake with you, no matter what!' And so after gathering all her courage, she spins her face at him with power, will this be it? Will this time their love take a flight to somewhere far? "I…" A Latter fades in this tension-filled air. 

"I WILL EAT YOU!!!" She screwed up.

"Huh? RJ.

"Huh?" Sania.

RJ blinks a few times, twisting his eyebrows up and down. "Miss Sania Sonari, you can't eat me." He sincerely said. "You're vegan, beware of your words." Err… yes, that's what he's worried about. "Y-yes, you're right." And she replied with the same sincerity.

*Knock* *Knock* 

"Sir, the meeting is arranged." A man enters this awkward atmospheric cabin. "Mister, Dillon K. Don." RJ let out his name. Dillon K. Don, the oldest man to ever worked for RJ's family and one hella scary looking guy, well yes he wore glasses and looked like KFC logo guy but also there's a straight scar on his left eye with wrinkles above and below, well he is a man who once went for war and came back with this scar, his eyes are like it can make someone pee their pants with a simple angry glance, and his hair was white as ice and a tiny moustache, like Hitler yet still looked like KFC guy… Don swirls his eyes and sees both of them… close, RJ, lapping a hand on Sania's shoulder. Don came to be covered with sweats and blinked a few times. "OH," He whispered, and slowly closed the door. 'My master isn't Virgin anymore.' He thought proudly while fixing his glasses, but that second, RJ calmly came out of his soundproof cabin, fixing his tie. "Mister Dillon K. Don." He again pronounced the name. "Yes, young master Raj?" He replied with a grin that made his face appear like a politician. "Then, let's head for the meeting." Said RJ gently. However, all the fun it could get, but at the end, there is some shallow mist of tears beneath. "Boss!" A man shouted, he was Bitch Lasagna Employee. "It's your mother…" RJ listens to the whole story, which is in simple words, she has little to live, by that means, a few hours. RJ blinks with a long pause, wanders his eyes across both of them Employee to Don. "Mister Dillon K. Don," He then spoke with a mighty voice. "Y-yes, young master?" Mister Don replied with tension. "We are having the meeting, please prepare for it." And just like that, the man declined her mother's last moments… 

-What a Monster—

What a monster was on everyone who knows lips in that cabin. Yes, they were not wrong either, a man attending a meeting over some of his mother's last moments was purely monstrosity. "The meeting is now over," RJ said gently. He walked out from the meeting cabin, and Sania followed him in distress, but right after he left the cabin, someone he most wanted to see right now appeared. "Naina... " He whispers after meeting her eyes, while Naina stands before him unfazed. "Raj A. Jivani. I see you haven't changed," She spoke aloud and peeked at the whole office. "but, oh well, not come here to argue, and oh yeah, I went to meet your mother, she was happy that you didn't come until the last breath left her." A tremendous shock he understood, and yet he remained unspoken, not meeting her eyes, he looked to her red heels. Naina Nandina was a beauty, she had black, silky hair, same as her black sparkless eyes, she wore a red business suit with a red till knee-length skirt. Naina Nandina, a woman who had a long history with RJ, she wasn't his lover, she wasn't his friend neither she was an ally but someone so far yet so close to him, a person who hated him, and he… "Would you like to take a seat, Miss Naina?" RJ said, but for some reason, that rose her anger at its peak. "No, thank you, I'd rather leave than sipping tea with a monster." And so she left. The moment went mute and awkward and by experience, he knew how to handle it. "Now, now, let's get to work, young folks!" Dillon K. Don shouted. "It's not our first time!" And then glared, which was enough for them to intensify their speed. RJ walked out, and somehow, none could follow him, they didn't know what a perfect man needs when he is shattered or, "Does he feel any pain?" An employee said, looking at his computer but his eyes were upon Netflix below screen (sneaky). "Well, I love 365 days," Don said, walking and then standing behind him. "Yeah, it's pretty nude." The employee replied proudly. "Yeah, I'm seeing it, and give me the details in my cabin tomorrow." But then suddenly the employee's mighty smile fades little by little as the nude scene appears little by little because after seeing the reflection in his black screen, he understood that it wasn't his best nude friend who asked, but mister Dillon K. Don, the scariest guy to ever exist. "Come one my cabin tomorrow," Don said again.


They say he is a monster, and yes, they were not wrong either, a man who attended a meeting over his mother's few last moments was a pure monstrosity, but little they know how awkward this gentleman is. RJ stood upon the roof of his owned skyscraper, staring at a photo, smiling. He spun his eyes down at the night sky trying to get a peek of the bottom while the winds blew at their max at this height. "I'm tired." He then long lastingly spoke. "I'm really tired." He loosened his muscles but then suddenly spun his stares to the stars. "But hey mum, now you can finally rest," He said. "you know that whole suffering came to an end… like hospital stuff yeah, and yeah, like, it must've been painful, so yeah…" RJ lost his choice of words, 

"Nobody is going to help you, Raj A. Jivani." 

RJ closed his eyes, they were numb, but they just didn't shed any tears. They wanted to flow, but RJ didn't let them go. "I am tired." He then let out again with a blurry voice. "You were right, mum, nobody will help us when we need most, and even if your loved ones stand beside you, it will feel empty," He looks at the bottom, yet again trying to see down there. "If I just didn't stand this tall," He said. "If just there's a hero…" Just then a tremendous gale of wind blew and took away the photo of his family from his hand along. RJ unfolded his hand to grasp with quickness but failed to do so as he saw the photo flying far by seconds while he simply was capable of watching it. "And there it goes." He said. "Even the last remains." The moment froze, he stood all alone and unknown to anything, and yet he didn't shed a single tear.

"Can't even cry when you're alone? What a pathetic human you are!" A voice echoed and RJ immediately spun in that direction. Just then, some steps came into his view, it was long leather boots, red ones, and then came along, a black rider jacket with a yellow scarf on her neck while below was the jet black skirt. "Ammritti Manditta." She said some unusual words. She had black hair, and one of the beautiful snake-ish jet black eyes while her skin was quite ivory, by the looks, she looked no less than 17. "Amiritti Maditta." She said again, but RJ was traumatized by seeing this girl from nowhere. RJ tightens his personality, clears his throat and reset his tie once again. "Wh-who are you, little missy?" He said. "And how did you get here?" His voice was loud enough, after all, this whole building was his property. "Oh, don't mind me, I'm leaving," She was honest. "I just came here to see this beautiful scenery, I can't even see the grounds." 

"Yes, I understand, but why are you here?" He asked again, but this time, she was, for reasons, got annoyed. "Shut the hell up, old man!" 

'Old man? I'm 21!' RJ thought. "I get it, it's your place, but don't you see, I'm a young teenage girl, I might've had reasons if I came here." She said as began to walk to the elevator." And for some reason, he felt nostalgic to see that girl's appearance. "Tell me your name, missy." He loudly asked, and she spun to with crossed eyebrows. "I have done my job!" And she replied honestly, then again started walking. As they go far apart by minutes, he feels something warming within his heart, something like hope, and little he knows how this girl is going to change his whole world upside down.


And who am I? Well, I'm just someone that they wanted, so here I am, helping and telling you this story of that Awkward Gentleman.