Gods, Creatures, Flora, Magic

Aphotic- Subspecies of Tatya hini. Considered to be the embodiment of evil. Shadowy creatures that alter their form and feed on fear. Drawn energy from all living things. Believed to be corrupted souls of magic users and Embers. Considered the Children of Mara. Counter balance to the Embers.

Apostate -A rogue magic user. Not endorsed or sanctioned by the Church of the Holy Sword.

Auseklis - Minya hinya. Goddess of the Dawn. Daughter of Saule and Meneo.

Draugr Pine- A white pine tree with purple black needles.

Ember - Subrace of tatya hini. Beings with the ability to harness, absorb and transfer energy to and from the Word, as well as other beings. They are short lived, with glowing blue eyes. The embodiment of dragon fire. The counter balance to the Aphotic.

Heartstone- A crystal that is used as a magical battery. The darker the stone, the stronger the energy and the rarer the stone. Clear Heartstone is commonly used for lights and powering small devices. A small piece of ebon Heartstone could be used to power a large city.

Jord - Planet in which the story takes place.

Hesperus- Minya hinya. God of the mountains, earth.

Karta. -Minya hinya. One of the Goddesses of Fate. Sister to Laima and Mara.

Karta's Jay. - Small songbird with a blue body and tufted crest on a black head.

Kalinda. - Minya hinya. Goddess of Winter.

Laima. -Minya hinya. One of the Goddesses of fate. Sister to Mara and Karta.

Laumina, -Pixie. Order of Elven Mages.

Leanhaun- An elven mage in training to become a Laumina.

Lindwyrm - Large serpentine creature with powerful clawed feet.

Mara- Minya hinya. Considered the goddess of Death. One of the aspects of destiny. Imprisoned inside of Jord.

Maraium - Metal that interrupts the flow of magical energy. Found with deposits of Heartstone.

Meneo- Minya hinya. God of the moon. Husband to Saule, father to Auseklis.

Minya hini (plural), minya hinya (singular)- The First Children of the Elder race, created Jord, the Word and the Ember/Aphotic system. Effectively the Gods of Jord.

Moira. - The triad of the Goddesses of fate, Karta, Laima and Mara.

Mountain Horse.

Perkons - Minya hinya, God of Thunder and the heavens.

Saule- Minya hinya. Goddess of the Sun. Wife of Meneo and mother of Auseklis. Created the Ember / Aphotic System. Believed to be imprisoned in the sun.

Tatya hini (plural), tatya hinya (singular) - The Second Children of the Elder race, created by the Minya Hini, dubbed Elves.

Teiwaz -The God of the Holy Sword. Not a Minya Hini, an interloper that gave St, Fleur the idea to rally against the elves and humans the idea to steal magic from the tatya hini. Marked a lineage of humans for Divine rule.

Temple Dogs - Species of dog bred and trained to sniff out magic users and magic artifacts.

Velns- Minya hinya. God of death, husband of Mara.

Warder - Horse breed for the Templars.

The Word- The essence of magic and life on Jord. It is the power system of Jord, self-administered by a complex AI, though tended by the Minya hini imprisoned within Jord.