Chapter 39

Next morning I paid visit to Zaroon's house. I rang the doorbell. He came in his night wear and opened the door. He didn't saw me and said that "Please yaar am sleepy please go now." I asked him "Are you sure I should go?"

Zaroon heard my voice and looked at me and said "No no please come in. I thought means I misunderstood you as my assistant. Sorry sorry please get inside." He looked at me, he understood that I didn't believe in his words so he continued "Trust me am telling the truth." I get inside and asked him "Why are you sleeping at this time? Don't you have any work at office?''

Zaroon replied "No today Mr Scott will handle everything so I have taken a leave from office for today."

I asked "Good! But why did you wake up so late? What are you doing whole night?"

Zaroon turned back and said ''Oh shit !" silently which I heard. And then turned towards me and said "Nothing, infact yesterday I slept earlier than others day."

I looked at him in suspect manner and said "Are you sure?"

He now started to mumble "Yes yes obv-i-ously." and that everything was crystal clear. I replied, "Don't lie to me at least."

He said, "Am not lying, and who told you that am lying."

I replied "Oh shut up! After staying with you for so long now I can understand when you are lying and when you are telling the truth. And this time you are lying I know that."

He said "Ok fine I didn't sleep the whole night I was not sleeping now also I was too tired."

I said "Don't take stress everything will be fine. The situation is not under our control but I can assure you that everything will be fine but you need to be positive. So be positive."

He said, "How can I relax until everything settles down?"

I make him sat on the couch and hold his face and said "Ok fine just look at me and close your eyes. Think of some wonderful memories of your life. Think of that wonderful person with whom you are comfortable."

He looked at me and we were lost for some seconds and then he closed his eyes. I asked him after some time to open his eyes and asked him excitedly "Now tell me what was a beautiful moment in your life and the name of the person you are enjoying that day?"

He looked at me and said ''If I tell you the name you will again make my feelings for fun so I won't tell"

I replied "Ok I promise you that I won't make fun of you. But ok if you don't want to tell I won't force. Now go to the washroom and get freshen up yourself."

Zaroon said "Thanks."

He came after getting fresh. I prepared coffee and tiffin for both of us. I told him "Please drink coffee you will feel better."

He took the coffee cup and cheers with me. I said, "Now you will see everything will be fine."

He nodded his head and said "Hmm."