Ghosts in the Night


"When the storm breaks, we ride north. We have their trail." Emilio ordered as he turned away from the leaping flames of the funeral pyres, unable to bear the sight of them any longer. His men grimly agreed and so dismissed, trounced off to find shelter from the howling wind. Only Unnur remained beside him.

"A copper for your thoughts, Ser Emilio?" Unnur asked gently, placing a gloved hand on his arm. 

He looked down at the small petite hand against the bulk of his armor. 

She's so small. Just a gust of this wind will steal her away into the night.

His gaze moved to to her youthful face and lingered on the intense blue within blue of her eyes. "You're the embodiment of a summer morning," he commented. He blinked at the compliment and blushed.

Unnur stared at him, her own face a soft pink as she giggled. He wasn't sure if she felt as awkward as he did for saying such things aloud.