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The second turning point in Thanos's life was the betrayal of love. During his travels in the universe, he met the goddess of death. She was a beautiful and dangerous woman, but he was fascinated by Thanos and even willing to do it for her. To give everything.

However, the effort did not get the reward he deserved. The goddess of death later betrayed him and chose a man who was more handsome and powerful than him. This caused the young Thanos to suffer a huge blow and changed his temperament again. , He became more extreme.

In order to make himself extremely powerful, he began to do whatever he could, and later founded the Dark Order, continuing his ambitions.

Gradually, Thanos became the one who brought countless civil wars and destructions, became a slayer who trampled countless lives, became a demon in the mouths of others, became a nightmare for countless civilizations, and unconsciously, became The kind of people he hated the most.

But for the sake of his irresistible "dream", he can no longer stop, and he is also paralyzing himself and telling himself and the people around him that everything is for a better tomorrow, and all deaths are for creating a new universe. order.

In order to completely end all wars, in order to build a truly no war, no bullying, no discrimination and deception, and no death.

He is to be the creator of a new order, a new creator, reshape order, reshape the universe, and create a so-called "peaceful" world.

Because in his opinion, driven by the existing cosmic order and the dark side of human nature, wars can never be avoided, the weak and the strong will always exist, betrayal and deception are staged every day, and the killing and destruction will never stop.

He stubbornly believes that he is the savior of the universe, the God who saves all of this, and he shoulders a heavy responsibility.

Therefore, the constant search and collection of infinite gems and the control of its power have become Thanos' lifelong wish. He traveled through countless civilizations, looking for legends about infinite gems, and confirmed his plan.

He is also more certain that when he truly controls all the infinite gems and integrates their power, he will become the true creator, and he can shape a new cosmic order, re-enact rules, and create a true absence of deception, lies, and betrayal. The ideal world of, killing and war.

There were two episodes in the movie that were so embarrassing and moving.

One of the episodes is a story that connects Kamora's memories in "Guardians of the Galaxy". When Thanos invaded Kamora's planet and slaughtered her race, he saw Kamora as a little **** the battlefield.

He seemed to see what he used to be from Kamora, the little boy who was helpless in the face of war, and the little boy who didn't know what death meant.

So he walked to Kamora, gave her a knife, and also covered her eyes to prevent her from witnessing the brutal killing of all the people of Kamora by his army.

And the second paragraph is about Nebula. When Thanos destroyed Nebula's hometown, he saw the ugly, and even congenital disabled baby.

She lay in the ruined bed, not knowing that her parents had died next to her, nor did she know that her home was no longer, the country was destroyed, and she herself would fall into the claws.

When Thanos walked to the side of Nebula, the baby Nebula looked at Thanos, his eyes were extremely clear and innocent, just like countless newborn babies, his eyes seemed to be a clear spring that was not stained with dust and was not polluted.

When Thanos held her in his palm, her little face showed an innocent smile. The smile was incomparably innocent and moving, as if it could melt everything in the world, even Thanos, who was already hard-hearted, couldn't help it. Smiled.

Thanos looked at the girl's disabled body and unsightly features, and couldn't help but sigh. She still doesn't understand what discrimination is, what is ridicule, the gloom of human nature, the cruelty of personnel, and people. The so-called rules and judgment standards established in the world.

He can even foresee that as she grows up, she will suffer discrimination from her peers, the strange look and language of others, be criticized, pointed out, trampled by the so-called rules and standards, and this Countless suffering and desperate lives brought about by disability.

At that time, her smile would disappear, and she would even be living in grief, as if she was in jail and she couldn't break free no matter how hard she struggled.

This is the cruelty of fate to her, and it is also the sadness caused by this **** order and rules.

At the end of the movie, Thanos descended on the planet of the goddess of death and her husband, and on the day of their wedding, he personally destroyed that planet. Since then, he has gone further and further on the wrong path, and It is destined to embark on an extraordinary road to be the enemy of the entire universe.

After the movie "Thos" was released, the number of global broadcasts exceeded one billion in just one hour, and it also caused a lot of response on the Internet. Countless fans of "Avengers" and "Guardians of the Galaxy" watched it. After the movie, I sighed and sighed, and I couldn't calm down for a long time.

They saw that Zhengfeng Huyu really portrayed an excellent villain, a person who can really take on the role of the current No. 1 BOSS, and can really catch all the extraordinary people who made the initial preparations.

Through the movie, they also have a new, comprehensive and three-dimensional understanding of the hero Thanos, but they also have a complex emotion of sympathy and sadness for this villain!

It even makes people feel that everyone is born as a simple, cute, innocent baby. They don't know the cruelty of the world, the ugliness of human nature, the hardships and sufferings they will experience in the future, and they don't know their future. What kind of person you will become.

So no matter the beauty or ugliness of their birth, no matter whether they are rich or poor, their faces are always filled with pure smiles, full of beautiful vision for the future, and full of love for life.

Just like when Thanos first saw the nebula in his infancy, he saw the little girl Kamora.

He adopted these two girls, perhaps because he remembered his best and most missed time.

When he was a child, Thanos did not think that one day he would become a super villain and an enemy of the entire universe.

"I went, for the first time I was shocked by a movie depicting villains!"

"Yeah, I actually liked a villain for the first time. This Thanos is worthy of our expectations!"

"Similarly, I find that I can't hate a villain. I can only say that he is a sad paranoia!"

"This is the real villain, a guy whose experience is worthy of identity and ability worthy of ambition!"

"I have to say that Thanos is portrayed as flesh and blood in the movie. It is no longer the simple villain that we often see. It is bad for no reason, and even only the dark side. It seems to be bad and bad, in order to set off the protagonist Wei Guangzheng. And the designed tool man."

"Yes, Thanos is like a real person. He is like everyone else. He grew up from a baby and used to be a simple and kind-hearted child. It's just special experience, personality and other factors that made him like this. A person. After watching the movie, I feel that Thanos' motive is actually very reasonable. He hopes to reshape the order of the universe. It seems crazy, but reasonable and reasonable. It is also shocking. In fact, when you think about it, his tragic childhood is endless. How can a person who grew up in the flames of war be a simple person.

The betrayal of love, and the unchangeable character defects and appearance defects, these helplessness and sorrows seem to reflect the true portrayal of many people's lives.

It's just that most people choose to compromise and choose to accept rather than resist.

Thanos is the one who fights against fate. Although his approach is indeed extreme, he is actually the dark side of many people. "

"From a film point of view, this is already a very good movie, and from the perspective of characterization, the role of Thanos is equally impressive.

The movie is full of thought-provoking details. Think about the children who live in war-torn countries in reality. What is wrong with them, but they have to suffer the baptism of war and see their relatives being massacred. If it is anyone who wants to end the war, even if this method is extreme! "

"Well, this movie is full of heavy feelings, and Thanos' changes are also reasonable. He is not a natural bad person, but fate and cruel reality have turned him into a bad person. From another perspective, he is even better than some A polite politician must be noble and pure. What he wants to change is not only his own destiny and life, but also hopes to completely eliminate the ugliness of human nature and the rules of the weak and the strong. He wants to break the rules and break the rules. Then stand, this is naturally an enemy to the entire universe!"

"This is the real hero. One person is an enemy of the whole world. What a bravery is this. I admit that I have become a Thanos fan!"

"Zhengfeng Mutual Entertainment really portrays a real villain, and now I am looking forward to the launch of Infinite Warfare. Such a villain really deserves the status of the ultimate boss."

After the release of Thanos, the word-of-mouth has risen all the way, even surpassing other movies in the "Avengers" series, and the good word-of-mouth has brought more people's attention, and it has made this movie popular.

Many professional film critics and film directors also gave this film a high evaluation and affirmation.

The character Thanos Thanos has undoubtedly become popular and has resurrected a large number of fans. The popularity is not weaker than other superheroes in the Marvel series. And Thanos' fans are obviously adults, especially Sanos. Those over ten years old account for the main population.

Because these people can understand Thanos better and understand the stories expressed in the movie better.

With the popularity of Thanos, Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment and Infinite Time and Space jointly announced that "Avengers: Infinite War" will be officially launched in ten days.

This time, the main storyline of the cooperation between Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment and Infinite Space-Infinite War, seeks new breakthroughs in technology and gameplay, and truly highlights the word Infinity.

This also means that the new plot has a truly "infinite" plot and an "infinite" ending.

Infinite time and space also announced that the entire game will be updated when the new plot is updated.

In addition to updating the new main story, missions, and corresponding copies, the new version will also fix some previous problems and update some brand new game modes in the Free Star Domain.

According to the official notice, these new gameplay modes actually borrow a lot of gameplay from Zhengfeng Interactive Entertainment and even incorporate the current hottest chicken gameplay.

Although the gameplay is similar, it cannot be regarded as an e-sports game due to differences in various equipment and props between players.

Speaking of the Free Star Territory, the world's top players in the current infinite time and space are fighting in this new map. It's not fierce. Different races and different countries are on the same map. It seems that they are trying to grab the resources of the territory. Because in reality, the honor of each country and race, and even some international conflicts and historical issues, are fighting each other.

Even some of the originally ordinary competitions have been magnified to the honor of the nation and the country. Therefore, there may be a small friction between players from different countries, and it will eventually evolve into a battle between the top players of the two countries.

At the most amazing time, a war may last for several months, and the game props consumed by the war amount to billions of dollars. Of course, this is also the original intention of Infinite Time and Space to design the free star field.

Many of the rules of the game play deliberately to amplify the contradictions between players, stimulate competition between players, let those top big guys compete on the same stage, and burn resources for the so-called honor is actually the pride of the heart. Go to war and compete.

At present, the power pattern in the Free Star Region is actually completely different from the real world. The Huaxia camp composed of Chinese players is definitely the top lineup in the Free Star Domain, followed by the player camps in Europe and the United States.

Moreover, in the Free Star Territory, there is only one faction for Chinese players. Unlike European and American players, even players from the same country have to create multiple factions. There are occasional conflicts and conflicts between each other. You can fight to death, and even The white camp and the colored camp are at war with each other.

However, China's players are extremely united, and when most wars break out, the participation rate of these players can reach an astonishing 70% or more.

This also made the Huaxia camp almost invincible, and the consumption and loss of each battle was the least, and it also occupied most of the planets and resources in the Free Star Territory.

In fact, if it were not because the Huaxia camp was too strong, the fighting and conflicts between the various small camps in Europe and the United States would have become more intense. It is precisely because of the threats brought by the Huaxia camp that they have to cooperate with each other. Most of the time Keep consistent inside and outside.

However, the strength of the Huaxia camp, which is twisted into a rope from the bottom of my heart, is not comparable to the camps in Europe and America whose interests are forcibly connected.

"Unlimited plot, unlimited ending, I'm going, this one is awesome!"

"What an infinite ending? Are there countless kinds of endings?"

"I'm afraid it's a false exaggeration. How can there be an infinite plot and an infinite ending!"

"Didn't you see that the word "infinity" is put in double quotation marks? It should mean that there is no ending. If you guess it right, it will enter a looping plot!"

"Isn't the double quotation mark to highlight the meaning of these two words?"

"Your focus is so strange, in short, as long as the new plot is interesting and fun, no matter how much it is, the official publicity is just to attract attention, so what are you serious about?"

"Yes, it seems that the movie "Thanksgiving" is now looking forward to the plot of Infinity War!

"Looking forward to the new plot, do you think there is an ending in this infinite ending? Thanos really realized his ambitions and rebuilt the universe!"

"It's possible, if there are really infinite endings, that would be really fun!"

"Everything is waiting for the new plot to come online. It doesn't make sense to say anything now. Anyway, I believe in the quality of Zhengfeng Mutual Entertainment, which will definitely not let us down!"
