
The victim stared as the very people who were antagonizing him, were now fleeing with their tails between their legs.

"You ok?" Raika asked, putting her hand on his shoulder.

He stood paralysed for a second, then realised he was being spoken to. "Ah! Yeah," the boy squeaked, still struggling to grasp what had happened. "Th-thank you."

"Just stay outta trouble from now on," she advised, stepping past him after removing her hand from his shoulder.

As she passed him, he gazed at her in awe. He was put into a trance and couldn't help but admire her display of strength. Once he snapped out of it, he blushed in embarrassment and gravitated to an empty table.

Once Raika walked over, she sat down next to Ray, with her legs crossed and arms behind her back. both Jason and Ray stared at her, unsure of where to start.

Breaking the ice, Jason decided to open his mouth. "Looks like the hero has decided to grace us with her presence," he taunted, "did you make a new friend along the way"

Raika looked resolutely at him. "Yeah, I did actually," she said, playing along with his mockery.

"hmmm," he hummed, "do you even know his name, we probably won't ever see him ever again you know."

Jason often engaged in a friendly rivalry with Raika, even though she was much stronger than him, he was never scared to get confrontational.

Things were getting a little heated, so Ray decided to interject, "even so, you still have to admit that it was pretty cool, man."

He glared at Ray for a moment, then redirected his gaze. "Well, I can't deny that," he sighed.

There was a small pause. Raika looked away as well, maybe out of embarrassment or disinterest. As they all sat their in silence for a bit.

Ray thought to himself, 'Awkward!' Shouting in his head, thinking about his next words, he then tried to reignite conversation: "By the way Raika, aren't you going to get a tray," he asked.

She looked back to answer the question, "Nah, I already ate," she responded.

"Eating in secret, are you? Did you get a boyfriend or something," Jason remarked, sneering at the thought.

"What was that?" Raika leaned forwards, raising her arm, showing off her muscle, "want me to launch you into the sun," she joked.

"Ha, you may be strong, but you're not that strong," he responded, smirking, Crossing his arms.

Ray glanced at the two of them, and unexpectedly, burst out in laughter. Both Raika and Jason, bewildered by his reaction, sat back straight in their seats, smiling at Ray's apparent amusement.

Ray always found their rivalry to be comical and often had to hold in his laughter when it came to the nonsensical things that the two of them said. "You guys are too much," he chuckled, wiping his tears from his eyes.

Once Ray finished laughing hysterically. Raika moved back to their previous topic, answering Jason's unreasonable question.

"Anyways, I didn't get a boyfriend, some of the guys in Dragon wanted me to have lunch with them"

The duo glanced at each other as they processed what she said.

"Also, there's a rule against members getting boyfriends, so what you said was dumb," she added immaturely.

"Hmmm, Why's that?" Jason inquired.

"Dragon is a girl gang, right?" Ray asked rhetorically, "so It sort of makes sense, I think"

"Rumours say, that the rule's in place cause our boss is single," she joked.

'Is that really something you should be saying out loud,' Ray thought.

Suddenly, a boy's shouting interrupted their conversation from across the canteen. "Hey, watch where you're going!" he screamed.

'Not again,' Ray thought as he was getting tired from having to turn around.

He spun 180° for the hundredth time, but to his surprise, what he saw was not what he expected.

The voice came from a boy on the floor, "what the hell man," he said getting up and brushing off his clothes, "don't you have eyes numbsku--"

After he looked up however, he got back to his feet with a confused look and then moved to the side without saying another word. Understandable, as what he saw could only be described as a bizarre sight to see in a high school.

Several figures in long black robes and hoods lined up, parading silently through the canteen. Both Ray and Jason gawked at the line of shadows with puzzled expressions, whereas Raika glared with alertness and vigilance.

Eventually, they started to leave, and the guy that was knocked over, scratched his head, eyeing them as they abandoned the area. "What kind of Harry Potter BS is this," he ridiculed.