Siren's Call

Markos looked between his companions, trying to gauge how much he should share. The weight of the revelation had changed the trajectory of their lives but Vladimars was still fairly unknown. 

Iliana spoke into his and Caelyn's mind. "We can skirt around it. We shouldn't reveal the truth of Mara and the first children." 

Caelyn offered, "He took a risk to share with us a partial truth. Maybe the context of our experience will help our path forward with him." 

Markos rubbed the back of his neck. "We don't want to endanger Mara's location. We still don't know if the the aphotic dragon is a construct or even… one of the gods corrupted."

Iliana pursed her lips together. "I don't think we've explored that possibility… that even the First could be corrupted and twisted into aphotics. How horrifying."