Chapter 21

I went upstairs and opened the door I saw the room was messed up. I called "Riya, Riya. Where are you my dear?"

A sound came from corner of the bed "Who are you?"

I said "Riya it's me Sanaya."

Riya came infront of me and hugged me tightly. She said "Sana where were you for so long? Do you know I missed you so much."

-"I called you last night only"

-"When? I'm not abling to recall"

and then she put her hand on his head and tried to recall.

I said "Relax Riya. Maybe I forget to call you. You don't need to recall anything. Doctor told us that too much stress may harm you."

Riya asked "I don't know why always this happens? Doctor told you something Why this happens? Am not fine?"

I said "You are completely fine. I asked your doctor he said you that you took lots of stress. When people took lots of stress they sometimes forget things."

She said "You are telling true right?"

I said "Yes. 200% it's true. I talked with your doctor personally."

I saw that her food was kept on the table. I asked her "Why haven't you eat your meal?"

She said "Actually I don't want to. I am not hungry now."

I said "If you do like this then how will your body get the power to fight?"

She said "I am tired of fighting."

I said "Ok you don't have to fight. But please eat for me only. If you don't eat I'll also remain hungry."

I took the plate and make her eat the food by my hand. I said "Now finish the food immediately. I promise you we will do all those things which we do at our childhood. I'll be back soon."

She exclaimed with joy "Really! I love you. I missed you so much. I know you will achieve your goal sooner."

I said "I love you too. Now come with me please at downstairs everyone is waiting for you."

She said "Ok"

She came with me. I saw that Zaroon and Abhishek was talking. I asked Abhishek "Abhi will you please come aside? I need to talk to you alone."

Abhishek replied "Yes sure."

Riya was scared to see Zaroon. She hide behind me. I said to her "Riya this is Zaroon. Don't get scared. He is my friend. He is a good guy."

Riya came infront of Zaroon from my back and said "You are Sana's friend, then you will be a good guy obviously."

I said to Zaroon "Zaroon she is my elder sister."

Zaroon said "Hello, Riya. So nice to meet you."

I said to Zaroon "You guys carry on. I need to talk to Abhi. I'll catch you guys later."

Abhishek took me to another room and said "Did she ate today?"

I said "Yes today I managed to eat her the food."

Abhishek said "Thanks. It's so difficult for me to eat her the food."

I said "I know she is mentally not stable. But I had talk to her doctor she will be fine sooner."

Abhishek asked "Whatever I'll handle all this. Just focus on your aim. How is the progress going on your plan?"

I said "It's almost perfect. Everything will be fine soon. Truths will come out soon."

Abhishek said "Nice. Well done. But please be careful and don't take any risk."

I said "Yes sure. I can't forget about that day. It was a worst night mare I have ever had."

Abhishek said "Yes I know but please be careful. Remember one thing many lives depends on one of your decision."

I said "I know don't worry. I won't do anything that will harm anyone. I can assure you that."

We came from the room as we ended our conversation.