
"Okay… calm down, no seriously calm the heck down, me!" Scared to death, RJ somehow kept his grip tight on the steering wheel, and the situation was something like to be scared to death about. A lady, not much old in his back seat howling the cry of agony while in her labour, RJ felt like vomiting 2-3 times out of sheer fucking terror. The hospitals here are not close and whenever there is some kind of emergency, Helicopters would handle everything, but because not using his brain, RJ took the lady into his car and drove it to the hospital which is like 1 and a half hours away (he was terrified, ok! and people weren't helping cause they were being too fucking idiot because they got scared of getting into some kind of trouble) So RJ didn't think much and drove the car at 100km/hour to get to the hospital as fast as he could. Suddenly everything stopped once again because it was time for the awkward RJ to step in, and so he appeared in the front seat, looking at the lady and then turning his face to the original RJ, highlights materialized out of now and shone in him

'Hmm… wtf should I do…?' As being the most calm he could be, RJ thought. 'So I can get into trouble if anything happens to this lady, I mean, a lot of people have seen me, and instead of helping them, they will instead backlash at me cause I didn't "'wait"' for an ambulance…' He was spitting facts despite being ultra cringe. He let out a sigh of disappointment.

-Cunt of Twitter/Cancel Culture.—

The world of the internet formed more than 30 years ago with a bright future ahead and frankly ever since it has been a big part of an uprising society, little by little, becoming the true embodiment of people and benefitting a lot of part of the overall world. Though it wasn't all too good, it didn't last long or rather people got to see the actual Iceberg of the Internet. After a certain election, people finally got to know the darker side of the internet world. Facebook really presented themselves as clowns. No one had a sense of privacy left within themselves. Yet, leaving the whole internet was perhaps quite difficult, and so people scattered across every other platform, thinking maybe there can be slight privacy, even a little. For the personal life stories (for narcissists and boasting teens) there is Instagram. For old people and the people who didn't care much about privacy and stuff (basically god-tier racist boomers), there was still Facebook. For nerds (intellect narrow-minded ass holes) there is Reddit. And for people who always have an opinion (the worst of everyone above), there's the legendary Twitter. The cunts are so racist and easily offended shits, that they can't handle even insufficient cultural differences or different people's views. So whenever you feel shitty or useless, just remember that freedom of speech is the motto of Twitter. 

RJ has always been the target of that (cancel) species for a long time. Their asses get burned from the mere sparks, (which means they always target RJ for insignificant things, and have countless theories of how he is part of every kind of illegal activity like human trafficking, drug deals, and even promoting paedophilia, etc.) they will do anything to target bigger celebrities since it is a simple money-making engine. Regular people love spicy news and controversies to get themselves distracted from their boring lives, and RJ is of course hated by social media. So in the bigger picture, for them (cunts of Twitter), this is the greatest opportunity that ever existed. Till this point, Dillon K. Don did everything to prevent that from happening, but this time, it is just impossible to do so, the crowd saw him putting a pregnant lady into his car instead of waiting for ambulances. So if anything happens to this lady or her child, RJ's whole career could end… 

-Back to the Moment.—

"...S…stop the car…" Suddenly, in the frozen time, a voice echoed. RJ immediately spun his head to the lady behind. "Ma'am, please do not worry, we will reach the hospital within a few minutes…" Asserting comforting words all RJ could think of was that he didn't want her to panic in the slightest, his heart cannot handle anything extra. "No!" She yelled. "I can't! She is here!" 

"What is here?" RJ

"The baby, dumbass!" Lady

"Hold it tight in ma'am!"  RJ

"Are you an idiot?!??" Lady

"No." RJ

"Stop the car! It's not poop, I can't hold it in and just worry about getting a stomach ache, it's a baby!" Lady

"Well… I mean, you have a point, not gonna lie…" confident RJ

"Then STOP THE GODDAMN CAR!!! and do it slowly" Angry Lady

And so, RJ gradually hit breaks. He looked at her with a face saying 'now what?' She looked at him. "What are you looking at, come here and help me."

"Help you, in what?" Confused RJ

"If you ask what one more time, I swear to god, I gonna kill myself and write a will saying it was you!!" The lady was getting impatient, which is a rather more common reaction. But RJ was also losing his own grip on what exactly was going on. Yet still, though, he somehow manages to calm his nerves down. RJ spun his gazes to her, making a face blatantly declaring openly 'Now what?' As their eyes met, the moment halts for a second, she grasps a leather pillow and throws it at his face, scaring the shit out of him. "What are you looking at? Open the back door and help me with this…" It wasn't getting in RJ's head what exactly he had to help her with. Yet suddenly the moment stopped, in some millisecond, he travelled the whole universe to understand the meaning behind her words.

"Wait, I can't!"

He comes across as terrified, and it was the natural order of things, a young man does not know how to give birth to a child, rather it seems impossible. 

"Listen, you're the only one who can help me in this, please help me." The lady insisted as every mother would do, that she didn't want to lose her child at any cost. Her eyes begged RJ and he merely could look at her, once again everything stopped, and suddenly he felt a palm laying on his shoulder. 

"Ah, so you won't let me rest, would you?"

RJ opened his eyes with utter courage within. It was a few million Rose Royce custom made cars and just upon him clicking a button, the back seats turned into a full bed like while the front seat folded as the lady lay on it. After that, he enters the car and makes it go into auto-drive at 20kph. Despite being in some distinct areas, RJ had his internet bar full after purchasing StarLink service, he opened a YouTube tutorial and pushed another button in his key chain that allows him to access some tools and some hot water. RJ unties his tie and wraps it over his head. With a gleam, he began.

-2 hours later.—

Some various vomit noises could be heard. They were not in the distinct area anymore. The mob of locals stuck their eyes to the Rose Royce being smashed into a pole, they were astonished and frightened at the same time. RJ in some corner, near the trash, vomited like never before and his breathings were heavy, his fingers were trembling and his face cast a surge of anxious emotions.

"What have I done?" His vocals don't have much of a voice left in them.

"Hey, look at it. The child is not breathing." A mob said aloud and it was sung in the ears of RJ. He froze and his heartbeats could be heard loudly, but his body stood as if a venomous snake has bitten him, frozen in the midst of terror, he lost his speech when asked by the mob what happened, his hearing and his breathing. He forgets how to breathe.

-Once again. Everything stopped.—

A palm lay on his shoulder.

"Ah, so you won't let me rest, would you? You will keep haunting me, even in death."

He whirls his head around. "Isn't that right, Mother?" A lady, in white clothes, young and gifted with unseen beauty stood in that frozen time. "Raj…" She whispers his name. "Mother." And he whispers hers. "I told you, you can not help people, didn't I?" Her black hair swayed. Her magnificent black diamond eyes gaze at him with disappointment, yet it didn't startle him, RJ is used to

the gaze she always throws at him.

"Yes, you did. Yet, I did. What now? Are you gonna scold me? Throw water at me? Or burn me?"

"You remember everything but the wisdom I gave you. You never cease to disappoint me, even now."

"Perhaps, you're right…"

Their eyes met.

"Well, I guess this is the end of my career. My car ran into the pole while delivering a child that died in the very second… I didn't know there was a downhill… now her mother will file a case against me and our company would lose shares and have to file for bankruptcy. Sooner or later, I will commit suicide and will go down as one of the worst guys on the planet. Hated by everyone till to the very last breath."

He smiled.

"So this is the end, huh?"

"I even killed someone before ending everything… never knew I was capable of that."

His smile dissolves into the thin air.

'Raj, you can never find love in this world.' It was an omen his mother told him once

"I wish I could find the meaning of love."

Suddenly in all that chaos, a voice echoed loud enough to reach him. He averted his gaze and saw the lady wailing, begging, saying.

'Someone, someone, someone, please save my baby.'

"Ah, mothers… I heard their love is the brightest thing in this universe."

"Then why did you hate me so much?"

He looked back to where his mother was standing, but there was no one. He smiled.

-Back to the moment.—

"You can't give up yet, Raj A. Jivani." With a loud wail, RJ ran back to his car. "Give me the way, fast outta the way, people." He reached and looked at the lady in his car, while her baby lay next to her. He was trembling yet he had to commit this. "Ok, we have to perform CPR here and now. Do any of you know how to do it?"

Everyone went mute.

It was simple, they didn't want their hands to get dirty criminally. None raised their voice. RJ guessed it would be that way, so accordingly he moved his 2 fingers to the infant's chest, about 4 centimetres away, he pushed it slightly, kept doing it, and then gave 2 breaths to the newborn's mouth every 30 seconds. He kept doing it as the crowd just watched the show. Yet sooner or later, someone realised it was not a TV drama show while they were the audience. "What are ya doin' there ya young lads, go and help em', it is a matter of life and death, ya wimps." An old lady afar on her balcony yelled in the muted surroundings and so, many gathered the courage to lend their aid, women hastened their way to look after the mother who had just given birth while men helped RJ with anything he asked. The colony had a very bad reputation since every day there were quarrels between people, some because of religion, some about the differences, and some even about opinions. Tourist guides purposely never land here with their customers, and so it just abides because the residents all have to keep relying on each other for survival. Hence, the colony still lives, still to this day, despite having resentment toward each other. Yet for once the whole colony stood together, regardless of their religion or morals, they stood as one. People who can't help yet started to pray to their Gods loudly. Some of them started to play extremely loud drums. Rung bells. Everything, every single living thing as if wailed for a miracle. And so, even God changed destiny.


The first cry of a newborn's life bloomed into everyone's ears. Giving many goosebumps, and many tears. RJ didn't get both. But when a life that merely fits in his palm, warm and covered in blood finally wails her flag into the world of the living, RJ merely looks at her. But for the first time, he had this sparkle in his eyes.


"G-give her name…" Words uttered from the mother toward RJ. He whirled at her, and she had hope in her eyes. "Ah… uhh…" Well, that was the limit of how far RJ's brain can go. He just helped a woman give birth to a child, and now he has to give this child a name, this is getting out of hand. Giving a name to a person means that's what they are going to be called for the rest of their life, and giving a pet a weird-ass name is ok but to a human? Their kindergarten and middle school could get ruined, and accordingly high school would be hell, (I mean those years are weird, but still) this is a very trivial matter.

'What should I name her? Tommy? That's weird. Elizabeth? What is she, a fucking immortal? Fuck man! This is hard.'

Losing his grip on the matter, RJ remembers a quote. 

"People's names define what they wear." Sun Tzu (not really)

"Holy water." RJ

"What?" Everyone.

"I mean… Amrit…" RJ

Everyone looked at RJ, with large stares, not sure he was serious or was just joking around, but for some reason that terrified face looked dead serious to them. RJ immediately felt something was wrong. Then he realised how stupid his thinking was, I mean how could he give a child a name base upon what she's covered in, and virgin he could be to think female urine could be called holy water, that disgusted even his own self.

"Amritti, with 2 T" RJ shouted, with pure confidence yet trembling.

Those were his only words. 

-30 Minutes Later.—

The ambulance arrived and took the woman and her newborn daughter along with them. RJ sat in his car which was filled with blood and holy water that stinks. As he prepared for his departure the people looked at him, but their gazes weren't like everyones'. They perhaps think RJ isn't a bad guy, but that was just too delusional for RJ, he can't think of the time when people didn't hate him. He merely smiled back at them. 

It was a matter of minutes when the news reached the media and was broadcasted everywhere, this time it was not only on social media but the TV media as well. The whole world was coming to know how a multi-billionaire molested a pregnant woman. The world, like always, was against him. RJ was close to his mansion house, but couldn't go inside since a mob of reporters stood before his gate, making theories about where this piece of a crap billionaire might be within his 40 room mansion. RJ was prohibited even in his own house. He let out a sigh of disappointment and left his custom Rose Royce car, covered his face with an Apollo Filtration mask, Ray-Ban sunglasses, and a Nike sport black cap, and then called a taxi. Since there was no destination in his mind, he told the driver to go as far as possible. 

His phone died to him unknowingly, so no calls were reaching him nor was there any other way to find RJ's location.

Perhaps, hours have passed, and he looked over the city from a bridge. "No matter how many times I look at this city, it still is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." Tired he was, at nearing 6 am when the sun was on the horizon and lights within the city began to disappear. Little by little, the city seemed like it was dying, yet it was becoming alive.


Suddenly a yell echoed so loud, that RJ thought it was some kind of siren, he thought it was the police probably and scared the shit out of him. But it was a young teenager, in a little distance, and covered in a hoodie. 'Who wears a hoodie in this weather?' It could be some kind of freak that appears a lot in his life, and he doesn't want one more. The hoodie person was playing some kind of game on their phone, and it seems, they have lost. RJ felt tiny miny bad for them, then he didn't care. He averts his gazes back to the city, but then just for instance he looked back at the hoodie person, and nearly got a heart attack.

"Argh! Let me go, idiot!" 

RJ somehow holds them from the waist. "Why?" RJ whispers. "Why the fuck all of this is happening to me today?!" The person was trying to jump from the bridge and just barely RJ somehow grasped them. 


"What what?"

"Why are you holding me? Is this some kind of new update of sexual harassment?"

"No, of course not!"

"Mate, you're wearing sunglasses and a black mask… you look like one of those pedo molesters, are you sure you're not sexually harassing me?"

"Well, you do have a point there, not gonna lie. 

"If not, then let me go already!"

"No! Wait! I can't let such a young soul die in front of me."

"...man, you Gen Zs nowadays are becoming more boomers than ever, it's getting out of hand."


"I am not jumping, I was getting my air pod. That was a special gift, man."

"Oh, sorry…"

"So, let me go."

"Well ok, no wait! No, I may be an idiot, but not that big one. Kid, you're word-for-word hanging on my arms, if I let you go, you will fall and die."

She looks at her floating legs. "…yeah… I didn't think of that…" She began to tremble. "...pull me up then."

RJ somehow pulled her up and right after doing so, looked at her and nearly got another heart attack. He couldn't see her face before, but after heavy winds blew, the hood busted along and revealed her face. Her raven black hairs swam in the songs of winds, perhaps, back then it was night, he didn't exactly remember her face on that thick night, but when the sun rose behind her, radiant she glows. Her snake-ish eyes were more beautiful than he remembers, but more than that, there was a nostalgia within those gazes, as if he had seen them. She wore the same clothes as yesterday, with a jet black hoodie over it. And weirdly she has black lipstick, and that astonished him to a point where not only he was speechless but amazed at the fact that black lipstick even existed. "Woah!" RJ somehow manages to utter a word. Because his face was covered from every point, she was convinced this man was a local panty stealer of morning woods. 

She felt sad for a moment. Then she began to walk away, with hasty steps. 

RJ looked at her back, saddened, knowing he might never meet her again,

But she felt that gaze intensely looking at her, as she crossed hands around herself, as a bird does with her wings instinctively, and somewhat started to run.

RJ once again looked at her running away. "No, I have to ask her… for a lift, yeah! Yeah, I have to help her…" With good intentions, he convinced himself to run after her. 

She saw him running after her. The fact a guy with a completely covered face, running behind her with a handout reaching for her, gave her chills, she sped up and ran for her life. 

RJ felt weird about why she was running that fast but thought maybe she is training for a marathon in her school or something. Good ambitions are always welcoming for a man like RJ, he always has and will have high regard for hard work, he sped up and ran after her with an even faster speed.

As she saw him coming after her like a madman, her soul nearly left her. The city was still a little far, and there were no civilians in sight at the moment, she remembers some episodes of Crime Patrols (a mediocre Indian reality show, covering crime cases, and some episodes are very weird for some reason) and now she regrets thinking those were scripted shit. She ran like never before. "I… I have to find someone, someone who can help me."

They ran for 2 hours straight.

From a somewhat corner of the city, they now have completely left it behind. Jungle and abandoned houses were the only things left in the sight. Soaked in sweat, they somehow kept running. RJ still wore a suit while she wore a jacket, and in the morning at 42C°, they still have steps marching forth. 

'What the heck is his deal? He's still chasing after me, never heard of such dedicated perverts.' She thought with admiration. "Ok, time up!" RJ finally yells. "Ah, I can't, I can't!" His exhausted words somehow reached her ears. RJ hasn't had a wink of sleep today, and now he is jogging uphill for like 2 hours, his body is at its end of the rope, no way he can take another step. "What?!" She yells back. "Are you finally giving up?"

"No, I am not, but try to understand, I am not an athlete like you!" He yells back. "What?" She.

"I am not an athlete like yo—" He.

"Yeah, I heard that, don't repeat. And no, I'm not an athlete!" She.

". . . . .then… why are you running in the morning, for like, 2 hours?" He.

"What?" She.

"Then—" He.

"Yeah, I heard that, don't repeat. I mean, I am running from you, don't you understand?" She.

"What?" He.

"I am running from yo—" She.

"Yeah, I heard that, but why?" He.

"What?" She.

"B—" He.

"I heard that idiot, why do you mean why? You want to molest me right?" She.

"What?" He.

"Why—" She.

"I heard that!! And no! I don't want to molest you." He.

"What?" She.

"No, I am not trying to molest you, and come here goddammit!"

"I won't fall for your clever move, you pervert!" She.

"This isn't clever, and who the hell are you calling a pervert, you brat!" He.

"Says a man with a face covered with a mask and sunglasses, and a cap…" She. 

"Well, you do have a point there, not gonna lie." He.

"Haha! So you are a pervert!" She.

"No! I am not, idiot!" He.

"Ok then, so why the hell even are you chasing me for 2 hours straight?" She.

"I was trying to protect you because there are tigers in this jungle. I thought you were an athlete trying to jog in the early morning!" He.

"Oh…" She.

So, are we clear?!" He.

"No!" She.

"Why?" He.

"You are still wearing a mask." She.

"For god sake!" RJ finally removes his mask and reveals his face to her. Her black snake eyes widened with pure shock overwhelming her. "Wait, aren't you the billionaire that just molested a pregnant lady?" Her words pierce through his heart. "No…" His words became shallow as his palm turned into a regretful fist.


A notification pops up on his phone. "Wait, you are getting signals, even here?"

"Yeah, I do, StarLink."

"Woah! You have that, damn that's so cool." Suddenly a smile roses on RJ's face and so her steps get closer to him, step by step as he opens a Twitter notification. It was a video and in it, there was a lady, upon seeing her, RJ felt intense panic, after all, it was the lady he just helped give birth to. The hoodie girl stood right next to him, gawking at his phone screen. 

"I want to say this one thing, the man named Raj A. Jivani is the reason why my daughter and I are alive, he saved us and gave my daughter a beautiful name. I don't care whatever this world says about him, he is the messiah for us. He is a hero even if just for us."

She stood and heard that lady's words, astonished, but also relieved, her eyes wandering back to him, and it made her feel proud somewhere deep within. But the view that she saw melts her heart. Raj A. Jivani, the legendary boy among men, stood before her with a sparkle in his eyes.

"Can't even cry when you're alone? What a pathetic human you are!"

She remembers her own words. 

"Ah, so you really can't cry…"

RJ spun his gaze to her, confused as that sparkle within his eyes dissolved. 

"Embrace, the legendary boy, Raj A. Jivani, you have passed the test."

"What?" He.

"Em—" She.

"I heard you, but passed what test?" He.

"Let me finish it then, dumbass!" She.

She fixes her throat. "Ahem, you have been approved by me, I am sent by a group named Illuminati by your Mother's Will." She pauses to see his face that was still the same, nothing new in particular. "And my task is to find a perfect love interest for you, hence, my job is to make you fall in love!!!"

"What?" Confused He.

"Do I have to repeat that?" Tired She.

"No!" Loud He.

"Then what?" Questioning She.

"What does it mean? What? Why? I don't want that! Me falling in love? I want to stay as I am for 10 years, at least!" He with a reference. He lied as well.

"Well, then you have to give up all your net worth and company shares. That was written in her will, I mean you still are temporary CEO, on papers you are not related to your company in any matter, and this fact no one knows about, aside from that Dillon K. Don and some guy named Johnny, but yeah, no one else, not even your shareholders."

RJ couldn't believe his ears, there was no way this can be true, this is one of the deepest secrets that not a single soul could know about, even if they're in the position of a President, that's how much secret this information is and yet one little girl knows about it says it was his mother that spell this info to an outsider. "Well, I can see you're terrified, but don't worry, I won't expose this info to anyone, I mean this is our company policy, even if you refuse our agreement, this detail won't be told to anyone, however, you will lose all your stuff, and by that means, all of it." She cornered RJ, there was no way he could refuse her. "...well, if you know this much, there is no other way left for me is there?"

"Yep. Your mother made it that way." 

He let out a sigh of misfortune. "GG mom." He whispered. "Ok, I accept your offer." 

RJ fell to his knees, he can't take it anymore, nothing more now his heart can handle. "Ah!" She suddenly realised something. "I forgot to tell you my name, didn't I!?"

Behind her, the sun was rising, and RJ only could see her black silhouette but perhaps she had a profound smile on her face. 

"I am… Aisha A. Jivani!"

"What?!?!" RJ.

The story goes thicker than lava and heavier than water. Who is this mysterious girl with the same surname as he, perhaps it is a leap into a weird journey!