Fast Forward

It's been eleven days since I became an adventure, and until now everything is good, no problems so far.

'Crap, a jinxed it'.

Anyway, the last ten days I had after recieving the plans and schedule for my daily routine were not very hard as I thought.

Let's rewind back a little.


The second day after becoming an adventure was the same as the first day. Teaching Mrs Mez and her daughter, taking some hard quests, collecting alot of materials in the Mystic Forest, and then receiving alot of money. The total money I can get from the guild by completing the quests and exchanging some materials from the Mystic Forest are around ninety to a hundred golden coins. Most of them comes from selling rare materials.

The third day was the same, but after completing some quests I went to a Pharmacy Shop that sells potions and some medical drugs and stuff. The owner of the shop was an Elf named Dr Mars.

[How can I help you young sir?]

His assistant, Mrs Ena was the first one who greeted me. I then showed her an Amber lily and told her that I want to talk with the owner of the shop about some business and other things. The young lady, who is a human was shocked when she saw the flower. She quickly went to her husband (Dr Mars) to inform him about me.

She then came back and asked me to follow her to a lab where Dr Mars makes his potions.

Unlike his wife who has a long brown hair and black eyes, he had a long silky silver hair and deep blue eyes.

And a long ears.

He looked younger despite being fifty years older than his wife who is only twenty seven years old.

We were sitting down on a couch, me and him while his wife was serving us some nice tea.

[So I heard that you want to sell us some Amber lily?]

I nodded and began explaining to him that I would like to make a business deal with him where I can help him get any kind of material that he want from the Mystic Forest, and in return he pays me for it, rather than asking the guild's help to comission a request from the adventure. There were alot of quests that came from him which I saw it on the bolten board, from D, C, B, and A.

All of them request finding rare herbs, and flowers. And they all were hard to find for the adventurers. The Mystic Forest is a mystical place that holds many secrets and mysteries that are not all been discovered yet. Even the map information and the locations in it is not complete, only about 68%.

Dr Mars began to think about my proposal and said that he has some doubts that I can find the things that he want. So I took out all the herbs and flowers that I have from the dimensional storage and showed them to him. He had a shock expression when he saw some of them were rare and some of them were high quality ones. He even began asking me many questions about where and how I got them and others, and so I answered and gave him the information that he wanted. There were also some plants that he never saw before.

I was smiling as I watched him studying each one of them, checking its quality, sniffing it, and even lic- I mean looking at it.

In the end, he agreed to work with me and we shook hands. I then asked him to write down the things that he wants to get from the Mystic Forest.

[Is there a problem?] He asked me worriedly when he saw me frown on the paper that he wrote all the names of the plants.

[No, but... Caila Lotus and Everlasting Flower, Do you know where these two grow?] I asked him.

The last two flowers on the request were a little hard for me to get.


[They both grow in the Core area of the Mystic Forest.]

Dr Mars's eyes widened when he heard that. I explained to him some info about each plants that he requested, and the last two flowers. He was surprised that a 14 years old kid knows alot about plants, especially the ones that grows in the Mystic forest. I told him that my teacher is the one who taught me everything about this world and that she was more knowledgeable than me.

[Can I meet her?]

[Unfortunately you can't. She is someone who is hard to reach. Even I don't know her whereabouts.]

He looked a little disappointed, but he was also happy because he learn some new knowledge from me.

[If I may, I would like from you to teach me what you learned for her.]

[...No problem, after I complete your request.]

And with that I was able to get his attention.

I was able to get all the items the next day except for the last two. I wasn't able to enter the Core area yet at that time, so I began training in increasing my MP, because the mana density there was very high for me.


But in the fourth day, I remember that I had Senoki to help me out.

'Stupid. How did I forget.'

She told me that I can enter the Core area with Rutelae's help. So I asked Rutelae to help me in entering there by creating a small invisible magic barrier around me, that blocks the mana from entering.

We then entered the Core, and Rutelae didn't need to use my mana for the barrier since the air was thick with lot of mana. We traveled through the area, using the 3D map, of course to avoid any kind of unwanted encounter with dangerous magic beast.

Not long, we reached a place near a lake called the Holy Lake or the Divine Lake. Because of the amount of mana in the air, the water were continuously absorbing the mana, making it turn into a pure magic lake that has a huge amount of power and mana which can also heal wounds, increases the quality of potions, the vitality of the body, and others.

And on that lake grows the Caila Lotus.

As we headed there, we encountered a magic beast that looked like a stag.

It glared at me, and wanted me to leave. But when Rutelae showed himself and explained our situation, it lowered his guard down.

It then took us to the lake and we followed. I was kinda scared that it would attack me. Thankfully I had Senoki to inform me about the plan.

After we reached there, I was amazed by the lake's beauty. The place kinda reminds me of some fantasy painting that I saw before in my previous life.


We also saw some stags and deers near the lake, and some were drinking from it. They all stared at me for a seconds and then ignored me. Our stag then took us to his boss which was a large white stag with four antlers on its head. The big guy stared at me with his golden eyes and spoke. Some how he was able to speak to me without moving his mouth. It wasn't telepathic but sound manipulation magic.

[You... are not human.]

[No, I'm not. I am actually a Homunculus.]

He tilted his head in confusion.


I had a feeling of urge to pat its head when I saw him do that, but I was able to resist. I then began explaining about my origin and Rutelae was there to back me up. It began throwing multiple questions to me and to Rutelae and we answered them.

Like, How did we met each other? When did we met? What do you like about him? What do you feel about him? And so on.

'Why do I feel like these questions are kinda weird?'

I asked my self that time.

(A/N: there was no from Senoki because he doesn't really want to know.)

After finishing our chat with Citlec which was his name, he allowed us to use the lake, but without causing any kind of troubles of course.

I then took out two small box that I made from glass (fire + sand magic) and then felt it with some water. After that I took four Caila lotus and placed them inside it, each.

We stayed there for 20 minutes, enjoying the view and talking to some stags and deers. A lot of them where very surprised that I was able to understand what they are saying. I had Senoki to tell me what they say. They were able to understand my words.

All wild beast that were able to reach the magic beast rank are able to understand the people's language. And some of them can talk like the stag leader.

We then left the place and headed to our last destination where the Everlasting Flower is located. But before leaving I threw a small crystal to the lake and it sunk down to the bottom.

[What was that?] Rutelae asked me, but I told him that I will explain about it tomorrow.

The crystal that I threw was a magic crystal that I bought it yesterday and it had some runes engraved on it.

As for what was the runes for? They were runes of Space magic.


The location of the Everlasting flower is near the Phoenix nest, and Rutelae knows the way since his previous job was a babysitt- Ahem, I mean a guardian for the Phoenix's chicks.

As we entered the Phoenix's territory, a large flaming bird flew down towards us. Thankfully, Rutelae's barrier was able to protect me from the heat.

[Rutelae! It's been a while since I last saw you.]

[Lady Anka! it's nice to see you again.]

The two of them start chatting until the phoenix lady stared at me.

[And who is your friend that you brought?]

[He is my partner contract, and my companion!]


[A pleasure to meet you, Lady Phoenix, Queen of the crimson sky.] I said with a bow.

[Oh...You know my title? It seems like you found someone mature, Rutelae.]

Rutelae responds was only a laugh while scratching his head.

He then told her about our story. How he got lost in the forest and was attacked by a group of big goblins, ten of them.

'What is he saying? There were only five.'

He began adding more spices to the story, changing it into an epic fight, where I showed up by landing from the sky. And then controlling the cloud to throw some lightning, like the great spirit of lightning and thunder.

'Is he talking about Zeus?'

And he even continued by telling that I killed the last one "The boss" with one punch, making its body explode like BOOM!

'Just what the Heck is he saying!'

He looked at me with his thumbs up and a wink.

"How did I do?" He asked me through telepathy, but I didn't answer. I just stared at him with unbelievable blank expression.

[So you are strong?] The Phoenix looked at me.

[Haha... I wouldn't say that, those monsters were actually too weak, so it was easy for me to get rid of them.] I was scratching my head. And for some reason sweating.

She was looking at me with an eyes full of interest, and I didn't like that look of hers. Then she declared...

[Fight me.]


There was a long silent, and my mind was screaming with multiple words.

'What the Heck! - What the Hell! - You got to be kidding me! - Hell No! - How did this happen! - I'm going to Die!?'

I then looked at Rutelae while glaring.

"Look what you did!"


[L-lady Anka, please, you can't fight him! He will die.] Rutelae said in a panic.

[But you said he is strong.]

[Y-yes but not in your level. He is strong but you're way stronger than him. I don't want to lose my friend.]

[...Okay fine. But I still want to test your strength. How about you fight my minion. Is that ok?]

I quickly asked Senoki for information and she told me that I can win. But there's a high chance that I will get hurt alot, so I need to be really focus in the fight.

I agreed to her offer. She then created a flaming humanoid figure with a flaming sword. The thing was all made from her flames. She measured my magic power through her eyes and created an opponent in the same level as me, with a little extra boost.

Rutelae looked at me worriedly and disappointed for putting me in this situation.

"It's not your fault. I'm the one who accepted her offer. And if you really feeling bad, then you better cheer for me."

His eyes brightened with determination and nodded at me.

We all moved to a wide area, and I was facing the flaming humanoid. I told Rutelae to deactivate his barrier around me so that I can absorb the mana in the air. I already explained to him my plan and he didn't like it so much. After pursuing him for the third time he finally removed the barrier.

[Ugh-] A small groan escaped my mouth as I was trying to focus on absorbing the thick mana around me. My MP were already full so I had to use all my mana quickly, and in the same time absorbing the mana. The process was very hard and I could feel my MP overheating.

'Activate Ice magic: Ice manipulation, Ice control, Ice enhancement, Ice resistance. Activate Air magic: Air manipulation, heat manipulation, heat resistance, heat control.'

The air around me became colder and my breathing became like a mist. Thin layers of ice began to cover around my clothes, armor, skin, and cloak. Lastly I created a sword and a shield made of thick ice.

Without noticing, somehow I accidentally created a sword that looks similar to Eugeo's sword.

The Blue Rose sword.

[You're ready?] Lady Anka asked me and I nodded.


I concentrated my breathing and focused my mind with a calm face.


The flaming minion dashed towards me at a very high speed but I already knew it would do that.

A large wall made of ice came out from the ground, blocking its path.


The wall was very thick since I was pouring it with more mana to make it last a little longer. An orange dot appeared on the center of the ice wall and it began to expand fast. Like when you're trying to pierce a metallic wall or a door using a very high hot lazer.

I took a step to the side and lowered my body while correcting my position, readying to slash. I was waiting while adding multiple extra enhancement, buffs, and boost to the sword.

Then I began to count down.


With all my strength, I slashed horizontally, and in the same time the wall exploded and the figure that was behind it passed through, about to meet my sword in 0.000000432 second.


The attack created a beautiful blue arc that slice the minion into two, but because it has no body, all made of fire, it didn't split. It only dealt alot of damage and its flames went down a little.

It then turn towards me, slashing its flaming sword, but I deflect it with my ice shield, throwing its off balance.

[Devour.] I said with a cold breath that escaped my mouth, pointing my Ice sword at him.

The Blue Rose then opened its blade wide, like a flower blooming. And then it closed on the humanoid, imprisoning it inside a sphere of ice.

I placed both of my hands on the handle and poured it with more mana.

Inside, I knew the minion is struggling to get out, but the temperature inside was low, reaching -50°c.

After knowing it extinguished, I release the sword and fell down on the ground.

[Xora!] Rutelae rushed to me and create a barrier, stopping the mana from leaking in.

The Phoenix flew down near us and praised me.

[It seems I underestimate you. You fought very well.]

I could only grin at her praise.


She then allowed us to rest in her territory. There we met her children, four of them. They were very happy to see Rutelae again since he was the one who was babysitting them for 38 years. Rutelae also introduced them to me and they were very happy when I gave them some Goco red fruits.

After recovering my mana and stamina I went to collect some of the Everlasting Flowers. There were alot of them, and Lady Anka told me that I'm free to take as much as I want, which I did.

Hehehehehe. you guys don't know how much value does one flower cost.

After that we said our goodbyes and left. And that was one of my painful, and busiest day of my life.


Two days after, I decided to visit Dr Mars to give him the plants that he requested. He was shocked knowing that I was able to collect all of them in just five days, although it was actually two days but I didn't want to tell him that.

The doctor was very amazed and excited by the Caila Lotus, especially the Everlasting Flower which was his first time seeing it for real.

He did questioned me on how I was able to obtain them, knowing that both of those flowers can only be found in the Core area.

To his question I answered that I had some help from my friend, and I even introduced him to Rutelae who decided to show himself to both the doctor and his wife. They were very surprised to see a real spirit for the first time and Mrs Ena was happy that Rutelae was enjoying her cookies.

The reason I decided to let them see him is because to make it more easy for me to explain how I was able to enter the Cora area, and getting the two items without any problems from the magic beasts. But the other main reason is because Rutelae wanted to try some of Mrs Ena's cookies and her tea, so he needed to deactivate his spirit form.

Finally I recieved my money from the doctor and he began asking me information about some plants, flowers and others that grows in the forest, and even about the knowledge that I learned from my teacher Senoki.

We talked for three hours, discussing about plants, herbs, potions, anything that about  pharmacy and medicines .

In the end he gave me the next list for the plants and I told him I would only be coming again every weekend to exchange the item.


The next five days after was the usual normal routine, Nothing new. Waking up early, morning training, taking some hard quests, hunting and training in the Mystic Forest, collecting many different materials, buying anything useful in the city, and enjoying a hot warm bath at night.

But during those five days I made many connections with multiple new people, like the guards of the city gate, some merchants and sellers, all the receptionist who works in the guild, and some adventures too.

Making some connections with the people wasn't hard because I asked Senoki for advice. I wasn't very good at talking to new people. Good but not very good. The only thing I can do is giving them advice or asking them for help. If I knew them very well then I would be able to make a connection with them, that's why I had Senoki's help in collecting their information.

The public information that is, not the private information, only about their characteristics and behavior.

I did also introduced Rutelae to Mrs Tina on the eighth day. She caught me accidentally talking to the thin air.

[...Xora? Who are you talking to?]

[Huh!... umm...]

We both become acquaintance to each other so we started to call each other with our first name.

[You sure about that?] I said while looking to my side, talking to Rutelae who was invisible to her.

Tina was confused with my action.


[Okay. Tina, I would like to introduce you to my friend.]

Rutelae then became visible to her.

[This is Rutelae, he is my Spirit companion.]

She was startled by his sudden appearance. I then explained about him and our relationship.

[Still, I'm kinda shock. It's very rare for someone to have a partner contract with a spirit. The only partner contract most people can do with, are the familia which its quiet rare too.]

She is right. Familia are magic beast that form a bond contract with their partner. Those people sometimes are called Summoner, but having a familia always happens to those with alot of mana, summoner is one of them since they possess a high amount of mana than a normal mage.

There is also the Tamer, and they have the ability to tame wild beast or monsters. But none of them are able to tame a magic beast, because it requires alot of magic power. Until now there is no one who succeeded in taming a magic beast, in history.

I can tame a magic beast in the near future, but I prefer to make a familia better than forcing it into an underling.

[That means I am quite lucky to get Rutelae as my partner.] I said with a smile.

[Same here.] Rutelae agreed too.

Seeing us praising each other, Tina chuckled.

[Fufu... it seems you two are getting along very well.]


Back to the present day.

That's all what happened ten days ago. Right now I'm walking to the guild for my daily quest.

[Hey Xora, are we going to the core area this time?]

[That depends. I'm planning to farm some minerals this time.]

Yesterday I was able to collect alot of materials from the Mystic forest, and also completing in making all that items that I needed, such as potions, small weapons, tools and magic items.

What's left now is getting my main weapons. The sword that I have is starting to get weaker, so it won't be long until I craft a new one.

Entering the guild, I was then greeted by some peoples.

[Oh, hey Xora, good morning.]

[Good morning Mr. Ade.]

[Xora! How are you doing, kid?]

[I'm doing fine, thank you.]

The adventures who greeted me were Ade and Davy. Four days ago I joined their party, and we went hunting in the Mystic forest together. At that time, I was their guider and supporter, and we became acquaintance.

After greeting them I arrived at the bulletin board and took some quests related to the Mystic forest. When I reached to the counter, I saw Tina there, waiting for me with a smile.

[Good morning Xora, Rutelae.]

[Good morning.]

[Good morning Tina.] Rutelae greeted from my side.

Right now, only Tina and me can see Rutelae. Other people around us can't because Rutelae has given her the Permission to see him.

That's one of the Spirit Form abilities.

[What with the smile?]

I asked her. She still wearing a wide smile and looked somewhat happy.

[That because I have a good news to you.]

[Good news?] Rutelae tilted his head.

[Congratulation Xora, you ranked up.]

'Huh... that was fast.'



- One of the old elder spirit is named Zeus, who is the spirit of lightning and thunder.

- Familia is prefer to a magic beast that made an equal contract with a person, and that person has a lot amount of mana. The person can be any class, swordsman, mage, etc. But most of them who can do that are the summoners.

- Summoner are those who are able to summon wild beast, monsters or magic beast. When they summon a magic beast, they will need to pay a heavy amount of mana, depends on its level, and the magic beast must agree to accept the summoning, if it wants to. But when trying to summon a wild beast or a monster, they don't need to do that, and only need to force them to agree the summoning by using dark magic and summoning magic. The difference is that the magic beast needs to agree, and the wild beast and monsters don't need to.

- Tamer are those who are able to tame a wild beast or a monster using force. The difference between a tamer and a summoner is that the tamer is like a master and a servant relationship, while the summoner has an equal or a fair partnership.

- One of the Spirit form abilities is that it allows the spirit to show itself to anyone he wants to. Just like a ghost, Spirit form is like a ghost form. Fun fact, there are some spirits who like to use this ability to prank some people.