Winter Hunt

Bitter wind cut through Markos's heavy wool cloak and tunic as he sheltered in an ancient oak waiting for a deer to wander beneath its ice laden grey branches. He watched the way his breath curled around him as he scanned the forest below. Grey skies loamed above him and rising in the distance to the west he could make out the brilliant peak of the Great temple of Westfallion east of the castle of the Drassin empire. He had been in this stand since before dawn and it seemed, he would be here for a hours yet to come. Chilled, he pulled his cloak tighter around him and warmed his thoughts with the promise of spring in the coming months.

It's almost time for the first proving to join the orders. The General already approved my request to try-out for the Templars, I just have to escort Lord Emilio there as well.

Markos smiled at the thought. Every year he managed to slip out to the festival for the first proving. The way the swords gleamed in the sunlight and steel sang as they clashed in the dusty rings excited him. It was the only way for him as the adopted squire of House de Arand to move into peerage. If he failed the proving, he could try again the next year but many didn't. No wanted to be the one seen to be a sheep masquerading as a wolf.

There was would always be a place for him among the General's household but he would be one of his soldiers. He could rise to be one of his Sergeants but he would never hold title as a knight or become an officer. He longed for a life beyond the Arand's holdings. There was a whole world out there but he didn't have the freedom to roam and hunt. If he stayed, he might settle down with the kennel master's daughter, Josephina like the fiery young woman seemed to hint at whenever she saw him these days.

With a sigh, he considered Jo, conjuring the memory of the young woman. Coppery curls pulled back into a messy braid at the based of a waifish neck. He liked the way her honey brown eyes sparkled in the light with mischief on her sun kissed freckled face. She was short for their age and still waiting for the day that the other men of the estate considered her a woman. He quietly laughed.

When did it start? Her attachment to me?

He wondered. It was natural for him to be near the kennels with the hunting rotation as it was. He couldn't place the exact moment he had noticed her blushing when he was present or when she started vying for him to look her way.

It wasn't that she was unattractive, he thought she was quite cute. It wasn't that he wasn't interested in women. He was just more focused on his studies and his training. Between the books and the training yard, he didn't have much time for dalliances with young women.... not that such improprieties were encouraged.

He knew the older squires often snuck away on off days or in the evenings to the village tavern to drink and dance with young maidens. The older men watched in amusement and only teased them when the lords were absent.

A fluttering of wings pulled Markos's attention upward. A brilliant blue bird landed and fluffed up its feathers above him. It reminded him of the fletchings on the elf's arrow that fateful hunt. It was a darker blue than the bright sky blue of that elf woman's eyes. Even now in the crispness of a winter day, he could smell that sensual floral perfume and feel a warmth in his chest at the thought of her.

He became conscious of the light weight of the arrowhead against his skin as a good luck talisman of sorts. It was embarrassing to have been so backed into a corner by a young maiden but he recognized the courage that took to face an larger enemy with hardly any clothing. She was the enemy of creation but he wanted to see her again and claim her name.

Maybe I'm just more interested in women like that?

A woman like what? Hair glittering like golden thread. Buxom?

He frowned a bit.

I'm sure there are women like that in the village.

A branch snapped below him, and he shifted, grasping his bow and carefully notching an arrow.

Finally, an animal besides the jay.

He scanned the forest floor, looking for the source. His eyes widened at the sight of a large black bear walking through the snow.

That's weird.

He considered the size of it.

Of all the days to use the bow. The rifle would have been better for this. If I can take it down then we'd be set for a few weeks combined with whatever the others catch today.

He took a deep breath and steadied his arm as he drew back the bowstring.

The little jay sang mournfully above him.

She'd make this.

He decided as the arrow flew free. He drew another arrow from the quiver, knowing that he wouldn't have much time otherwise if the bear ran deeper into the woods. The moments ticked by as he loosed another arrow and crimson spilled across the surface of the snow. He heard the groan of the bear and the heavy thud against the earth as the second arrow struck home. Markos quickly descended from the tree and cautiously approached the downed beast.

He drew his sword and waited. Its musky scent mingled with blood and pine as it thrashed.

Best to end it. Mara guide you to your afterlife, bear.

In a moment, steel penetrated thick hide and muscle, sending the large beast to the next realm. He stared down at the fallen predator and said a quiet prayer of thanks. Today's hunt had been fruitful and they'd rest easy. Nothing of the beast could afford to be wasted. He felt eyes on him and he looked up to see the jay watching him.

What a curious little bird.