Chapter 2

Water splashed.

A girl shouted-"Why have you tied me like this? And who are you?"

Silence for one or two second.

The guy who had tied him replied-''Am Mr Ray, a special officer from India."

The girl replied- "Do you know who I am?"

Mr Ray replied-"Yes obviously you are mrs scott. Nobody is there in london who don't know you."

She had a wild smile in her face. Mrs Scott replied- " This is not my real identity. I am only Miss Bose. I will be grateful if you introduce me by that only. "

Mr Ray replied- "Whatever Mrs Scott or Miss Bose."

Her face turned red. " I meant that your name doesn't matter what you had done is a crime in our country do you know that?"

She replied-" Yes I know its a crime but how can you prove it. Court needs evidence. And I think what you do is also a big crime in our country. Will you introduce yourself or I should?."

An awakard silence in the room. Mr ray gets shocked by this. He turned back and looked at me and uttered- "Mmmmeeeann". He was sweating. As if he is the criminal who is being interogated at that time.

She replied- "Ok am breaking the suspense. Let me introduce you. You are Mr Digvijay Ray a cyber hacker sorry forget to mention that a illegal cyber hacker who had done many illegal hacking and you have reached me like that only. You were put into jail when CBI caught you but you impressed the CBI also by helping them in solving the most difficult case " Fiancee murder case". So they trained you for joining CBI. They thought you are changed so they took you as a special officer who will handle all the computerised work but they don't know that a human's nature can't be changed. Am I right or am I wrong? If I am wrong then correct me."

Digvijay replied-"Its not a crime in eyes of law."

Ms Bose replied-" Oh com'on I know today what you had done was instructed, or if you done without being instructed then also its not a crime. I know that. Its not about today, other underground works which I know and you know that very well."

Digvijay told his other staffs to leave.

Digvijay replied- " I am not so fool, you bitch woman, how did you get so much information about me? And don't lie to me. Am a hacker I didn't kept any evidence about me I removed all evidenes, then how did you get so much information about me?"

Miss Bose replied by a wild smile -" Don't ever trust anyone so much. Who will backstab you, you never know?" A weird smile. "I don't want to distract you. You are already very much disturbed. I respect those who are committed towards their job. I saw that in you. The work for which you came here, complete that and go back."

Digvijay Ray replied- "Its my job to interrogate you. Just tell me the truth" He opened her hands and legs too. "Why did you do this means whats the reason behind this? For this crime you would be punished."

Miss Bose replied- " Crime. I had done crime? what had been done to me was not a crime?"

Mr Ray offered her a glass of water and told - "You are responsible for so many murder. Don't you think its a big crime?"

Miss Bose drank the water at one breathe and replied- "Am not responsible for anyone's destruction or murder. They themselves called their destruction. They had done such things which has put as a curse on them. Do you remember newton's third law? So its the reaction which came back due to their action."

Digvijay replied -" I just want to know the truth"

Am just shocked after hearing their conversation.

Am also bit confused about the lady, she is out of my observation skill. I solved so many cases but I didn't find such a mysterious woman.

Ops! I forgot to introduce my self am the senior of mr Ray, Mr Veer Khurana. He is interrogation specialist so under my command he has to interrogate her.

Miss Bose started...