Chapter 2

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Perverted Academy ~ ~ ~ ~

Students fled to their classroom when they perceived Mrs Alberta Halls approaching their corridor. She was well known by the students for her cruelness and her none tolerance for disturbance.

When Mrs Halls arrived, the corridors were empty as in a graveyard with little or no noise from their class room.

The students ran quietly to their seat while idling for Mr Halls to get into their class usual with her horrifying glance but this time she wasn't alone, she had some company something which rarely came about.

Mrs Halls barged into the classroom as the students excepted her to, but this time with a very beautiful frightened young girl. The young girl nervously arch her head by side as she gently scratched two-dot marks on her neck, it tuned to a reflex action that occurred whenever she got stressed or anxious.

"Good Morning Mrs Alberta Halls!" they all stood up in reverence to the principal of the 'Perverted Academy' and also to the weirdest creature Mr, Alberta Halls, founder and creator of the Academy.

"Oh, well! You all seat!" she waved them down with a malicious smile "today we're welcom a new, student and a recruit to the Academy!" she announced with a huge smile of satisfaction, she loved having new members at her school. "Her name is Nadia Houston, she's from the saint Maria's orphanage!" she added.

Once Mrs Halls uttered the word "orphanage" the young girl's shoulders slumped miserably. Little did she know that it was actually the beginning of her sufferings.

However, the young Nadia was pleased to finally have a place where she could sleep. She was also grateful to have a shield such as Mrs Alberta, who she believed will be as kind as Miss Helena was!.

While the class became noise with students murmuring amongst themselves and this intimidated the young girl and made her more frightened.

"Silence! and welcome are new, recruit!" Mrs Halls brutally hit a student on the nose with her stick, the student was busily gossiping in her presence. The other students immediately stood quiet as blood was oozing from the young guy's nose.

They all recited...

"Welcome Nadia Houston!" some made a mockery out of it, while a few were still terrified by Mrs Halls's wickedness.

Their so-called 'welcome' was meant to comfort the young girl, but in vain, instead, they gave rise to more terror and anguish in the young and naive, Nadia.

While the young boy was still crying, holding his nose with both hands, trying to stop the blood from oozing in silence.

The Young Nadia felt pity for the boy so she tried to sympathise with him. She peeped at Mrs Halls who was busily talking to the class, then she discreetly passed over her handkerchief to the boy.

The boy was so pleased and he was about seizing it from her when Mrs Halls hit him again on the hand without glimpsing at him nor the young girl!. Mrs Halls stare was fixed on the class all through, not even for a second did she stopped her speech to glimpse at them.

The boy withdrew back his hand with fierce pain while crying he peeked at Nadia with a disastrous look, like he was blaming her.

His looks got her frozen and guilt for causing him more pains. She also got alarmed by Mrs Halls sodden change of mood. She began to tell herself that perhaps going to the streets would have been better.

Mrs Halls turned to Nadia with a smile, the young girl had no other choice than to fake a visible smile back with her lips trembling. Mrs Halls turn back to the class.

"So in conclusion, I expert each and everyone of you to be nice to Nadia!" Mrs Halls turned back to the young girl "Don't worry you will be fine here!" she added while giving her a tap on the shoulder with that done Mrs Halls immediately left the classroom.

As soon she left the classroom, it became noise with the atmosphere of excitement, some gathered in clans while some were eager to know more about the new, recruit and some were very eager to torture her.

Luther kept his Malicious looks on her, Nadia noticed it as she feverishly moving to get a free seat. Frightened, she tightly wrapped her arms around her herself.

Only one empty seat was left, so Nadia was moving towards it when Luther placed his legs on it. She halted on her way confused with her eyes faded. Luther and his clan began to poke fun at her.

She desperately whirled around, luckily she saw another empty seat and she smiled deep within her. She instantly moved to it and this time around it was by Demond. She heavily smiled once she noticed Demond like she was eager to talk to him.

When she happily arrived, Demond seized the chair as expected by his clan. He wasn't that much amused but his clan was and they all began to laugh at her.

This shattered the young girls heart more like she hoped Demond was brilliantly going to hand over the chair to her.

She ridiculously stood up in the middle of the class swamped, staring at their face crammed with taunt. She helplessly began to whimpering when Demond flung the chair right behind the class "Why did you do that?" his clan thundered him while he simply stood quietly.

While Nadia ran behind the class like a dog hunting for a bone. This time around the whole class cracked up.

She immediately picked up the chair and sat behind the class alone and she began to weep in a low tune, she couldn't help it. She wasn't prepared for this, she expected to find a home like the one Miss Helena always battled to give her back in the orphanage.

"Oh! the baby is crying!" Marcus announced and all laughed again and again, just when she thought it was over. She covered her head on the table not to glimpse at their wicked faces.

Marcus is Luther's best friend and also a member of his clan. He follows every order Luther gives him without any objection. While Emily is Luther's girlfriend and also a member of his clan.

"Don't mind them they're always wicked with newbies. I went through all this! You will get used to this with time!" the unexpected voice stroke Nadia who was quietly crying, she fluttered while hoisted her head to catch a glimpse of who it was.

Nadia cold glance joins that of the young girl seated next to her "Hello! I'm Madine!" the white chubby girl nervously waved at her continually with a sweeping smile.

"Nice to meet you Madine! but leave me alone!" she flinched covering back her head on the locker.

"Okay!" Madine dragged her words in awe, she was just trying to sympathise "Sorry! but!" Madine attempted another speech but Nadia instantly raised her head yelling back at her.

"I said you should leave me alone!" she transferred her aggression to the poor Madine.

"Sorry! just calm down!. Your arm is on my book!" Nadia hoisted her arm and Madine managed to pull out her book that was clamped under Nadia's arms.

Then Madine seat quietly in expectancy While Nadia recklessly plunged back her head on the locker hoping to finally resume her whimpering in a truce.

Madine stood quiet for some minutes "Seriously! You won't excuse yourself for wrongly shouting at me!" Madine couldn't shock it so she poured it at her face.

"OMG! Saint Maria help me!" Nadia cried "Are you blind? Can't you see that I'm not in the mood for any discussion?" Nadia got nasty as never before. After such humiliation, she expected Madine or anyone else to acknowledge her sufferings by allowing her to mourn in peace.

"Wow!" Madine furiously leaned back on her chair flabbergasted, without uttering a word. Yet, telling herself that Nadia actually merits what happened to her "She got the nerves!" she wonders deep down.

Nadia's head was still down on the locker, wishing she could fly back to the orphanage or even to the streets.

Then the teacher hastily got entered the classroom "Everyone seat down! Please silence!" the student hesitated.

Nadia puffed in relief when the teacher entered the class, she believed that this was going to take their focus off her, at least as long as the class was going to last.

"I said silence in this class!" the teacher yelled at the top of his voice this time and the entire class stood quiet.

Mr Hong despised all, he hated teaching in that school, he hated the students, the staffs and every other thing concerning the school.

"Welcome to the Science and Technology class! for those who are new meet your classmates to check how far we have gone because I will be fast today!" he began his class.

"You're always fast!" the class murmured.

Nadia was damn lost all through his class since she had not attained any school before, all she knew and was ever taught were the basic reading and writing skills that were taught to her in the orphanage. At least with that, she could understand the language he was speaking and nothing else.