Templar Rising

In the light of a warm winter morning, the grey and black stone walls seemed less imposing than the night before. On the ramparts with Iliana, Markos marveled at the sea of black and green pine trees that parted in the wake of the long and winding road that connected the lonely outpost to the rest of the kingdom, northward it lead deeper into the wilderness wastes while southward were the telltale signs of civilization lingering on the breeze with a promise of burning oak and pine.

Caelyn was somewhere below in the courtyard preparing for his induction ceremony. The Wardens had scattered like a flock of crows when the senior templar approached. His youth did not belay the authority he commanded. Markos sensed his friend's presence below and turned his attention to his companion.

Wind caught and twisted Iliana's auburn hair and loose crimson gown around her slender frame. The sight of her reminded him of her namesake embers burning inside of a lamp among a background of winter; she was like a welcoming beckon.

"It's like a lighthouse."

Iliana turned to face Markos and smiled. "What is?"

Markos pulled his scarf a little more tightly around his neck, watching his breathe freeze in front of him. "The Wall. It's the only thing between here and the Teeth."

She floated down from the rampart, smoothing her hair from her face as her feet touched the stone walkway with a soft crunch of snow. "I imagine you've never been this far north?"

Markos shook his head. "No. General de Arand hasn't had a campaign in years. His children long for the day they can prove themselves." He smiled softly. "I hope they aren't too cross with how suddenly I left."

Iliana placed her hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry we took you earlier from them than you intended. You'll see them again." He watched her eyes, even in the sunlight they glowed intensely blue that there all other colors were drowned out by the light. "I'm told that my eyes were brown before my power woke."

"W...why do you mention that?"

"You were staring so intently, I thought you were trying to decide." Iliana's tone was light as she watched his expression in growing amusement.

Markos was grateful that his face was covered by the scarf. "Ah. I was just thinking about Imelda asked me after she first saw you. It's embarrassing to bring it up now." He lightly tapped the base of his neck, uncertain of whether to tell her or not.

Iliana gently squeezed his gloved hand, and kissed his cheek through the scarf. "Don't trouble yourself if you don't want to discuss it. I understand."

He pulled her into a tight embrace, whispering into her hair. "...I'm glad you're okay after last night."

Iliana stayed in his arms for a couple heartbeats before she stepped away. "Come, Caelyn's ready for us below."

"I don't hear him." Markos looked around and listened but didn't hear anything distinct.

Iliana smiled with a wink. "We'll teach you our tricks when we get away from prying eyes." She started towards the stairs, glancing over her shoulder once at him. Markos rubbed the back of his neck and followed after.

"Why were you on top of the wall, anyway?"

"Part of how my body works is that I absorb sunlight to give it back to the Word when I harness its power. Embers are part of the life cycle of Jord, we gather, restore, and purify life energy taken from its breath so it can continue living. When this doesn't happen... you remember how that house felt before we stopped the aphotic."

Markos nodded. "It was awful."

"Life and death. Saule and Mara. Just different halves of a whole." Iliana came to a stop in the middle of the courtyard where a large ebon barked tree stood with gnarled barren branches reaching skyward. A small hawk rested on Caelyn's arm, his back towards them on the right side of the old oak.

"Good, you're here. Let's begin so we can start preparing to head north." Caelyn turned, the hawk flying from its perch on it arm to the low hanging branches of the oak. He gestured for Markos to stand at the base of the tree facing north, while he stood to Markos's right. Iliana quietly stood between them. "Are you both ready?"

Iliana nodded.

Markos raised a brow. "Yes."

Caelyn reached down and drew the sword from Markos's sheath. Markos stepped backward but returned to position once he saw Caelyn shake his head. "Hold your hands palm up." Markos did as he was told and Caelyn laid the sword's blade flat in his hands. The senior templar's hands rested on top of the blade.

Iliana placed one hand on top of Caelyn's and the other on top of Markos's.

"Sister, set the candle."

Markos raised an eyebrow at the phrase. They were standing beneath a ancient oak in the middle of a court yard with its shadow cast behind them. There were no candles in sight at this time of day.

"Lord Father Teiwaz hear me and grant to me the grace of Mother Saule's flame to burn away the threads of Laima that would lead Sir Markos Louvel into the hands of Mara," her voice was a bell on the breeze, causing a warmth to spread from her hand over his body as her eyes blazed.

"Do you accept this charge, Markos Louvel to hold true faith in our cause?" Caelyn toned, his steel grey eyes meeting Markos's golden ones.

"I accept this charge."

Iliana's voice gained substance as she continued. "Lord Father, invoke the Maiden Karta to spin new threads that bind Markos Louvel to his service. I implore Lady Laima to weave Markos Louvel to his mentor, Caelyn Talon that he will guide him down the surest path."

The warmth became almost unbearable as it felt like his soul was being set of fire, he winced but kept still. "For now and until the end of times when the First return to break the chains that shackle us. Let this bond be bound by my flame, my hand, Mother Saule hear her daughter, Iliana and cleanse the lingering darkness from this man's heart."

"Until the light of the last star dies." Markos added as he had been instructed earlier.

The arrowhead at Markos's neck grew hot, the sunlight intensified, and then just as suddenly as it had began, the heat was gone, the surge of heat left the courtyard devoid of snow. Only bare grey stone rested beneath their boots.

Sweat beaded across their brows. Markos stared down at the Maraium blade that hummed in his hands, glowing a vibrant shade of violet before dimming once more.

"Your destiny awaits you, Sir Markos Louvel, welcome to the Order of the Holy Sword." Caelyn patted Markos on the shoulder and glanced up to the hawk. His eyes held a spark of blue light for an instant before it dimmed.

The hawk stretched its wings and took off into the sky. Markos saw buds of green along the branches above them.