13: Shoto’s Backstory

Thank you @izzythewriter90 for commenting. I hope you and everyone else enjoy Shoto's backstory.

Trigger warning ⚠️ Suicide⚠️

Shoto's father homeschooled and trained him and his sibling for as long as he could remember. Even though he was the youngest of the four Todoroki children he was the prodigy of his family. He was faster, stronger, and could hold his wolf form longer than any of his older siblings.

After they finished all of their normal school work with their tutor and finished basic training with Natsuo and Fuyumi, Shoto and Toya would have to stay with their father to do more extreme training. Toya was stillborn so he was the only one of them that was a vampire. There is a ten-year age difference between Toya and Shoto. But in terms of power, they were on equal footing.

"Want do you think Dad is going to make us do today?"

"Probably just some sparing and intense exercise. Maybe a ten-mile run or trying to survive a night in the woods. Same old same old Shoto."

"Yeah but you would think since we have mastered all that stuff he would give us something a little different. Why can't we ever do anything fun."

"Because we were born into the great Todoroki family. So we have to be great too." They walked the rest of the way in silence. Toya was right it was a night in the woods. There wasn't much talking as they set up traps, hunting for dinner, and shoving their face since they hadn't eaten since breakfast that morning. After they were done eating they went to their separate tents and headed to bed.

At about midnight Shoto walked deeper into the forest to make sure Toya won't smell the blood. No one noticed but Shoto had been cutting for months now. Of course, they didn't no one cares about me Shoto thought as he cut his wrist again. He thought about all the things that he had been through. Every mean and discussed word from his father, every scared glace from his mother or siblings, and every time Toya forgot about him to leave the house. Leaving him with their terrible family. He even pulled up the memory of his mother burning him. He cut himself for everything. He took all the blame on himself and then he finally blacked out.

Meanwhile back at camp, Toya woke up and smelled the faint scent of blood. He went over to Shoto's tent, when he saw his little brother was gone he ran in the direction of the blood trail. Using his vampire speed as the scent got stronger. He finally made it to Shoto's unconscious body.

"Shoto. Shoto. O no-no-no. What did you do to yourself? Just hold on. Let's get you back to the house so I can call 911 and hopefully stop the bleeding. Just hold on a little longer." They of course didn't have a first aid kit. So Toya ripped up his shirt trying to use it as a tourniquet to stop the bleeding to Shoto's arm. Then he picked up his little brother's body and ran to the house.

When they got to the house he rang the doorbell yelling "Open up Shoto's hurt. He could bleed out. Open the door and someone call 911." Finally, Natsuo opens the door while Fuyumi was on the phone. Natsuo grabbed the first aid kit while Toya laid Shoto down on the table and answered the paramedic's questions the best he could. But before he could even end the call Shoto died.

"What the hell is all that noise?" Endeavor screamed as he stomped down the stairs.

"He cut himself. We did everything we could to save him."

"You killed my prodigy, Toya. I will make you pay." Endeavor yelled as he held Toya by the neck.

Shoto woke with glowing eyes as he grabbed the needle from the first aid kit. He then jumped on his father's back and stabbed him in the neck with the holy water needle. Killing him almost instantly.

(A.N. The reason Endeavor had a holy water needle is to threaten Toya in to summation.)

"What? How are you alive? You didn't even have a pulse a minute ago." Natsuo asked amazed.

"Is no one going to mention that Shoto just killed our father," Fuyumi said gesturing toward Endeavor's dead body.

"That asshole didn't deserve to be a parent. As for Natsuo's question, Shoto turned into a vampire. Also, WHY IN THE HELL DID YOU KILL YOUR SELF???"

"Because nothing seems that great about our family or life in general. Mom and dad were always fighting. Natsuo and Fuyumi are always hanging out with each other. They made me feel like I wasn't worth having around and you're always running off to who knows where when we are not training. Mom burned me and even before that she avoided you and me like she was scared of us. Also, dad made me fight you and him all the time. I'm only eight you guys are so much bigger and stronger than I am. It makes me feel like everyone hates me. Like there was no reason for me even being born. If training day and night every day is all life is it isn't worth living."

"Shoto." There was a long pause before Toya spoke again. "Shoto I'm your big brother so it's my job to protect you from all the horrible things that life is made up of. I wish I could have done that job better. To save you from the pain even for a little bit. But remember that no matter how much life beats you down that I love you and one day you are hopefully going to meet someone that makes you forget even if it is only for a second. They make you forget all the pain in this world. When you find that person Shoto never let them go. Because chances are they need you just as much as you need them."

"And we didn't mean to make you feel like that. We're sorry Shoto."


"Also the reason why I was always running off is that I was trying to get the forms to adopt the three of you now that I'm eighteen. Now that dad is dead and mom is still seen as mentally unstable. Those papers with hopefully go through."


"Really" they all hugged and lived as best as anyone would think four siblings raising each other would go. But even after almost eight years Shoto still remembered that lesson and swore never to leave Izuku alone again.


Thanks to all my guys, gals, and non-binary pals for reading this. I love you and you're all beautiful😘

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