CHAPTER 02- Escape the bully

But little Raisha's life was not an easy one. Actually it was a kind of a silent war between her inner world and the outer world. Knowing that she wouldn't speak out or react to anything her colleagues sometimes grabbed Raisha's belongings. Every so often hit and pinched her for no reason. But she made no response. Little Raisha borne these painful experiences mainly due to not knowing how to response them. So the only thing she could do was to cry secretly to the whole world. Raisha's perception of the society and her surrounding was so different from the other children due to the unpleasant experiences she underwent with.

One day for the greatest happiness of the children in the school there came two marketing managers of a certain noodles production company. The noodles product was very popular among the children in those days. Then the children were announced that each of them will be given a free packet of noodles as a promotion. So all the children were so excited to get a noodles pack specially because the packet contains a nice sticker of cartoon characters they adore so much.

The distribution started from grade one. Then gradually the moment that Raisha and all her class mates awaited had appeared.

Hey GIRLS.... Now it's time for grade 3 students to get their packs. So quickly fall in a a line and go to the play ground and collect your pack.

Don't forget to thank them, young ladies... said Mrs. Westfield pouring a motherly smile to the anxious small faces.

About half an hour later the girls returned to their classes holding a noodles pack. All of them were in a great hurry to open the pack to see the sticker each one will get. Raisha was excited about her sticker as well.

As the classroom was arranged in groups Raisha was seated with five members together. So now each of the girls were opening the packs to see their lovely sticker. Some of them were showing their stickers to others while some were still trying to break the pack. Raisha took her pack slowly to her hand then tried to break it up, when suddenly the girl next to her shouted,

Oh! where is my sticker.... There is no sticker inside my packet. This can't be happened.

So all the others checked her pack to see there is no sticker given with the pack.

At the same moment Raisha opened her pack to see an adorable and colorful Mickey Mouse sticker. Her heart jumped out with ecstasy.

But unfortunately her happiness didn't last long....

Hey Raisha I want that sticker.... Let me have it. Take this instead. said the girl who didn't get a sticker. In an instance she grabbed the sticker from Raisha's hand by force even before Raisha would understand what is actually happening...

Poor little Raisha was unable to speak out, stared at the girl helplessly holding an old sticker given by that unfair girl. Though all the others persuaded that girl to give the sticker back to Raisha, the girl didn't listen.

Raisha was totally upset. She burnt with anger but Raisha didn't speak a word because that's not her way of reacting to anything.

Poor Raisha !! She couldn't bear it anymore. hot tears fell down along her red cheeks. She was so so angry, but she got no idea of how to react. She remained silent but she terribly complained to her own self of tolerating the girl's awful behavior.

Inside her mind Raisha was very innocent, kind hearted, shy, reserved girl. Even if Raisha tolerated many things happened to her, inside her mind, she regretted of her being so tolerable without reacting. The power to speak out was totally extinct in her personality.

This kind of incidents had built up a timid personality in Raisha specially when she is out of home in the society.

But at home, Raisha was a happy and free bird who sang songs and danced merrily. She totally forgot the worries from outer world when she's at home with her parents.

Her father was a businessman and her mother was a house wife. Raisha had a younger sister. Her mother was a kind of authoritative while her father borne a silent character at home. Raisha might have inherited her behavior from her father. But Raisha's sister was a talkative, normal girl who had many friends at school.

For instead Raisha didn't have any friend at all up to sixth grade in school.