Message To Ajax

Ajax heard the knock on his door and his heart leaped. His heart raced against his chest and it hurt him a little but Ajax was not focused on that. It could be ignored. What he was focused on was that Joe has returned and he'd either be with the woman or the pendant.

"It is open. Come in", Ajax said.

The door opened with a squeak and Ajax gaped with his eyes opened wide and a smile that was threatening to form on his lips.

His face dropped when he saw Joe walk in alone. 

Ajax shifted his weight from one leg to the other. He told himself to relax that maybe Joe was with the pendant. That would still be enough for Ajax, in fact, more than enough. Nevertheless, Ajax would have been elated if Joe would have returned with the woman. There were things that he needed to get from that woman.

"Why are you alone, Joe?", Ajax asked.