Chapter 23

Zaroon said "Now I'll drive."

I said "How can you drive you don't know the roads."

Zaroon said "Did you forget we have a phone where we have GPS."

I said "But some places..."

He put his hand on my lips and shut my mouth by a tape. He said "Am really very sorry but you are talking too much."

I was trying my best to cut the tape but he tied by hand and closed my eyes too and said "Please now don't try to say anything. Just calm down for few minutes more and we will be on our destination soon."

I just showed thumbs up with utter dissatisfaction.

After a while Zaroon took me to a beautiful place.

I was surprised for few minutes.

I said "We had already have our dinner right. Then Why did you plan for a dinner again?"

He said "You are so rude Sanaya. You didn't even praise for such a lovely surprise."

I said "It's amazing but why did you waste so much money in planning again a dinner?"

Zaroon said "Miss Bose I saw you, you didn't completed your dinner. So I knew that you will definitely feel hungry at midnight so I arranged all this. And by the way this hotel is also mine so how can I waste my money? Listen now, I have arranged a beautiful surprise for you don't waste that. Please close your eyes again."

Then I went with him somewhere. When I opened my eyes I saw that I was being closed in a room which has been fully decorated. I was surprised by that. It was amazing. I saw a note on the bed with a gift packed. It was written "Surprise, Surprise."

I opened the packet I saw a beautiful royal blue and black dress with a note "I hope you liked it. I tried my best to find the best one for you but no dress is as pretty as you are."

I smiled and kept the note. I wear the dress and came in the hall. I saw that lights were turned off. Then I saw a spotlight came onto me.

I heard a sound "Maybe you are thinking that what is all this but I just want to thank you in a different way. I want to say thank you Sanaya for coming into my life, for making my life so beautiful. You are the best gift in life. I don't know whether our relation will have a destiny or not but I know that I want you in my life forever."

Then the sound stopped and Zaroon came infront of me and said "Do you know the most precious gift given to me by God is you. I have been blessed that you came into my life. I want to confess something."

He kneeled down with a tajmahal and say "Ami tomake Bhalobasi. I hope this is right. I tried my best to learn this words. But yet I'll tell you in my language I love you. Yes I love you a lot. You are my everything. I know that this is very close to your heart. I love you Sanaya. I know you also love me. Maybe it's not right but for today please forget everything just think that we were friends who had fallen in love with each other."

I was shocked by his confessions. I smiled and said "Look I don't know but this was fun. Zaroon thanks for such a lovely surprise I love the prank. You are too cute. Anyone will fall in love with you." But I saw that he was very serious. He said "But I love you I don't love anyone else."

I hold his hand and said "Look Zaroon I don't want to hurt you but I need time to think about your answer. Look I don't want to destroy such a beautiful friendship which has been formed between us. Even it is not easy for to accept that you fell in love with me. I didn't have a single hint to you. But I am giving respect to your feelings, so for the time being it's no. We can enjoy our date."

Zaroon said "Ok I'll wait for you"

I said "Ok, let's eat."

Zaroon was quite upset after getting my answer so I tried to light his mood. I said "By the way I had to say if you practice Bengali you will learn it quickly. Believe me this was the best proposal I have ever had. Thanks for all this I liked it."

We completed our dinner date and came to the hotel at morning.