1. Offer of a lifetime

In a conference room inside a downtown Philadelphia office building sat four government officials across from a twenty year old man. David wasn't handsome nor was he ugly at best he was average, standing at just under two meters with medium dark skin and black hair.

After months of job hunting trying to find a better jobs to earn more money to help out his family with medical bills for his father's cancer treatment, he came across an offer about exploration that offered high pay.

Two weeks after applying he received a call asking him to come in to hear out the job description and talk over the contract offer.

After a good ten minutes of silence David finally speaks, "so your saying that you'll take care of my father's medical bills, pay me 500 million dollars and give me equipment to use and all I have to do is map out the places i travel to with details of the area. "

Yes Mr. Rogers, but you will have to sign an Nda regarding the place your heading to and the things we're to tell you if you agree, stated one of the officials.

After agreeing and signing the NDA the officials explained to David that five years ago a portal to another world was discovered in multiple locations around the world. The portals lead to a world known as Cerzala, it's a world of sword and magic with unknown dangers.

They said that the U.S. and and all other countries have tried sending soldiers over to do the exploring but did not end up with good results. Out of five hundred sent only a hundred returned, the soldiers that returned said that after going through the portal everyone was teleported to separate locations.

A few of them were placed close to the same city but still far apart, the soldiers also stated that they received a game like system while there and that no fire arms worked on any creature or person there.

The officials told David that in two weeks a car will pick him up from his house to take him to the portal, and that he will receive more info on that day.

Two weeks later an all black suv pulls up in front of David's home, he comes out with a bag and all black katana and hops into the suv. Four hours later David is led from a private jet to a massive all white building, as soon as he enters a woman in a lab coat comes up and greets him.

She introduced herself as doctor Blight and said that she will be in charge of documenting health data for my records, she also told him that they will be giving everyone weapons and clothes. David told her that's good to know and asked to keep the sword though, doctor Blight said that that's doable and that he can pick the sword back up at the weapon vault. After the health check David was placed in a room and shown a pre recorded orientation video. The video basically stated that time moves differently over there where as three of their days is equal to one of ours, if we want to return home we should visit the temple located in the cities.

The temple will give us return bands that only works for one round trip home and back, the band works like a guide beacon when you are going back and returns you to that exact temple. The bands will work up to a month of our time before not being able to connect to the Temple you revived them at, you can also on bring five bands with you.

Luckily the video also explained that part before David went to look for someone to explain it, apparantly you can recommend people to come and bring them with you. Doing this also gives them a safer place to transfer in.

After the video stopped the back wall of the room opened up to a room filled with different styles of clothes, in the middle of the floor was a sign that read all clothes will automatically adjust to fit you and to choose an outfit to wear.

On the wall of the fitting room was a tablet to be used to place an order for the extra sets of clothes you want to take, after getting dressed and placing your order a door opens up at the end of the room to an elevator.

Once inside the elevator a screen lights up telling you that your heading to select weaponry and tools to help with the journey but first you have to select a storage device, there was book bags, satchels, rings, bracelets and belts all with different amounts of space.

David chose a bracelet style with 5 cubic meters of space, the bracelet was black and silver and shaped like linked chains with a 2 inch name plate. Once out of the elevator an attendant walked up with the bracelet on a tray with a knife and napkin, the attendant explained that you must add a drop of blood on it to bond with it.

After bonding and placing it on his wrist David tried looking inside it following the attendant's instructions, inside was multiple pairs of boots, sets of clothes and his katana. The attendant lead David to the weapons and tools vault, the vault was packed with thousands of items from swords, axes, bows, spears, tents, cookware, sprays to mask your scent and anything else you may need.

David grabbed a collapsible spear, two arabian style daggers, a set of throwing knives and a collapsible compound bow with arrows from the weapons section. From the items section he grabbed two instant setup tents, two tarps, a campfire grill plate, a grate to cook on, two pans, a soup pot, a flint, a wood axe, cooking utensil and knife set, silverware, and some rope.

With all the items stored in the bracelet and wearing the weapons David exits the vault and follows the attendant to the portal location. Inside a room as big as a school auditorium with a white tori gate shaped structure with a bluish green watery like veil swirling in the middle sitting on a platform.

There's already hundreds of people in the room in a line heading up to the portal and more coming after he gets in line. Everyone goes through the portal one at a time but yet the line is moving faster than it looked, ten minutes later it was David's turn to go through.

The attendant's at the portal wishes him good luck as he walks into it, it felt like everything around him was pushed down into his body followed by an intense pulling sensation.

After what felt like five minutes blinked and opened his eyes to a lush vibrant forest with the freshest air ever, the only thing he could say was that this definitely was the offer of a lifetime.