4: Friends

Class went on more or less as expected. We all told everyone our names and what monsters we are, introducing our selfs to our new class/dorm mates. Our teacher, Mr. Aizawa, tested our skills so he could see where we were in terms of strength and smarts.

Let's just say I didn't do so go. I got dead last in terms of pure strength and having control over my powers. But I did get ranked the fourth smartest in my class only one under Katsuki. I got a lot of information for my notebook. So all in all not that bad of a day.

Once class had ended we all head back to the dorms to get settled in and get to know each other more personal. The thing that really got everyone interested is when Mina, a pink alien girl, decided to checkout everyone dorm rooms. It was a lot of fun to see everyones different styles. There was a few people that decided not to show off there rooms. But they all have the right to there own privacy.

Time skip

Me and Kacchan both made our own little friend groups over the past few weeks of school. Actually it's more like he was dragged in to a group by four very loud, very chaotic people and one very tired demon. Who became his friends as time went on. My friends on the other hand are a little more laid back. Actually I'm think I may even have a crush on one them. But he's probably straight and even if he wasn't, I'm not good enough for some one as strong, good looking, and rich as him.

"Hey, Midoriya." Speak of the devil. Well more like vampire in this case.

"Hi, Todoroki." I say glad that he may have just stopped me from spiraling into my own head.

"Are you okay? You seem like your stuck in your own head."

"Yeah, I'm fine just lost in thought. What are you up to?"

"I came down to make some lunch. I'm making cold soba. Do you want some?"

"I would love some. Thank you."

"Here you go."

"Hay, Todoroki. I was wandering how are you both a werewolf and a vampire?"

"Because my dad is vampire and my mom is a werewolf."

" Okay but doesn't that mean the werewolf should override the vampire unless you've died before?" I asked with out thinking,

"Yeah it did." He almost whispered this. He looks so sad. Like I had brought up an old memory he never wished to see you again, but was always there in the corner of his mind.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.."

"It's not that I don't want to tell you. Cause I do trust you and I want tell you everything. But just thinking about that day scares me."

"Hey you two. What are you guys doing?" Tsu asked as her and Uraraka walked over to us.

"O I was just about to suggest we play a board game. Want to play with us?" I say trying to respect todo's boundaries.

"Sure" They both said. We played Monopoly for a while until Uraraka final won. She was so happy. Then she started to look like she wanted all the money to be real.


Thanks to all my guys, gals, and non-binary pals for reading this. I love you and you're all beautiful😘

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