Free Fall

All sense of direction and form was obliterated by the light's intensity. A crushing invisible force threw them downward at a frightening pace.

"MARKOS!" Sintija fearfully yelled. Her fingertips grazed Markos's bare arm, missing him. She threatened to slip away. 

"I'm here. Grab my hand!" Markos groped for her hand, his palm brushing against hers as she slipped. He leaned toward her and she grabbed hold. "I've got you," he reassured, swallowing down his own fear and panic. He wrapped his arm around her and pulling her more securely against his side. He squinted, unable to see anyone else through the blinding light. Even with his ability, his sight was flooded with light to discern figures around them. 

Caelyn's voice called out somewhere nearby. "I got you!" Markos couldn't see what was going on with Caelyn and Iliana but he understood that Cae was also desperate to not lose Iliana to whatever magical mischief was at work.