Markos crashed back onto the chamber floor, gasping for breath as Sintija collapsed on top of him. Her body flushed and covered in sweat. She snuggled against him. He couldn't see her face, it was covered by the tussled tangle of her golden blonde hair. He blinked, wiping his hand over his face as he tried to get his bearings. Everything ached. "Sintija?"
She stretched on his chest, glancing up at him with clear, sky blue eyes. "Hmm. Yes, Markos?" Her smile was lazy and adoring as she looked at him. Her cheeks and ears flushed a soft pink against her pale skin.
"Gods, you're beautiful." He returned her smile, running his hand through her hair as he leaned down to affectionately kiss her. "Are you okay? Did she hurt you?" He asked gently.