The Battle of Survival(4)

"Save me! You bastard."

Louise's protector was only seconds away from ripping Abigail's clothes apart when he suddenly heard a familiar heart-rending scream. The scream froze him in his actions. He turned in the left direction and saw Louise hanging upside down with his left leg in the tiger's jaw while his right leg, kicking the tiger's jaw to leave him, with a broken sword in his right hand and blood continuously pouring out of his left hand.

Louise wouldn't have screamed for help, but when he saw his protector playing with private parts of unconscious Abigail, he almost wanted to rush out and kill the bastard, but he couldn't due to the tiger getting hold of his left leg. 

Louise was fighting against a Level 4 being with his life on the verge of ending every second, and his protector, rather than following the same plan he made, was enjoying in the middle of the battle.