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At the beginning of the second game, FTD came up with a strong attitude, and the four middle and wild assistants directly grouped and invaded the opponent's wild area to catch people, and then when the opponent came to support and rushed over, they still strongly killed the opponent's jungler. Win the blood, but also want to take advantage of the opponent's blue BUFF.

The AKA mid laner also rushed to support him. He didn't want to let go of the blue BUFF and started a fight with the FTD Nakano. But after all, the blue BUFF was punished by the FTD because of the four-on-three situation.

FTD didn't mean to retreat at all. It wanted to fight AKA forcibly. AKA jungler resurrected and flew directly to participate in the battle, but after a wave of operations, FTD retreated quickly.

AKA didn't dare to chase it deeply. After all, the last one had a big loss, so they could only choose conservative play and consider the long-term plan.

However, in the first ten minutes of the FTD round, they were completely different from the previous round. Each one of them behaved like a wolf and a tiger. They were very ferocious. The jungler cooperated with the middle and top lanes, and frequently put pressure on them. Several times they almost came close. The heroes in the upper and middle lanes of AKA jumped the tower and killed them.

"I'm going, this FTD is so fierce!"

"Haha, this is our LPL team, we need this momentum to scare them to death!"

"AKA is a little messy. Don't be a group of schizophrenic opponents. The last one was extremely timid and timid. This one came up in groups and arrested people. It was a bit **** to want to kill people frequently!"

"However, FTD's usual style of play is not so fierce. It is estimated that this time I will play acting and psychological games with AKA again!"

"Obviously AKA is a little confused!"

On the line, the FTD list is actually not dominant. The opponents suppressed him in the early stage, but the middle and lower lanes have played an advantage, especially in the jungle, the economy is far ahead, and the frequency band rhythm.

Soon, the FTD jungler hid behind the first tower of AKA, and the mid laner also flew directly over, and in conjunction with the top laner, directly shot the top laner who had just moved from home to the bottom of the tower, and directly shot to death under the tower.

After that, the jungler, knowing that the opponent's grass has an eye position, still pretended to cooperate with the bottom road, and prepared to cross the tower to kill the opponent's hero, but failed to catch it.

Turned around and turned his eye position, and then TP directly to his first very tricky eye position in the AKA jungle. Then, when AKA was unprepared, he suddenly came out from the back and cooperated with FTD to place the order again. Completed a beautiful force under the tower.

The development of FTD's lagging laners has all recovered, and it has passed the strong period of AKA's laning.

AKA was really a bit daunted when it came to the list. This guy was obviously still on the road, why suddenly he ran behind him, and finally they thought about the eye position, and a search finally reversed the tricky eye position of FTD.

About eight minutes later, FTD took the opportunity of AKA to get off the road and went home to get the first dragon soul. The three of AKA Umakano saw FTD to fight the dragons and prepared to give up the dragons to take the vanguard. However, the five FTDs suddenly came together and harassed.

AKA felt that FTD was just coming to harass, choosing a tactical retreat, and the bottom lane and support also flew over to prepare for a team battle.

As a result, I didn't expect FTD to play the vanguard directly, and it was very fast.

Seeing that the vanguard is going to be gone, AKA is too late to go to the next road to change the dragon, and can only force a group to grab the vanguard.

But the unprepared group is naturally not as good as the FTD side. When they came, they were fighting with AKA. Playing the vanguard is a matter of cues. They didn't want to really grab the vanguard.

Seeing that the other party chooses to start a team, they directly choose to give up playing the vanguard and transfer the firepower to take the team directly. The purpose of AKA's team is to grab the vanguard, so they didn't spend all their attention on the team battle.

The FTD is here to fight with you. The main goal is to kill, so they are more targeted and purposeful. This team fight will naturally perform better.

AKA was originally to grab the Canyon Vanguard. Now that the teamfight is not dominant, it naturally wants to grab the Canyon Vanguard to compensate for the loss. As a result, they did not retreat when they were supposed to pull back.

Although they won the vanguard in the end, they were directly affected by the opponent's second ring and third ring. The other two remnants quickly retreated to the upper road. There is no FTD hero on that side, and they can escape.

As a result, I didn't expect to be on the FTD in the river channel before. It seemed that they had predicted that they would run there. They actually TP directly to the upper lane line, directly outflanked from there, and then completed the double kill.

FTD swapped two for five, directly hit AKA with a group kill, then took the opportunity to take down the dragon, and pushed the opponent down a tower.

Although AKA got the Canyon Pioneer, they lost money to my grandmother's house. The economy was also greatly reduced by the FTD. The main momentum was that they lost, and the mentality was also tortured by the FTD.

These guys are too fierce, and a canyon pioneer group is also so fierce, I don't know if it is the big dragon group.

And wasn't the top laner just now on the river? Why did he suddenly appear on the top lane where they escaped?

"I'm going, the team fight that FTD just had was so handsome!"

"AKA is a little confused. This group of opponents don't play their cards according to their routines. They start a group when they shouldn't start a group, and when they shouldn't be desperate, you can also use TP as a flash when you start a group!"

"Haha, everyone exchanged resources, FTD is too unkind, hahaha!"

"AKA's victory is locked. The jungler is too fat now. The economy is far ahead!"

"FTD has played really well. These guys have eaten the opponent's psychology thoroughly. They used to harass each other to fight for the vanguard. It seems that they are bound to grab the vanguard, but they are actually going to start a group to kill. On the contrary, AKA didn't want to lose the Pioneer, and forcibly opened the group. Once the group started, they worried that the Pioneer would be robbed. They were distracted to grab the Pioneer. Let go of the Canyon Vanguard."

"Yes, it seems that the release of Canyon Vanguard is better than it is now. This group of destroyers also lost the tower's blood loss!"

"But no one expected to be able to fight a group fight, I can only say that the FTD group battle is too powerful!"

In the next ten minutes, AKA was even more uncomfortable. All FTD members took the rhythm and grabbed people on the map, which completely disrupted the rhythm of AKA. Although AKA has tried its best to reverse the situation, it still cannot turn things around.

In the subsequent team battle between the little dragon and the big dragon, AKA also found that it could not be beaten at all, and was beaten by the opponent one after another. The situation has gone further and further in their unfavorable direction, and the mentality is really completely destroyed by the FTD. Now, defeat is already doomed.

In the end, FTD successfully destroyed AKA's crystal in about thirty-two minutes and won the second game.

With two consecutive victories, FTD has already won the match point and half of its foot has entered the championship.

And their performance in the two rounds is really very eye-catching. The whole game seems to have been played alive by them. The five young people's performance is calm, cunning and fierce, which really suppressed AKA to death.

"The FTD round is really impressive!"

"Sure enough, it's my LPL team, it's all done!"

"Three to zero, win the championship! FTD Come on!"

"FTD is too strong, I feel that even if SKY meets them today, it may not be easy to win!"

"FTD played very cleverly. This is their advantage. They are always able to maximize their advantages. The win in this round is equally beautiful!"

Countless netizens on the Internet were excited to comment, and they did not hesitate to praise, and the game just now created a global total of 2 billion, with a maximum of 1.6 billion online at the same time.

The wonderful performance of FTD has also completely conquered many people, and countless netizens have also successfully turned their fans into fans and instantly become fans of FTD.

Compared with the carnival of countless netizens in China, the hearts of North American netizens have sunk to the bottom, and they are all depressed. They really can't understand how their strongest team in the competition will lose to the second-seeded team in China.

What's more, I don't understand why the people on the other side are so strong, cooperate so well, always win by surprise, and always attack when they are unexpected.

The group of people are cunning like foxes, but the tacit understanding in team battles is like a pack of wolves. It is really a group of guys that make people very jealous.

"What should AKA do? If you don't make adjustments as soon as possible, I am afraid I will really lose!"

"They should already know the opponent's routine, and they should be able to win the next round!"

"Believe AKA, they are a world-class team, they won't lose the game so easily, and FTD's tricks will not always work!"

"Come on, AKA!" Netizens in North America, Europe, Australia, and even the Kimchi country are all cheering for AKA on the Internet. Although they know that miracles are hard to happen, they have fluke in their hearts.

It is difficult but not impossible to make two chase three.

In the lounge, with the help of coaches and agents, the five AKA players regained their confidence, adjusted their mentality, and re-developed their tactics. They admitted that their opponents were very strong, although they were not as strong as SKY Luo Xiaohao in their personal abilities. Such a terrifying opponent, but the overall strength of these five people is far superior to SKY.

Even in the face of SKY, they are not as embarrassed as they are now.

At the beginning of the third game, AKA took advantage of the lineup and went up to invade the FTD field in a group, preparing to get one blood in a team battle in the field.

However, FTD had some speculations, and made a vision early in the morning. After seeing AKA's action, it directly chose to invade the opponent's jungle and exchange the jungle.

In this round, AKA's lineup was obviously stronger than FTD in the early stage. AKA frequently looked for rhythm to fight, but they showed their self-confident and winning belief, and also played some momentum.

Countless fans and supporters are excited and look forward to the game.

In about three minutes, AKA took the lead and the jungler came to the bot lane and successfully helped his side win a blood. However, the FTD jungler also came in time and took the AKA-assisted head easily. The two sides scored 1 for 1.

Afterwards, the FTD assisted the mid lane and cooperated with the mid laner to complete the kill again, and the AKA trio came to support, counter-killed the FTD assist, and took the first canyon pioneer.

In eight minutes, the AKA group of four caught the FTD jungler and took another head, and then successfully won the first dragon.

In the next few minutes, AKA took the initiative to find a rhythm to catch people, and the two sides also broke out many team battles, but with the excellent cooperation and pull, and timely support, AKA hardly made AKA take advantage.

There is only one head difference between the two sides. Economically, AKA is slightly ahead, and time has come to the strong period of FTD.

FTD quickly began to find a rhythm. In the second canyon pioneer competition, FTD once again played an excellent team battle, directly killing the AKA three people, and took advantage of the trend to take the second pioneer and the second dragon.

The FTD advantage is leading, and the army line brings tremendous pressure to AKA. AKA chooses to avoid its edge, and even chooses to let go of the first big dragon.

However, due to the strong AKA teamfighting ability on the lineup, coupled with the advantage of the hand captain, FTD has been successfully beaten down several times with strong advances.

And the heroes of AKA are basically the types that have no upper limit to grow up, so delaying in the past is beneficial to them, and they also hope that they can delay, so that the latter period is their strong period.

As the equipment gradually took shape, AKA ushered in its own strong period, ready to compete with FTD for the key dragon soul, they took the initiative to attack in groups, very decisive.

FTD also prepared for this team battle early in the morning. They are also waiting for the team battle near AKA Longkeng to create opportunities. After all, AKA is the captain, it is difficult for them to lead the line.

Only in the wild team battles can give you an absolute advantage. It is best to kill the opponent's captain hero and take advantage of the opportunity to get higher before you can give the opponent the most deadly blow, or even a direct wave.

However, the opponent's hand captain's advantage in this team battle was reflected. The jungle position of FTD's entry was directly killed, and the situation instantly became four-on-five. However, with its excellent pull and cooperation, FTD forced the opponent out of the double. C flashed, knocked out a lot of the opponent's state, and successfully retreated.

AKA saw the FTD four people walking towards the big dragon through his eyes, guessing that he should go to exchange for the big dragon, so he was relieved and boldly beat the dragon and took it as quickly as possible.

But they did not expect that the FTD four who should have crossed the middle and went to the river channel suddenly came back from all directions. The AKA double C station was very close, and the FTD top lane directly flashed a big move to enter the game, one control four, The other three also entered the arena, AKA double C did not flash, and was taken away by the FTD single set of skills.

In an instant, the commentary boiled, the audience boiled, and countless people watching the live broadcast also boiled. The FTD four had clearly gone to Dalong's place, but suddenly they reappeared near Longkeng on Xia Lu.

Moreover, he was surprised to win and attacked his inadequacy. In the case of four-on-five, he directly controlled four and killed the opponent's double C. At this moment, it was absolutely a famous scene.

When the double C fell, the remaining three of AKA won the dragon soul, but they had no output at all and could only escape, but they could still escape.

The resurrected jungler of FTD flew directly to the vicinity of the opponent's high tower through the line of troops just now, blocking the retreat of the last AKA at their door.

In the end, the FTD five people completed a beautiful group annihilation.

Then, taking advantage of the opponent's group destruction, he directly led the troops high, took the opponent away in a wave, and successfully won the third game.


The entire Bird's Nest Stadium was completely boiling. All the Chinese audiences were cheering, and the on-site commentators were also excitedly shouting: "They created miracles and created history. They are the first champion team of the League of Legends global finals. Their names will be recorded in the history of the S game. They are the FTD team. Let us remember this name. Let us congratulate these teenagers!"

The five members of the FTD in the battle room hugged each other, weeping with joy, cheering and shouting to release their inner pressure.

If they are not under pressure, it is impossible. They are also on the stage of the World Series for the first time and confront strange opponents. They are also burdened with the expectations of countless fans and Chinese netizens, and they are under tremendous psychological pressure.

But now they finally lived up to expectations, finally proved themselves, and finally realized their dreams.

On the big screen at the scene, there are their figures, and all the live shots are also their faces. At this moment, they are the focus of the world.

Although the five members of the AKA team had unwillingness on their faces, their expressions also had a kind of relief. Although they failed to win the championship, they were convinced that they lost, and the pressure in their hearts was completely released. The feeling of relief dilutes the grief and regret of failure.

They are still young and have a chance to fight again next year.

And this year's honors and highlights are destined to belong to a better FTD than them.
