Chapter 4.1 – Resurrection of the human skin

Lou Qingwu carved the final brush and the human bone flower in her hands was finally completed. The white mandala flower was superbly well crafted, with vivid lifelike veins as if it was made by the G.o.ds.

She tilted her head and looked the third completed piece in her hands. Her bright eyes shone and thought, there was only one step left.

"Ah, Yi." Lou Qingwu turned her head around and expectantly blinked her eyes. The youth who had been standing quietly nodded his head and turned around. With a limp, he turned around to the other corner of the room and offered up a white glazed porcelain bowl with his hands. Inside of the bowl was fresh blood and as a result of excellent preservation, looked extremely fresh despite being away from a human body for a day and a night. The youth handed the bowl over but found that Lou Qingwu hadn't taken it. He lifted his head and his clean face showed confusion, "Master?"

Lou Qingwu silently took back her gaze and received the porcelain. Her fingers ma.s.saged the edge of the bowl.

She was extremely focused right now.

She sighed and laughed with her eyes narrowed, but the bottom of her eyes were still icy cold. If she had only gotten there faster, would Yi still be able to walk like a normal person? It's a pity but hypotheticals are only hypotheticals. Instead, those people were still living peacefully, but the innocent were still suffering endlessly.

But, after waiting for so long … it's about to start.

(crashing sound)

The bright red blood flooded the room with the coppery smell of blood as it sprayed on the human bone flower.

The white mandala flower looked alive as it greedily sucked up the bright red fluid, up until the flower blossomed freshly as … a b.l.o.o.d.y mandala flower.

Only when the death flower is irrigated with blood is when it can blossom for the longest, no?

She loosened her hands and the porcelain bowl fell to the floor. It cracked and split into four pieces. The moonlight from outside shone in. She wore white from head to toe and was spotless, except for the b.l.o.o.d.y mandala flower in her hands that seemed to be soaking up all the darkness. "Yi, are you scared?"

"…. I'm not scared." When comparing these dead things to the horror and greed of humans, what is there to be scared about?

As Liyang town entered the night, everything grew silent. The moonlight shone on top of the building, making the human skin art that no one dared to touch, even more horrific and terrifying. Lou Qingwu sat on a wall far away, narrowed her eyes as she looked at the human skin art that she was so proud of. At this time, she was both languid and happy.

Lou Qingwu dangled her legs and in her white outfit, looked as if she was a fairy who had come down to Earth. It was a startling contrast to the b.l.o.o.d.y mandala flower next to her.

"Dong! — Dong! Dong! The air is dry, be careful when using candles!"

The 11pm-1am night watch sounded loudly and Lou Qingwu's eyes grew even more bright and dazzling.

The city guard wrapped his arm around himself, seemingly having been shocked by the sounds. Once the sounds disappeared, it felt more cold as if there was a cold draft going up his spine, just as if …

Hiss! He shuddered.

Don't scare yourself!

Suddenly, there was a slight rustling above his head, '(crashing sound)". It was as if something was flipping and flying ahead, and when he thought about the human skin above his head, the city guard swallowed nervously. But the sound grew even louder and he couldn't help but pat his chest to summon up the courage to go right below the building. Then, he very quickly lifted up his head to check and when he saw the human skin was still hanging there just fine, he let out a sigh of relief.

Going back to his original spot, the city guard closed his eyes to rest a bit.

But suddenly, he heard the sound of footsteps coming his way. He furrowed his brow, who would want to leave the city at this time?

He opened his eyes and actually did see someone. Contrary to his expectations however, the person wasn't walking towards him but leaving.

When did they get here?

He stood up straight and called out, "Hey, who are you?"

The person didn't seem to hear him and continued to walk straight ahead. He was wearing a silk robe and held a fan, as if he was a scholar.