
 Markos nudged his warder back into a sensible pace through the snowy field. They were clear of their pursuers but they weren't safe yet. There was still some distance to clear. "How are you feeling?" He asked, his breath sending little puffs of steam before them. 

"Tired but I'll be okay once I eat something." Sintija replied gently. 

Markos nodded. "Just reach into the pouch on my belt, on the left side. It's not much, but there is some dried beef you can have to tide you over." 

"Thank you." Sintija turned slightly, rumaging through the leather pouches on his waist until she found the wrapped parcel. She pulled it out and nibbled on a piece of jerky. She searched the forest before them. "We're almost north of the wall?" She marvelled. "What are we doing up here?"