[Bonus chapter] Value of the stones

"This will be the first boss we will conquer together," Cleo said in a silent voice as if the monster behind the gate could do anything even if it heard them. 

"To be honest, you can just leave it to us," Claudia replied, looking down at the massive spider inside the boss room. "It doesn't look to be anywhere strong enough to be a challenge for me alone, not to speak, all three of us together," she added after a quick look at their next opponent. 

"While that might be true," Cleo responded by taxing both Claudia and Tom with her eyes, "I don't want either of you to end up injured because of random arrogance," she said before shaking her head. "As you saw yourself, you can get injured in this dungeon. And it's not like all you are in your avatar not to be worried about the potential loss in a fight," she added, looking deeply into Claudia's eyes.