Chapter 18

I walked closer slowly. There were two guys and they had brown hair and amber eyes. I walked over to them. "Excuse me." Their eyes snapped to my direction. "What are you doing out here?" One hissed. "I made a stupid, impulsive decision and ran away from the palace." That seemed to quirk the other one's interest. "Why?" I groaned, not wanting to relive the moment. "The King is forcing me to marry him. I don't even know him." I growled. "Wait. The King is forcing YOU to marry him." I rolled my eyes. "Yes. He even tried to touch me inappropriately. I can't believe that monster is the King." I huffed. They looked each other and grinned. "So your his mate?" They asked in unison. "Gods no! We are not friends." I laughed. "Not friends. Mates. Are you two lovers?" The other one asked. "No." I ended up laughing again. "So did you two only meet today?" Boy 2 asked. I nodded. "I think she's his mate." Boy 1 said calmly. "Then let's make him suffer." Boy 2 growled.

"S-suffer?" Now I was confused. "You're ours for tonight princess." Boy 1 said, smirking at me. "What? All I needed was help." I started backing away from them. "Oh no you don't." Boy 2 grabbed my arm with a painfully firm grip. What did I just do to myself?