It's two days since they returned home from the hospital. He had suffered severe lung damage, which would probably take a week or two for him to recover fully. But his father had insisted that they discharge him, as he didn't have enough money to keep him in the hospital. They haven't said anything about it too. The family seems to be taking things slowly. Neither his father nor his mother had gone off to work. Not with the tension still hanging in the air, especially among the villagers who still looked at him as another accident waiting to happen.

"You are not eating your food. Are you alright?"

Nadi forced a smile towards Bella's direction. She was in one of those colorful dresses of hers and seems to be the only one in the room who was actually smiling. The glee in her eyes was like nothing Nadi has ever seen. She sat beside him, like always. She was the only one that believes in him. The only true family he had in the entire universe. The only person who did not see him as an abomination.

"I am not hungry," Nadi shifted the plantain soup in her direction, "You can have mine."

"No." Bella's dark hair dangled as she stood her ground. Her left brow was elevated to her forehead, and that was not a good sign. Not for Nadi, at least.

"You are going to eat your food as instructed by the doctor."

Nadi wanted to laugh, but his side aches badly. He must have broken a rib or two. The doctor did not mention that part, though. None had they mentioned why he was still alive. He was supposed to die. He shouldn't be here. He was supposed to die in that accident.

"I am okay," He repeated and shifted the food further away from himself.

"No, Nadi," Bella pushed the plate back, "You need to eat well. You need to recover. This is plantain soup. Your favorite and prepared by mom herself"

"I know," Nadi nodded as he shot a discomforting look at his parents. They both seemed focused on their food and paid no attention or pretended not to pay attention to them. "I have lost my appetite. Besides, I eat the food."

"No, you didn't. You played with the food." Bella turned her attention towards her mother as if asking for help. The other woman only picked the cup and took a drink. But after a long moment, she cleared her throat.

"Nadi" Iyella wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, "Why are you not eating your food?"

Nadi closed his eyes, hoping this moment would pass. He has lost his appetite and was not willing to eat anything again. But knowing his parents, they were going to force him. They were going to push him, stretch him, just to see if he was going to disobey. Disobedience was their leverage against him. It has always been.

"I am not hungry." Nadi said quietly, "I am not hungry"

The clattering on the plate of his father suddenly ceased as his father lifted his eyes. Without being told, Nadi could see the fire burning in them. The heat was just unbearable and Nadi knows that if he stays long in the room, the end result would be something he might spend the rest of the day regretting.

"I need an air," Nadi stood and hurried towards the door.

"Don't you dare?"

The anger in his father's voice made him stop dead in his track.

"You will return to your seat and finish your breakfast." Isak pointed.

Reluctantly, Nadi dragged the chair and fell on them. Instead of picking up the spoon, he bit his lips and folded his hands on his chest, looking out the window.

The sun was hanging somewhere in the heavens, sprinkling its yellow rays on the empty street. But for the children running around, nobody was in sight. The fishermen must be on shore, with their boats and net. It was Thursday, and if he was not mistaken, the locale made great sales on Thursday. And the reason was that they usually have visitors from the city who would be willing to buy their stock in large amounts. His father must be angry about that, too. He must be angry that he had missed yesterday's fishing and would have nothing to sell to the visitors when they arrive.

"Nadi," His father shouted.

This time, it was Bella who shifted the soup towards Nadi. Those almond eyes of her had widened, and the plea in them made Nadi swallow. He hated being forced to do something. He hated that his parents always try to make him fit into that vacuum they've created. Sometimes Nadi always wonders if his family was a military school or something of that sort. His father always wants everything to be impeccable, just the way he had said them.

"I am not hungry, Papa."

"You are not hungry?"

The cup of water fell off the table as Isak slammed his fist. It was still morning but the living room was beginning to swell with a heat which Nadi could not place a hand on. His mother had picked the cup, but like her husband, she wore the same dissatisfying looks.

"After everything you've caused me?"

Yeah, Nadi closed his eyes, resisting the urge of rolling them and saying something nasty. He had waited for this moment. He knew he was going to face it one way or the other. The only problem was that it had come too soon. He was not ready for it, not after the near death experience. Plus, he needed air. He needed to sit on the side of the beach and smoke and drink until his sorrow ebbs away.

"Do you realize how many disasters you've brought to this family?" Isak shouted. Even though Iyella was trying to calm him down, the slender man would not have any of it. The skin under his jaw was already twitching, and the veins in his hands were all lining out. The man was not just angry, he was in rage.

"It's all because of you, Nadi. All because of your notorious behavior and inability to learn. It is time you turn a new leaf. It is time to get back on track I will wash my hands off."

Nadi raised his head when he had that. He had known his father for sixteen years, and one thing the man was not capable of doing was throwing out empty threats. If he said he was going to do something…well, this time around, Nadi hopes he doesn't mean the words.

"Wash your hand…" Bella wanted to say, but Isak cut her off.

"You heard me correctly," he fumed. "If Nadi does not turn a new leaf, I will have no other choice but to disown you. I give you two weeks to set the wrong right. Two weeks"

Iyella shouted and tried to shush her husband, but the man seemed to have made his point. He took a long sip from the water cup and stormed out of the room.

Bella was sobbing now. She has been crying ever since the argument started. Nadi did not blame her. She had seen other families and the way they relate. It was nothing compared to the way their own family handles matters. Not with her father shouting all the time and her notorious brother who patrols the street, looking for the best good to steal. Or illegal drugs to buy.


"Yes, mama." Nadi rested his head on the chair's back, waiting for another round of lectures.

"Why are you forcing my hair to turn gray?"

"Nobody is forcing your hair to turn gray, mama. It's just that, you all misunderstand me. Why can't you just give me a breathing space? I am sixteen, for heaven's sake. I am old enough to take care of myself."

"You will have it the way you've said it." Iyella picked up the empty plates into the tray. "You, after all the sacrifice we've made to make sure you don't end up in the street. Yet you are too deaf to listen to the tone of the elders. You are too engrossed by the strength of your youth. Beware, Nadi. The fly that refuses to heed advice always ends up with the corpse"

"I don't like those words, mama. I really don't like the way you and Papa talk."

"Oh, so you've grown old enough? Perhaps it's time you are going to smack me for saying something you hate."

Nadi kept grumbling as his mother carried the tray and disappeared to the other side of the room. There were too many thoughts in his head. It was as if his mind was in a civil war or something. Every attempt to think seemed not to work. Maybe his father was right, after all. He was going to fail. He will never amount to something great.

"Where are you going?" Bella asked when Nadi stood up from the chair.

"I need to clear my mind."

"With a packet of cigarette?"

Nadi returned his hands into his pocket, feeling sorry to betray the trust of his sister. He had promised her that he would quit smoking. But as it stands…

"You heard what the doctor said. Your lungs are not strong yet. And you promised not—"

"I know Bella. But I don't care anymore." Nadi wiped his eyes. "For all I know, I am better off dead. I am tired of sitting around and waiting for mom and dad, bossing me like some stray dog."

"Where are you going." Bella tried to stand in his way, but Nadi push her roughly and she fell by the table, breaking its leg. Nadi did not stop to check if she was okay. He just stormed out of the room, and his mind was as blank as an empty paper.