Auseklis passed through Markos's body in a cloud of glittering starlight. He stood on the dais empty handed and staring at the crimson stone walls of the chamber. Sintija's hand touched his shoulder and he turned to look at her, blinking in a daze. Sintija's mouthed his name but he heard nothing.
His ears popped with a loud ringing. "Markos?" Sintija asked, looking at him with concern in her eyes. "Are you okay? You were just standing there when the mist wrapped around you. Did you get the essence?" Her voice soft as she asked her questions.
"I am. I did." Markos spoke, his own voice sounded distant like he hadn't yet returned from wherever the goddess had taken him. Sintija touched his face, staring up at him. A soft pink light settled around her body he hadn't noticed before. He blinked staring down into her eyes.